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Today in Energy

September 2016

September 30, 2016

Pipeline disruption leads to record gasoline stock changes in Southeast, Gulf Coast

September 28, 2016

China expected to account for more than half of world growth in nuclear power through 2040

September 27, 2016

Recent increases in global nuclear capacity led by Asia

September 26, 2016

Weekly Energy Snapshots provides a weekly recap of EIA data visualizations

September 23, 2016

Hydrocarbon production in the Utica play increasingly targets natural gas-rich areas

September 22, 2016

First shipment of ethane from U.S. Gulf Coast arrives in Europe

September 21, 2016

Pipeline shutdown disrupts gasoline supply in the Southeast

September 20, 2016

EIA provides daily summary of Southern California energy conditions

September 19, 2016

The United States is both a major importer and exporter of motor gasoline

September 16, 2016

Recent energy intensity decline in government buildings exceeds commercial sector average

September 15, 2016

Electricity customers’ service restored in Tallahassee after Hurricane Hermine

September 14, 2016

EIA now provides estimates of drilled but uncompleted wells in major production regions

September 13, 2016

Five and a half years after Fukushima, 3 of Japan’s 54 nuclear reactors are operating

September 12, 2016

EIA data show average frequency and duration of electric power outages

September 9, 2016

Japan’s electricity prices rising or stable despite recent fuel cost changes

September 8, 2016

Narrowing crude oil price differences contribute to global convergence of refining profits

September 7, 2016

Natural gas generation and electricity imports used to follow load in California

September 6, 2016

California is using more renewables and less natural gas in its summer electricity mix

September 2, 2016

Gasoline prices prior to Labor Day lowest in 12 years

September 1, 2016

U.S. nuclear outages this summer were higher than in summer 2015

October 2016 › ‹ August 2016