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Automated Drill Design Software

Athulan Vijayaraghavan
March 19, 2006
This section of the report discusses a tool which can create automated 3D CAD drill models based
on geometric as well as manufacturing parameters. This tool is a required component of numerical/FEmodels of FRP drilling. The tool outputs the drill in a variety of solid geometry formats which can then
be meshed and used in different FE analysis packages.


This section of the report discusses the development of an automated drill modeling tool in Solidworks.
The tool uses Solidworks to generate a 3D model of a drill based on manufacturing parameters of the drill
supplied by the user. The need to use manufacturing parameters to model drills will be established. The
applet uses a GUI to accept these parameters from the user and generates the model on-the-fly. The
applet allows the user to save the model in a variety of formats which can be them imported into a meshing
program or into the meshing module of an FEA package for subsequent use in FE-based simulations. The
applet was written using Visual Basic APIs in SolidWorks 2003 and is forward-compatible with SolidWorks
2005. The current version of the applet is restricted to designing two-flute twist drills.
The subsequent section discusses the geometry of conventional two-flute drills and their design and
manufacturing. This is followed by a discussion of the 3D analytical formulation of drill geometry. After
this, an algorithm to model drills using commercial CAD tools is discussed. Finally, an implementation of
this algorithm in Solidworks to create an automatic drill geometry modeling tool is presented.


Design and Manufacturing of Drills

Description of Drill Geometry

The geometry of two-flute twist drills is shown in Figure 1. For more information on the standard description
of features and geometry of drills, the reader is referred to Galloway [1] and the ASM Handbooks [2].

Figure 1: Standard Geometry of Two-Flute Twist Drill [2]


Manufacturing - Two-Flute Drills

The geometric parameters of conventional two-flute twist drills are determined by their manufacturing parameters. Drill manufacturing consists primarily of two grinding steps, namely grinding the flute faces and
grinding the flank faces. The parameters of these grinding operations determines the geometric parameters of
the drill. Parameters such as point angle and web thickness are implicit functions of the drills manufacturing
Let us first take a look at how a two-flute twist drill is manufactured. The starting material is a cylindrical
rod (or bar-stock) that is the of same diameter as required in the drill. During flute grinding (see Figure 2),
the grinding wheel rotates in-place with the drill simultaneously rotating about and moving down its axis.
The dual motion of the drill controls the helix angle of the flute and the position and profile of the grinding
wheel controls the cross-section of the drill flute. In a two-flute drill, this is performed twice at orthogonal
positions to generate both flutes.

Figure 2: Flute Grinding [3]

During flank grinding, the grinding wheel rotates about a fixed axis to form a grinding cone of coneangle (see Figure 3) and the dill rotates in-place. This grinding is also performed twice from symmetric
positions to generate both flank surfaces. These flank surfaces can be considered as sections of the grinding

Figure 3: Flank Grinding [4]

Figure 3 also shows some of the control parameters during flank grinding. The coordinate system of the
grinding cone is rotated angle CCW in the x z plane with respect to the drills coordinate system. The
grinding cones vertex is located a fixed distance d from the tip of the drill, as measured along this rotated
coordinate system. Finally, the vertex is shifted a distance S in the y axis. The figure shows the position of
a grinding cone that will generate the right-flank surface of a drill. A similar grinding cone is symmetrically
positioned to grind the right cone surface.

The next section will discuss how the manufacturing parameters such as grinding wheel cross-section
and axis of rotation determine the geometric parameters of the drill. We will also see that the same design
features can be generated with multiple sets of manufacturing parameters. Before we take a look at an
analytical formulation of the drill geometry, past work in characterizing the drill geometry - based on which
much of the work in this report has been developed - is discussed.

Literature Review

Galloway [1] initiated a formal study of drill geometry in his seminal ASME paper where he discussed
several aspects of the drilling process. Subsequent researchers built on his basic framework and extended his
analytical equations to develop computer-based models. Fujii et al [5, 6] developed algorithms to develop
drill models using a computer. The drill geometry was analyzed by considering the slicing of the drill
by arbitrary planes. A computer model was also developed to design a twist drill. Tsai and Wu [7] also
presented explicit mathematical equations to describe the drill point geometry. These equations covered the
conventional conical drills as well as the ellipsoidal and hyperboloidal drills. The effect of grinding parameters
on various cutting angles was also discussed.
As regards to developing meshed drills for FE-applications, Hsu [8] performed the first FEM simulations
for drilling. He developed a drill-mesher that produced a mesh of a two-flute twist drill based on user supplied
parameters. The drill was designed using similar manufacturing-based techniques as discussed in the previous
section. The mesher could output a surface mesh as well as a hexahedral volume mesh in different formats
for use in various packages. Choi [9] used analytically defined flank sections and twisted them down a helical
path to fully define the drill geometry. He developed an applet to generate a 3D FE-mesh based on this
technique for processing in Abaqus. This applet was capable of generating n-flute geometry.

Overview of Modeling Procedure

Existing drill design methods rely extensively on discretized analytical equations. Errors and approximations
from the discretization can affect the quality of the final drill design. A modeling technique that closely
mimics the manufacturing process will be of use here as this will offer the maximum reduction of discretization
errors. Also, as solid modeling software get more powerful, it make sense to use the powerful geometric
modeling capabilities of these packages instead on relying on manually written equations and algorithms.
Also, as we would like use these drill models in various different FEM packages, its cumbersome to generate
meshes specific to each package. As modern software packages can import open-source standard solid models
(eg., ACIS-SAT, STL), it is very convenient to design the drill using standard CAD techniques so that it is
in a format that can be converted/viewed in a variety of platforms.
The drill modeling procedure discussed in this report tries to address these issues, and provides an easy
way to generate arbitrary two-flute drill geometry using commercial CAD packages in a portable format.
The modeling algorithm mimics the manufacturing process by performing boolean subtraction operations
corresponding to the grinding steps preserving the order in which these steps are performed. The following
section discusses the analytical formulation of the model upon which the algorithm is developed.

Analytical Formulation



It is useful to first define a coordinate system that will serve through the analysis. The same coordinate
system from previous studies [5, 6, 7] is used to allow easy comparison. The axes of the system, x, y, z, are
described as follows:
x-axis - Parallel to the secondary cutting edge of the drill flank
z-axis - Parallel to the axis of the drill

y-axis - Orthogonal to the x and z axes


Flute Shape

The cross-section the flute is dependent on the shape of the grinding wheel used for grinding it. The crosssection of the drill has to be designed such that it generates a straight secondary cutting edge when the
flanks are ground. Hence, the shape of the flute grinding wheel is dependent on the specifications of the drill
that is being ground. Instead of describing the grinding wheels, we can directly consider the cross sectional
profile of the flute. The cross-section of the flute can be divided into 8 sections as shown in Figure 4. Sections
1, 2, 3, 4 are unground parts of the drill-blank and are arcs which make up a circle. Sections 5 and 6 can be
described by the following polar equation:
r2 W
tan h cot p
= sin
where, W is the web thickness, r is the radius of the drill, h is the helix angle and p is the half-point angle.

Figure 4: Flute Cross-Section

Here, r is varied from W
2 to R. This polar equation makes sure that the flank section produces a drill
with a straight cutting edge. Sections 7 and 8 do not contribute much to the cutting performance of the
drill and only need to be optimized to provide rigidity. For simplicity, they can be modeled as symmetric to
sections 5 and 6 respectively.
To convert the flute profile from 2D to a 3D boundary surface, a z-component term can be appended to
the equation to capture the helical profile. The z-component term is as follows (for a drill of radius r:
zf lute =


Here, h is the peripheral helix angle, and is (for a drill of length l):
h = tan1



Flank Shape

Figure 3 showed the coordinate system of the grinding cone. Let us define the axes of this system as
{x , y , z }. The relationship between this coordinate system and the drills coordinate system {x, y, z} is
given as follows:

where, T is the transformation matrix:

d2 tan2 S 2
T =










From the figure, we can see that the cone vertices are defined at (0, 0, 0) of the cone-coordinate system.
This position in the drill coordinate system is given by:


yv = T 0
Thus, the vertices of the grinding cone are as follows:
Right Cone:
xv = ( d2 tan2 S 2 cos + d sin )
yv = S
zv = d cos d2 tan2 S 2 sin
Left Cone:
xv =

d2 tan2 S 2 cos + d sin

yv = S
zv = d cos d2 tan2 S 2 sin


Required Parameters

From the above analysis, we can see that the following parameters (geometric and manufacturing) are needed
to completely describe a drill:
Geometric R

Radius of drill
Web thickness
Helix angle
Half-point angle

Manufacturing d

x-shift of cone (in cone-coordinate system)

y-shift of cone (in cone-coordinate system)
Cone angle

It may make more intuitive sense to describe a drill using additional geometric parameters such as the
relief angle or the chisel edge angle (and not the manufacturing parameters), but the objective of this report
is to present a modeling algorithm that closely follows the manufacturing process. Hence, the algorithm
uses these (non-intuitive) manufacturing parameters instead of the additional geometric parameters. In

most cases, when a drill is specified, it is descirbed using these additional geometric parameters. But these
parameters are implicit functions of the parameters discussed above. For example, the chisel edge angle ()
is expressed as:

tan2 d2 S 2 cos tan2 d sin

= tan
Hence we can see that for a given chisel edge angle, there are multiple sets of possible manufacturing

Algorithm Development

Based on the above analytical formulation, an algorithm is presented in this section to realize the drill in a
given CAD program. The actual implementation of the algorithm is dependent on the specific features of
the individual CAD program in which it is applied.
The general algorithm to develop the geometry of the drill is as follows:
1. Obtain the geometric and manufacturing parameters from the user. Calculate the derived variables
from these parameters.
2. Draw the cross-section of the flute and create the solid flute by helical-extrusion
3. Locate the cone vertices
4. Draw the cone axes at these vertices and create a virtual cone
5. Use the cones to perform a boolean-subtract cut to generate the flank surfaces of the drill
6. Draw the cross-sections of the drill margin
7. Use helical-extrusion to create the 3D margin volume
8. Perform a boolean-cut operation to remove margin volume


Algorithm Implementation using Solidworks APIs


Solidworks is a popular 3D modeling CAD package. Solidworks uses a feature-based parametric approach
for 3D drawings. Features are defined to create volume and modifications to sketches and these features can
be rolled-back or modified to create multiple configurations of the same part. The program uses a feature
hierarchy to determine child and parent features. Solidworks allows models to be saved in many different
graphical formats and is hence very useful in ensuring that the model is portable.
Solidworks is also integrated with an API (Application Programming Interface) which contains many
functions that can be called from programming languages such as Visual Basic and C++. These functions
provide access to Solidworks graphical engine and can be used to create solid models. Programs can also
be written in these programming languages that can accept input to generate user-defined solid models.


Applying Algorithm to Solidworks

The algorithm is applied in SolidWorks as follows.


Coordinate Axis

The same coordinate axis as the analytical formulation is retained in SolidWorks for easy portability.


Flute Cross Section

Figure 5: Flute Cross Section

As descried earlier, the flute cross-section is symmetric about both the x and the y axes. Hence, it suffices
to just draw one quadrant of the flute and mirror it about both axes. The arc part of the quadrant (Figure
5) is generated with the CreateArcVB function. A set of points are then generated using the polar function
to describe the other part of the cross-section in the quadrant. To create the curve, these points can either
be connected with lines or by drawing an interpolated spline function though them. A spline function is
more efficient as fewer points need to be sampled to generate a high-quality fit. Significant performance
improvement was noticed when a spline-fit was used instead of a line-fit. The spline was created using the
SketchSpline function. After one quadrant is completely sketched, mirror lines were drawn to denote the
X and Y axes using the CreateLine2 function with the ConstructionGeometry option set to True. Using
these mirror lines, the quadrant was mirrored about both axes and the full flute-cross section was realized.
SolidWorks automatically connects the spline functions when they are mirrored to ensure that the profile is
closed sketch.

Creating the Solid Flute Body

Figure 6: Helix Circle and Helix

To create the solid flute body, the 2D section is swept-extruded about a helical path. In order to define the
helical path, a circle denoting the diameter of the helix is first needed. A circle centered at X = 0, Y = 0 is
generated with the same radius as that of the drill flute using the CreateCircle function. The InsertHelix
command is then used to create the 3D helix using height and number of helical revolutions as parameters.
The helix height is the same as the length of the drill flute, and for one revolution this can be calculated

based on the drill radius (R) and the helix angle (h) as:
lf lute =

tan h


Figure 7: Solid Flute Body

The sweep-extrusion is performed using the Part.Extension routine and this generates the solid flute

Generating the Flank Surfaces

Figure 8: Planes to Generate Flank Surfaces

The flanks are generated by taking a swept-cut of a conical section around a specifically defined axis. From
the analytical formulation, we know that the grinding cones axis is located on a plane parallel to the x z

plane. Two separate planes have to be defined as we are considering two flank grinding operations and hence
two grinding cones. We also know that the vertex of both grinding cones is located in a plane parallel to the
x y plane. As we know the offset distance, the plane Z-Plane is created using the CreatePlaneAtOffset3
function. Using straight lines drawn on this plane, the orthogonal planes parallel to the x z planes can be
defined (using a line and a plane an orthogonal plane can be defined). The two planes are created using the
CreatePlaneAtAngle3 function.

Figure 9: Sketch to Cut the Flank

Following this, the cone axis and cone profile are sketched on these planes and a swept-cut is taken.
SolidWorks swept-cut operation works by first generating a volume by sweeping a 2D cross-section about
an axis. A boolean operation is then performed and the intersection regions between the swept volume and
the volume of a given solid object in the design space is removed from the solid object. In the grinding
operation, the cone removes all the material from the drill outside of the cone. Hence the cone profile sketch
is designed such that it effectively removes material outside the grinding cone.
This operation is performed twice, once for each set of cone grinding axes and the solid drill geometry is
realized after this step.

Drill Margin and Relief

Existing literature does not extensively cover the modeling of the drill margin and relief, hence these features
are only approximately drawn. In order to generate these features, we need to know the margin length and
the relief width. Using this, a 2D cross-section is drawn on the same plane where the flute was generated,
as shown in Figure 11 . The same helix which was used to generate the flute is redrawn and the profile is
swept-extruded along this helical path. A boolean cut is performed and the 3D volume described by the
swept-extrusion is removed from the solid body of the drill.

User Interface Development

Visual Basics APIs was used to design an ergonomic and accessible user interface. The interface accepts
inputs from the user regarding the geometric and manufacturing specifications of the drill in SI units. A
schematic of a drill with all the dimensions marked is also shown alongside for ease-of-use. After entering
the data, the user can click the Generate Drill in order to invoke the necessary Solidworks commands to
execute the program. Following a brief wait, the drill is generated in Solidworks. The user now has the option

Figure 10: Solid Drill with both Flanks cut

Figure 11: Drawing the Cross-section of the Margin and Lip Relief Cut


Figure 12: Fully Designed Drill

of saving the drill in a variety of formats, which can then be imported into either a Finite Element program
for subsequent analysis. Currently, the software supports saving the drill in the .SLDPRT (Solidworks),
.SAT (ACIS) and .IGS (International Graphics Exchange) formats. The user interface is shown in Figure


Using the capability of the software to save in different formats, a drill was generated and exported into
Abaqus and DEFORM using the SAT and STL formats, respectively. The drills were then meshed using
the meshing module of these two packages. The resultant meshes along with the original solid model can be
seen in Figure 14.


Future Work

Future work includes expanding the package to model different drill types. A module that permits the
description of arbitrary ground geometries can also be included. Physical prototypes of the drill also have
to be created and compared with regular drills to validate the accuracy of the modeling technique.

[1] Galloway, D. F., 1957. Some experiments on the influence of various factors on drill performance.
Transactions of ASME, 79, pp. 191231.
[2] Committee, A. I. H., 1999. ASM Metals Handbook. ASM International.
[3] USCTI, 1989. Metal Cutting Tools Handbook, 7th ed. Industrial Press Inc.
[4] Ren, R., and Ni, J., 1999. Analyses of drill flute and cutting angles. Int. Journal of Advanced
Manufacturing Technology, 15, pp. 546553.
[5] Fujii, S., DeVries, M. F., and Wu, S. M., 1970. An analysis of drill geometry for optimum drill design
by computer. part i - drill geometry analysis. Journal of Engineering for Industry, 92, pp. 647656.


Figure 13: Drill Modeler, GUI


Figure 14: Solid Model (left), Meshed in Abaqus (middle), and Meshed in DEFORM (right).
[6] Fujii, S., DeVries, M. F., and Wu, S. M., 1970. An analysis of drill geometry for optimum drill design
by computer. part ii - computer aided design. Journal of Engineering for Industry, 92, pp. 657666.
[7] Tsai, W. D., and Wu, S. M., 1979. Measurement and control of the drill point grinding process.
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacturing, 19(1), pp. 109120.
[8] Hsu, B., 2002. Computer simulations for burr formation study. PhD thesis, University of California,
[9] Choi, J., Min, S., Dornfeld, D. A., Alam, M., and Tzong, T., 2003. Modeling of inter-layer gap formation
in drilling of a multilayered material. In CIRP International workshop on modeling of machining


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