Social Innovation at CrowdDoing

Social Innovation at CrowdDoing

Civic and Social Organizations

There is enough under-utilized capacity in the world to unleash social innovation & systemic change so we flourish

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New research has found that specific leverage points can help make systemic change possible. CrowdDoing is building on a rich global dialogue on what systemic change is and what it can become. One definition that resonates here from Recipes for Systemic Change is: “A systemic change is a broad, far-reaching change of the kind that simultaneously affects the structures and practices of society and the everyday life of its citizens.” Ashoka has identified "jujitsu leverage points” that will the replacement of “today's seemingly granite wall of current practice with a vigorously self-multiplying new pattern”. . The field of “systemic social innovation” and the application of these through “transformative collaboration” has begun to be researched at a comparative level by scholars. One set of scholars made “a call to action is issued for social innovation practice, teaching, and research” to support “systemic social innovation”. Service learning to support social innovation is aligned to the thinking of such scholars in their published work. One theme service learning shares with community-based participatory research is the aim to learn about needs and their root causes in collaboration with diverse stakeholders. Community-based participatory research “is one avenue through which sustainable and impactful relationships can be built between academic institutions and … communities. Such endeavors can validate and qualify the specific and systemic needs for a potential solution while expanding academic research agendas” Social innovations are designed with that consideration in mind but consideration of stakeholder interests is a process that can begin with social innovation and over time contribute to systemic change through any decision an institution makes for which the consideration of stakeholder interest with empathy and awareness of the implications of complexity can have positive impact consequences.

Civic and Social Organizations
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