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Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme
Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme
Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme
Ebook445 pages3 hours

Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme

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About this ebook

In Bhagwat's heart, Uddhav's song,
A truth symphony, where wisdom belong.
"Detach from the transient, seek the eternal,
In the self, find the universe infernal.
Love all, serve all, see Krishna in all,
In devotion and duty, stand tall.
"See the divine in every being,
In every moment, in every feeling.
In joy and sorrow, in pleasure and pain,
In the sun's warmth, in the cold rain."
Uddhav Gita is a spiritual guide,
Teaching us to let go of our pride.

Release dateJul 20, 2024
Uddhav Gita: In English Rhyme

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    Book preview

    Uddhav Gita - Munindra Misra


    Source: Shrimad-Bhagwat Maha-Puran,

    Book 11.06-29 (Chapters 6 to 29)

    Krishna spoke to Uddhav, His voice so sweet,

    Before His departure, in a moment so fleet.

    Uddhav, perplexed, couldn't comprehend,

    Why Krishna let the Yadava's end.

    Uddhav, a devotee, a friend so dear,

    Couldn't fathom why Krishna didn't interfere.

    Brahma, the creator, and celestials above,

    Implored Krishna to return to His divine love.

    Krishna explained, with a heavy heart,

    Why the Yadavas had to depart.

    "Kept in check by me, like the ocean's shore,

    Without their end, humanity will be no more."

    Uddhav, saddened, approached Krishna's side,

    Begged Him to take him along the ride.

    In reply, Krishna, with wisdom so great,

    Expounded the Uddhav Gita, to illuminate his fate.

    These were instructions, from Krishna to Uddhav,

    A farewell message, like a salve.

    For those who've studied The Bhagwat-Gita with zest,

    This was Krishna's final request.

    6 Yadu Dynasty Retires

    English Rhyme

    My dear King, Uddhav's faith never did swing,

    A follower of Krishna, to His feet he would cling.

    Seeing Yadavas' departure, and omens causing fright,

    He approached the Lord, in the quiet of the night.

    O my Lord, said Uddhav, with a voice so soft,

    "Your glories we chant, and Your name we loft.

    You'll withdraw Your dynasty, it seems so clear,

    Your pastimes will end, that time is near.

    O Lord Kesava, my master dear,

    Your lotus feet, I hold so near.

    I cannot bear to see You go,

    Take me with You, this I implore.

    O dear Krishna, Your pastimes are a treat,

    A melody for the ears, so incredibly sweet.

    Tasting such pastimes, all else does fade,

    In Your divine service, our lives are made.

    Garlands and ornaments, Your remnants we wear,

    Your illusory energy, no longer a snare.

    Naked sages, their minds at peace,

    Attain the Brahman, where struggles cease.

    O greatest of mystics, Your devotees we be,

    Wandering souls, in this vast cosmic sea.

    By hearing Your glories, we cross the worldly night,

    In Your remembrance, we find the light.

    Your amorous pastimes, with the gopis so fair,

    Your bold smile, and Your debonair flair.

    Your pastimes, O Lord, are a bewitching sight,

    Mirroring the mundane, yet filled with divine light.

    Sukadeva Gosvami, to King Pariksit did say,

    Krishna, the son of Devaki, began to convey,

    His words to Uddhav, His servant so true,

    A conversation divine, between the chosen few."

    Sanskrit Text 6

    अथ षष्ठोऽध्यायः।

    श्रीशुकः उवाच।

    अथ ब्रह्मा आत्मजैः देवैः प्रजेशैः आवृतः अभ्यगात्।

    भवः च भूतभव्यैइशः ययौ भूतगणैः वृतः॥१॥

    इन्द्रः मरुद्भिः भगवान् आदित्याः वसवः अश्विनौ।

    ऋभवः अङ्गिरसः रुद्राः विश्वे साध्याः च देवताः॥२॥

    गन्धर्वाप्सरसः नागाः सिद्धचारणगुह्यकाः।

    ऋषयः पितरः च एव सविद्याधरकिन्नराः॥३॥

    द्वारकाम् उपसञ्जग्मुः सर्वे कृष्णआदिदृक्षवः।

    वपुषा येन भगवान् नरलोकमनोरमः।

    यशः वितेने लोकेषु सर्वलोकमलापहम्॥४॥

    तस्यां विभ्राजमानायां समृद्धायां महर्धिभिः।

    व्यचक्षत अवितृप्ताक्षाः कृष्णम् अद्भुतदर्शनम्॥५॥

    स्वर्गौद्यानौअपगैः माल्यैः छादयन्तः यदु उत्तमम्।

    गीर्भिः चित्रपदार्थाभिः तुष्टुवुः जगत् ईश्वरम्॥६॥

    देवाः ऊचुः।

    नताः स्म ते नाथ पदारविन्दं बुद्धीन्द्रियप्राणमनोवचोभिः।

    यत् चिन्त्यते अन्तर्हृदि भावयुक्तैः मुमुक्षुभिः कर्ममय ऊरुपाशात्॥७॥

    त्वं मायया त्रिगुणया आत्मनि दुर्विभाव्यं व्यक्तं सृजसि अवसि लुम्पसि तत् गुणस्थः।

    न एतैः भवान् अजित कर्मभिः अज्यते वै यत् स्वे सुखे अव्यवहिते अभिरतः अनवद्यः॥८॥

    शुद्धिः नृणां न तु तथा ईड्य दुराशयानां विद्याश्रुताध्ययनदानतपक्रियाभिः।

    सत्त्वआत्मनाम् ऋषभ ते यशसि प्रवृद्ध सत् श्रद्धया श्रवणसम्भृतया यथा स्यात्॥९॥

    स्यात् नः तव अङ्घ्रिः अशुभाशयधूमकेतुः क्षेमाय यः मुनिभिः आर्द्रहृदौह्यमानः।

    यः सात्वतैः समविभूतयः आत्मवद्भिः व्यूहे अर्चितः सवनशः स्वः अतिक्रमाय॥१०॥

    यः चिन्त्यते प्रयतपाणिभिः अध्वराग्नौ त्रय्या निरुक्तविधिना ईश हविः गृहीत्वा।

    अध्यात्मयोगः उत योगिभिः आत्ममायां जिज्ञासुभिः परमभागवतैः परीष्टः॥११॥

    पर्युष्टया तव विभो वनमालया इयं संस्पर्धिनी भगवती प्रतिपत्निवत् श्रीः।

    यः सुप्रणीतम् अमुयार्हणम् आदत् अन्नः भूयात् सदा अङ्घ्रिः अशुभआशयधूमकेतुः॥१२॥

    केतुः त्रिविक्रमयुतः त्रिपत् पताकः यः ते भयाभयकरः असुरदेवचम्वोः।

    स्वर्गाय साधुषु खलु एषु इतराय भूमन् पादः पुनातु भगवन् भजताम् अधं नः॥१३॥

    नस्योतगावः इव यस्य वशे भवन्ति ब्रह्मआदयः अनुभृतः मिथुरर्द्यमानाः।

    कालस्य ते प्रकृतिपूरुषयओः परस्य शं नः तनोतु चरणः पुरुषोत्तमस्य॥१४॥

    अस्य असि हेतुः उदयस्थितिसंयमानां अव्यक्तजीवमहताम् अपि कालम् आहुः।

    सः अयं त्रिणाभिः अखिल अपचये प्रवृत्तः कालः गभीररयः उत्तमपूरुषः त्वम्॥१५॥

    त्वत्तः पुमान् समधिगम्य यया स्ववीर्य धत्ते महान्तम् इव गर्भम् अमोघवीर्यः।

    सः अयं तया अनुगतः आत्मनः आण्डकोशं हैमं ससर्ज बहिः आवरणैः उपेतम्॥१६॥

    तत्तस्थुषः च जगतः च भवान् अधीशः यत् मायया उत्थगुणविक्रियया उपनीतान्।

    अर्थान् जुषन् अपि हृषीकपते न लिप्तः ये अन्ये स्वतः परिहृतात् अपि बिभ्यति स्म॥१७॥

    स्माया अवलोकलवदर्शितभावहारि भ्रूमण्डलप्रहितसौरतमन्त्रशौण्डैः।

    पत्न्यः तु षोडशसहस्रम् अनङ्गबाणैः यस्य इन्द्रियं विमथितुं करणैः विभ्व्यः॥१८॥

    विभ्व्यः तव अमृतकथा उदवहाः त्रिलोक्याः पादौ अनेजसरितः शमलानि हन्तुम्।

    आनुश्रवं श्रुतिभिः अङ्घ्रिजम् अङ्गसङ्गैः तीर्थद्वयं शुचिषदस्तः उपस्पृशन्ति॥१९॥

    बादरायणिः उवाच।

    इति अभिष्टूय विबुधैः सेशः शतधृतिः हरिम्।

    अभ्यभाषत गोविन्दं प्रणम्य अम्बरम् आश्रितः॥२०॥

    ब्रह्म उवाच।

    भूमेः भार अवताराय पुरा विज्ञापितः प्रभो।

    त्वम् अस्माभिः अशेषआत्मन् तत् तथा एव उपपादितम्॥२१॥

    धर्मः च स्थापितः सत्सु सत्यसन्धेषु वै त्वया।

    कीर्तिः च दिक्षु विक्षिप्ता सर्वलोकमलआपहा॥२२॥

    अवतीर्य यदोः वंशे बिभ्रत् रूपम् अनुत्तमम्।

    कर्माणि उद्दामवृत्तानि हिताय जगतः अकृथाः॥२३॥

    यानि ते चरितानि ईश मनुष्याः साधवः कलौ।

    शृण्वन्तः कीर्तयन्तः च तरिष्यन्ति अञ्जसा तमः॥२४॥

    यदुवंशे अवतीर्णस्य भवतः पुरुषोत्तम।

    शरत् शतं व्यतीयाय पञ्चविंश अधिकं प्रभोः॥२५॥

    न अधुना ते अखिल आधार देवकार्य अवशेषितम्।

    कुलं च विप्रशापेन नष्टप्रायम् अभूत् इदम्॥२६॥

    ततः स्वधाम परमं विशस्व यदि मन्यसे।

    सलोकान् लोकपालान् नः पाहि वैकुण्ठकिङ्करान्॥२७॥

    श्री भगवान् उवाच।

    अवधारितम् एतत् मे यदात्थ विबुधेश्वर।

    कृतं वः कार्यम् अखिलं भूमेः भारः अवतारितः॥२८॥

    तत् इदं यादवकुलं वीर्यशौर्यश्रियोद्धतम्।

    लोकं जिघृक्षत् रुद्धं मे वेलया इव महार्णवः॥२९॥

    यदि असंहृत्य दृप्तानां यदुनां विपुलं कुलम्।

    गन्तास्मि अनेन लोकः अयम् उद्वेलेन विनङ्क्ष्यति॥३०॥

    इदानीं नाशः आरब्धः कुलस्य द्विजशापतः।

    यास्यामि भवनं ब्रह्मन् न एतत् अन्ते तव आनघ॥३१॥

    श्री शुकः उवाच।

    इति उक्तः लोकनाथेन स्वयम्भूः प्रणिपत्य तम्।

    सह देवगणैः देवः स्वधाम समपद्यत॥३२॥

    अथ तस्यां महोत्पातान् द्वारवत्यां समुत्थितान्।

    विलोक्य भगवान् आह यदुवृद्धान् समागतान्॥३३॥

    श्री भगवान् उवाच।

    एते वै सुमहोत्पाताः व्युत्तिष्ठन्ति इह सर्वतः।

    शापः च नः कुलस्य आसीत् ब्राह्मणेभ्यः दुरत्ययः॥३४॥

    न वस्तव्यम् इह अस्माभिः जिजीविषुभिः आर्यकाः।

    प्रभासं सुमहत् पुण्यं यास्यामः अद्य एव मा चिरम्॥३५॥

    यत्र स्नात्वा दक्षशापात् गृहीतः यक्ष्मणौडुराट्।

    विमुक्तः किल्बिषात् सद्यः भेजे भूयः कलोदयम्॥३६॥

    वयं च तस्मिन् आप्लुत्य तर्पयित्वा पितॄन्सुरान्।

    भोजयित्वा उशिजः विप्रान् नानागुणवता अन्धसा॥३७॥

    तेषु दानानि पात्रेषु श्रद्धया उप्त्वा महान्ति वै।

    वृजिनानि तरिष्यामः दानैः नौभिः इव अर्णवम्॥३८॥

    श्री शुकः उवाच।

    एवं भगवता आदिष्टाः यादवाः कुलनन्दन।

    गन्तुं कृतधियः तीर्थं स्यन्दनान् समयूयुजन्॥३९॥

    तत् निरीक्ष्य उद्धवः राजन् श्रुत्वा भगवता उदितम्।

    दृष्ट्वा अरिष्टानि घोराणि नित्यं कृष्णम् अनुव्रतः॥४०॥

    विविक्तः उपसङ्गम्य जगताम् ईश्वरेश्वरम्।

    प्रणम्य शिरसा पादौ प्राञ्जलिः तम् अभाषत॥४१॥

    उद्धवः उवाच।

    देवदेवेश योगेश पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तन।

    संहृत्य एतत् कुलं नूनं लोकं सन्त्यक्ष्यते भवान्।

    विप्रशापं समर्थः अपि प्रत्यहन् न यदि ईश्वरः॥४२॥

    न अहं तव अङ्घ्रिकमलं क्षणार्धम् अपि केशव।

    त्यक्तुं समुत्सहे नाथ स्वधाम नय माम् अपि॥४३॥

    तव विक्रीडितं कृष्ण नृणां परममङ्गलम्।

    कर्णपीयूषम् आस्वाद्य त्यजति अन्यस्पृहां जनः॥४४॥


    कथं त्वां प्रियम् आत्मानं वयं भक्ताः त्यजेमहि॥४५॥

    त्वया उपभुक्तस्रक्गन्धवासः अलङ्कारचर्चिताः।

    उच्छिष्टभोजिनः दासाः तव मायां जयेमहि॥४६॥

    वाताशनाः यः ऋषयः श्रमणा ऊर्ध्वमन्थिनः।

    ब्रह्मआख्यं धाम ते यान्ति शान्ताः संन्यासिनः अमलाः॥४७॥

    वयं तु इह महायोगिन् भ्रमन्तः कर्मवर्त्मसु।

    त्वत् वार्तया तरिष्यामः तावकैः दुस्तरं तमः॥४८॥

    स्मरन्तः कीर्तयन्तः ते कृतानि गदितानि च।

    गतिउत्स्मितैइक्षणक्ष्वेलि यत् नृलोकविडम्बनम्॥४९॥

    श्री शुकः उवाच।

    एवं विज्ञापितः राजन् भगवान् देवकीसुतः।

    एकान्तिनं प्रियं भृत्यम् उद्धवं समभाषत॥५०॥

    इति श्रीमद्भागवते महापुराणे पारमहंस्यां

    संहितायामेकादशस्कन्धे देवस्तुत्युद्ध्वविज्ञापनं नाम


    7 Lord Krishna Instructs

    English Rhyme

    The Lord said with a voice so heavenly,

    "Fortunate Uddhav, you reveal accurately,

    My desire to withdraw the Yadu dynasty,

    Brahma, Shiv pray for my return, finally.

    On Brahma’s prayers, to the world I came solely,

    As Baladeva, with my portion plenary.

    Performed many deeds, on gods' plea,

    Completed my mission, now I declare freely.

    Due to Brahmins' curse, the Yadu dynasty,

    Will perish in self-fight, a sight unsightly.

    On the seventh day from today, precisely,

    Ocean will rise, inundating Dwarika city.

    Saintly Uddhav, in the near future, practically,

    I will abandon this earth, depart ethereally.

    Then, overwhelmed by age of Kali,

    The earth will be bereft of all piety.

    Dear Uddhav, remain not on earth, surely,

    Once I've abandoned this world, finally.

    In Kali-yuga, people lost in sinful activities,

    So, stay not here, you, my sinless devotee.

    Give up all attachment, fix your mind on me,

    Observe all things with equal vision, be free.

    Wander throughout the earth, spread spirituality,

    In verses, Krishna's words hold the key.

    The material universe, an illusory reality,

    Perceived through senses, a creation of Maya, truly.

    All objects of material senses are temporary,

    One whose consciousness is bewildered, sees disparity.

    Bring all your senses under control, subdue the mind,

    See the world within the self, and the self in the divine.

    Endowed with Vedic knowledge, realize its ultimate kind,

    Perceive the pure self, let your mind be refined.

    At that time, dear to all beings, you'll find,

    Never hampered by any disturbance, peace you'll bind.

    Transcending material good and evil, in kind,

    Acts in accordance, with a childlike mind.

    Well-wisher of all, peaceful and wise,

    Sees the Lord within all, never again dies.

    Sukadeva said, to the King he ties,

    Krishna instructed Uddhav, who to knowledge flies.

    Uddhav said, "Dear Lord, you award yoga's fruit,

    Your influence distributes its root.

    You're the Supreme Atma, there's no dispute,

    Explained sannyasa, for my supreme pursuit.

    For those attached to sense gratification,

    Renunciation is a difficult situation.

    I am foolish, in bodily relation,

    Thinking 'I am this body', an illusion's creation.

    You are the Absolute Truth, the Lord so divine,

    Reveal yourself to devotees, in you they align.

    No one else can explain knowledge so fine,

    Even gods are bewildered, by your illusory line.

    Weary of material life, tormented by distress,

    I surrender unto you, my perfect mistress.

    You are Narayana, free from all mess,

    The true friend of all, in Vaikunt you bless.

    The Supreme Lord replied, with a voice so grand,

    Humans can analyze the world, take a stand.

    Through intelligence, they understand,

    Sometimes act as their own master, command.

    In human form, self-controlled and expert,

    Can see me and my potencies, unhurt.

    Many kinds of bodies, in this world assert,

    But human form is dear, in this concert.

    Though I, the Supreme Lord, can't be captured,

    In human life, I can be pictured.

    Through intelligence, and perception structured,

    Search for me, in symptoms conjectured.

    In this regard, sages cite a narration,

    Between King Yadu and an Avadhuta, a conversation."

    Maharaja Yadu observed a Brahmin Avadhuta, young and learned,

    Wandering fearlessly, for knowledge he yearned.

    Yadu, himself learned, took the opportunity,

    Inquired from him, sought his sagacity.

    Dear Brahmin, Yadu said, with a curious mind,

    "You're not engaged in religious activity, yet wisdom you find.

    How did you acquire this intelligence, so refined?

    Why travel freely, like a child unconfined?

    Humans work hard, religiosity to cultivate,

    Seek fame, long life, and opulence to accumulate.

    But you, capable and learned, in a state,

    Appear stupefied, like a creature of fate.

    People burn in lust and greed's fire,

    You remain free, rise higher and higher.

    Like an elephant in the Ganges, your desire,

    Is not burned by the worldly mire.

    Brahmin, devoid of material enjoyment, you roam,

    Alone, without companions, the earth is your home.

    Tell us the cause of your ecstasy's dome,

    Why within yourself, you blissfully comb?"

    Krishna continued, the tale to unfold,

    Of King Yadu, respectful and bold.

    The Brahmin, pleased, began to hold,

    A discourse of wisdom, ancient and old.

    Dear King, the Brahmin began to narrate,

    "Many spiritual masters, I did contemplate.

    Gained understanding, now in a liberated state,

    I wander the earth, freed from the weight.

    I've taken shelter of twenty-four gurus, a host,

    Earth, air, sky, water, fire, moon, sun, pigeon, and ghost.

    Sea, moth, honeybee, elephant, and honey thief boast,

    Deer, fish, Pingala, kurara bird, and child coast.

    Young girl, arrow maker, serpent, spider, wasp, the rest,

    Studying their activities, I learned the self's quest.

    Listen, son of Yayati, tiger among men, the best,

    I'll explain what I learned, in this spiritual fest.

    A sober person, even when harassed, should see,

    Aggressors act under God's decree.

    Never be distracted, progress steadily,

    This rule from the earth, I learned readily.

    A saintly person, from the mountain should learn,

    To serve others, for their welfare yearn.

    Like the tree, to others he should turn,

    Dedicate himself, let selfishness burn.

    A learned sage, in simple existence should delight,

    Not seek satisfaction in senses' flight.

    Care for the body, keep higher knowledge in sight,

    Don't deviate from self-realization, hold it tight.

    A transcendentalist, though surrounded by material array,

    Should not become entangled, come what may.

    Transcend material good and evil, don't stray,

    Act like the wind, that's the way."

    Although an Atma, in various bodies may dwell,

    Experiencing their qualities, in this world's shell,

    He's never entangled, just as the wind's swell,

    Carries aromas, but does not with them gel.

    A thoughtful sage,

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