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Submitted to:

Mrs. Anie May Barroga

Submitted by:

Ruth T. Bandulin
Differentiate Religion From



Spirituality is a solitary Theology consists of what a person
experience of the divine,
believes about God. Thus theology is
while religion involves a
group of people brought more like a science, while religion is more
together by their common
like the practical application of the belief.
faith or beliefs about the
divine. Religion aims to build Theology analyzes the truth, while
one's character. It shapes
one's beliefs, attitudes, and religion attempts to live it. Therefore,
actions by giving importance religion is practice, while theology is
to the adherence of rules.

 The key difference between religion and philosophy is

that religion is the belief in the supreme power and

worshipping it as the creator and controller of the

universe without reasoning whereas philosophy is a

pursuit of wisdom by intellectual search and logical






Polytheistic belief is that there are many gods, none of which have the characteristics of the

theistic God (infinite power, knowledge and love). The polytheist will often associate a god

with a particular natural phenomenon or element, such as rain, wind, fire, the sun, sex, war et

cetera. Hinduism is a classic example of a polytheistic religion.


The Monotheistic Worldview is based upon Theism, a term that refers to the belief in a

"personal" god, that is, one single God with a distinctive personality, rather than just a divine

force. Before considering the three major world religions based upon Theism, let us briefly

examine how Deism fits into this worldview.


Atheism – The belief that neither God nor gods exist. Atheism holds to the belief that the

physical world is all that exists. Atheism denies the existence of the supernatural world.

Since God does not exist, man is in control of his own destiny and creates his own

meaning in life.

The history of religion refers to the written record of

human religious feelings, thoughts, and ideas. This period
of religious history begins with the invention of
writing about 5,220 years ago (3200 BC).[1] The
prehistory of religion involves the study of religious
beliefs that existed prior to the advent of written records.
One can also study comparative religious chronology
through a timeline of religion. Writing played a major role
in standardizing religious texts regardless of time or
location, and making easier the memorization of prayers
and divine rules. A small part of the Bible involves the
collation of oral texts handed down over the centuries.[2]
The concept of "religion" was formed in the 16th and 17th
centuries.[3][4] Ancient sacred texts like the Bible, the
Quran, and others did not have a word or even a concept
of religion in the original languages and neither did the
people or the cultures in which these sacred texts were
The word religion as used in the 21st century does not
have an obvious pre-colonial translation into non-
European languages. The anthropologist Daniel
Dubuisson writes that "what the West and the history of
religions in its wake have objectified under the name
'religion' is ... something quite unique, which could be
appropriate only to itself and its own history".[7] The
history of other cultures' interaction with the "religious"
category is therefore their interaction with an idea that
first developed in Europe under the influence
of Christianity.


Positive effects of religion: Negative effects of religion:

1.Religion often helps people believe that their lives 1. Many religions teach that some people will go

have a purpose. to hell after they die. That’s a pretty dark thing

to believe. It’s pretty harsh to say that someone

2. Religion supplies people with direction and deserves to suffer for all eternity.

meaning, which benefit one’s mental health.

2. Some religious groups go even further and

3. Some people attest that their religious beliefs are claim that you have be in their religion to earn

the source of the courage they need to keep going salvation, which would imply that anyone

in life (“The Lord is my strength”). outside their religion would automatically go to

hell. That is an appalling thing to believe.

4. Most people want to believe that there is more to

reality than just the physical, scientific universe, 3. Also, some religious people worry that they

and religion teaches us that indeed, there is. themselves might go to hell, which is a source of

unnecessary anxiety in their lives (since, after

5. The religious view that “everything happens for a all, hell is probably not real).

reason” can be comforting during difficult times.



There is inconclusive evidence that Homo neanderthalensis may have buried

their dead which is evidence of the use of ritual. The use of burial rituals is

thought to be evidence of religious activity, and there is no other evidence that

religion existed in human culture before humans reached behavioral



For the individual, one of the main positive effects of

religion is a sense of purpose, meaning, and justice in life.
This often takes the form of belief in an afterlife, in which all
the wrongs committed on earth will be judged and put right.
However, even religions which do not feature an afterlife
teach that there is a god watching over the earth,
preventing it from descending into chaos. Religious people
therefore have a source of comfort which is of a different
kind that others find. The idea of an afterlife increases this
comfort, mitigating or even removing the fear of death. The
atheist writer Sam Harris has observed that, if a child dies,
no humanist secular system can replace the certainty in the
parents' minds that the child is in heaven with Jesus as a
source of solace in their grief.

For a society, religion can increase order and cohesion,

giving people shared goals and values. Although there is no
necessary link between religion and morality, people who
believe that god is watching them and will judge them after
death may be more inclined to refrain from antisocial
behavior in situations when they could not be punished for it
under the law. Even the least religious societies, from the
Soviet Union to North Korea, have used the methods and
trappings of organized religion to instill political doctrine in
their citizens and motivate them to observe the law.



1.“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.You shall have no

other gods before[a] me.

2.“You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth

beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your

God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation

of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my

3.“You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God, for the LORD will not hold anyone guiltless

who misuses his name.

4.“Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the

seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your

son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your

towns. For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he

rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.

5.“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is

giving you

. 6.“You shall not murder.

7.“You shall not commit adultery.

8.“You shall not steal.

9.“You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor


10.“You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male


12 Tribes of Israel: The Shevatim

By Yecheskel Posner

The story of the twelve tribes begins when their father, Jacob, escaped from his brother, Esau, who wanted to kill

him. As per his mother Rebecca's instructions, Jacob left the Land of Israel and took refuge in his uncle Laban's

house, where he worked as a shepherd.

It was there that he met his beautiful cousin Rachel, and they decided to get married. Laban, Rachel’s father,

permitted Jacob to marry Rachel only after completing seven years of work. When the seven years were over and it

was time for the wedding, Laban tricked Jacob and gave his older daughter, Leah, to Jacob to marry in Rachel's

stead. Jacob then worked for Laban for another seven years and married Rachel as a second wife.

Leah had six sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulun, and a daughter named Dinah.

Rachel grew envious of her sister Leah, as she still did not have children of her own. She gave her maidservant

Bilhah to Jacob as a concubine. As Bilhah’s mistress, she would be able to raise Bilhah’s children. Additionally, she

hoped that in the merit of selflessly giving Jacob her maidservant, G-d would grant her children. Bilhah did in fact

have two sons, whom Rachel named Dan and Naphtali.

At this point Leah also gave her maidservant Zilpah to Jacob as a concubine. Zilpah had two

sons, Gad and Asher.G-d remembered the righteousness of Rachel, who was childless, and granted her wish. She

had a son and named him Joseph. Later, once the family of Jacob returned to the Land of Israel, Rachel gave birth to

a second son, Benjamin, who was the youngest in the family. Rachel died immediately after the difficult birth. Thus,

there were twelve sons and one daughter born from one father and four mothers.3 Each of these twelve sons are the

father of one tribe (except for Joseph who is the father of two tribes named for his sons, Menashe and Ephraim).


Blessed are the poor in spirit,

Our Father who art in
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek,
hallowed be thy name.
for they shall possess the earth. Thy kingdom come.
Blessed are they who mourn, Thy will be done
on earth as it is in
The Opening of the Qur'an

1 In the name of Allah Most Gracious Most Merciful.

2 Praise be to Allah the Cherisher and Sustainer of

the Worlds.

3 Most Gracious Most Merciful.

4 Master of the Day of Judgement.

5 It is you we worship and serve and it is you we seek

help from.

6 Show us the straight way.

7 The way of those upon whom You bestowed Your

Grace, not those upon whom is anger, nor those who

go astray
Identify the uniqueness and similarities of Judaism,

Christianity and Islam

Origin of the In the beginning, G-d created the universe and humankind Islam teaches that God cre
universe and the heaven and the Earth. were created by God within 7 humans from clay and brea
human kind Humankind was created on days and the seventh day is the day spirit of life into them.
the sixth day. God took a rest
Morality very structured awareness that every person bears concept of righteousness, g
the dignity of being made in the character, and the body of
image of God qualities 

Purpose complex phenomenon of a spreading God’s love, which is Surrender, Submit, Obey, i
total way of life for the central to Christ’s ministry to help and Peace to Allah the Alm
Jewish people, comprising people experience the positive carrying out His Orders a
theology, law, and emotions that come from our staying in some form of w
innumerable cultural genuine expression of this attribute to Him as much as possib
traditions everyday.

Destiny peace will reign over the believes there is a place for the practising towards worsh
earth. In short, Judaism sovereign will of God, but also, Allah. Destiny is one of
believes in the perfectibility there is a place for man’s personal basic beliefs of Islam
of mankind. choice

Views on  women have separate and  Jesus speaking to women publicly cover themselves in veil to
Woman distinct responsibilities from and openly against the social norms their modesty and protect t
men but viewed as equals ofthe time. chastity


The Creation in Rig Veda 10:129

The Paradox of Origin

Few cultures are as impenetrably complex as that of India. This is evident also in its ancient
sources to ideas of the creation of the world. In Rig Veda, the collection of hymns from around
1500 to 800 BCE, the poet of one of them contemplates the very question if something can be
first, i.e. if there can have been a creation at all.

       Rig Veda 10:129 is in a famous hymn of the tenth mandala. It is generally regarded as one of
the later hymns, probably composed in the 9th century BCE. It has the Indian name Nasadiya
Sukta, "Not the Non-existen", and is often given the English title Creation, because of its subject.
The Paradox of Origin
The advanced abstract reasoning in the hymn has brought it a lot of attention, not only within

indology, but from scholars of philosophy and the history of religion as well. Its line of thought

relates splendidly to cosmological thinking of the philosophers of Ancient Greece, all through to

present day astronomy.

       And it ends with what seems like a punch line, a paradox taken to the extreme, almost as if
the unknown poet of it was making a joke




1. The First Noble Truth

All beings, human and otherwise, are afflicted with all sorts of disappointments,
sadness, discomfort, anxiety etc. In short they are subject to suffering.
2. The Second Noble Truth
The cause of this suffering is craving, born of the illusion of a “˜soul”.
3. The Third Noble Truth
Suffering has a final end in the experience of Enlightenment (Nirvana), which is
the complete destruction of delusion and the consequent ending of craving and ill
4. The Fourth Noble Truth
This peaceful and blissful Enlightenment is achieved through a gradual training, a
path called the Middle Way, or the Eightfold Path.


B) Evaluate the Eight-fold Path in terms of how it

achieves the Middle way

The Eightfold Path of Buddhism, also called the Middle Path or
Middle Way, is the system of following these eight divisions of
the path to achieve spiritual enlightenment and cease suffering:

 Right understanding: Understanding that the Four Noble

Truths are noble and true.
 Right thought: Determining and resolving to practice
Buddhist faith.
 Right speech: Avoiding slander, gossip, lying, and all
forms of untrue and abusive speech.
 Right conduct: Adhering to the idea of nonviolence
(ahimsa), as well as refraining from any form of stealing or
sexual impropriety.
 Right means of making a living: Not slaughtering animals
or working at jobs that force you to violate others.
 Right mental attitude or effort: Avoiding negative
thoughts and emotions, such as anger and jealousy.
 Right mindfulness: Having a clear sense of one’s mental
state and bodily health and feelings.
 Right concentration: Using meditation to reach the
highest level of enlightenment.

Mahayana Buddhism

State the three levels of

perfection of Mahayana




Idenditify the uniqueness and similarities of Hinduism,

Theravada Buddhism and Mahayana Buddhism


ORIGIN OF the 'Cosmic womb' or 'golden Sri Sakyamuni Siddhartha Ignorance
THE UNIVERSE egg/Womb' is the source of the Gautama blossomed forth into
AND HUMAN creation of universe or the the universe to relieve humanity
KIND manifested cosmos. The from the miseries of existence
Upanishad calls it the Soul of the
Universe or Brahman

MORALITY the importance of understanding  salvation, and taking refuge to “ Bodhisattvas are beings
and realizing this divine Buddha – Dharma and Sangha have chosen to work tow
presence. the salvation of all living
PURPOSE  spiritual enlightenment the extinction of craving, teachings of the Buddha
aversion and illusion
DESTINY  to lead a life according to your blow out  become Bodhisattvas

VIEWS ON ranging from feminine  the negative view of women Women are also associat

WOMEN leadership as the highest became dominant. Buddhist sensuality and seductiven
goddess, to limiting gender females were seen as obstacles Mahayana texts. Women
roles to the purity of the monks. bodies are often used as
metaphors for desire.


Describe the five basic

The five relationships of Confucianism are ruler and subject, father and son,

husband and wife, older sibling and younger sibling, and elder friends and

junior friends. The relationships are based on an element of Confucianism

that emphasizes that a healthy spiritual existence begins at home.


a. Give examples of acts showing love and

respect of nature and environment

1) Start a compost

2) Reduce your use of plastics

3) Use less water.

4) Reduce your tech carbon footprint

5) Watch and reduce your food waste.

b. Identify the things she can do without by

making an inventory of personal belongings

(e.g. things in bedroom) and write a reflection

on Taoism based on the result of the inventory.

I learn why we can let go the things we

don’t need because it was too hard to buy

that things.


a. Narrate the Kojiki creation story

The Kojiki Creation Story

“Once upon a time, when the world was still young, floating like oil, two gods, Izanagi no

Mikoto and Izanami no Mikoto were commanded by the primal gods to make the land and fix it

in place. The two stood on the Floating Bridge of Heaven and thrust the Heavenly Jewelled spear

into the sea. The brine that dripped from the spear became an island where the two performed a

marriage rite around a pillar. Izanami gave birth to the islands of Japan and their deities, the gods

of the sea, river, mountain, field, tree, stone, fire and many others. But in giving birth to the fire

god, she was burned and died. Izanagi followed Izanami to Yomi no Kuni (the Land of Dead) to

urge her to return. She agreed to consult with the gods of Yomi, but warned him not to look at

her. Impatient for Izanami's return, he entered the palace of the gods of Yomi, only to find her

corpse horribly transformed. He fled, pursued by the shamed Izanami, and escaped by blocking

the exit of Yomi with a large boulder. He then went to the river to purify himself by bathing

(misogi). From his left eye when he cleansed it was born Amaterasu Omikami (Goddess of the

Sun); Tsukushi no Mikoto (God of the Moon) was born from his right eye, and Susanoo no

Mikoto (God of Storms) was born from his nose. Izanagi charged Amaterasu with the rule of the

High Plain of Heaven, Tsukushi no Mikoto with the Realm of Night, and Susanoo no Mikoto

with the Plain of the Seas. Thus was born Japan and its surrounding world.”

b. Interpret the kojiki creation

An Interpretation:

story creatively.
The Kojiki Creation Story relates the activities of Izanagi and Izanami, a god and goddess who

created the Japanese islands out of chaos, a state of disorder or formlessness. Shintoism

recognizes both a male and a female principle, or element, in creation. In contrast this is to

religions such as Christianity and Judaism, which see creation as the work of a male god alone.

However, the story notes that because Izanami spoke ahead of her husband at their wedding

ceremony, the ceremony had to be repeated so that the male god was given priority over the

female goddess. Obviously, male prominence is an important feature of historic Japanese culture

and can still be found in the twenty-first century. Japan islands were seen as the god and

goddess's children. So, too, were the kami, specially the spirits that ruled the islands. The two

gods later produced additional gods, including Kagutsuchi, the fire god. The creation story goes

on to recount Izanami's death and Izanagi's pursuit of her to the underworld, or the Nether


The Kojiki Creation Story encompasses a number of elements that are significant to Japanese

culture. The main is the concept of the "world." While people who practice Shinto can be found

worldwide, Shintoism is truly a Japanese religion. It differs in this way from religions such as

Christianity, which is not identified with any particular culture or country. To understand why

Shintoism is so exceptionally Japanese, it is necessary to understand the history of the Kojiki's


Identify the uniqueness and similarities of

Confucianism, Taoism and Shintoism.


ORIGIN OF THE The universe is caused by the Tao Taoism holds that humans and the universe was created for
UNIVERSE force that was formed by animals should live in balance them by their Gods
AND complimentary Yin and Yang, with the Tao, or the universe.
HUMANKIND tension and energy,
which Confucius believed to be the
cause of all there is in the universe.
MORALTY obey one's elders and superiors and  a Chinese religious and does not have any moral
treat rulers, parents, philosophical system that absolutes and assesses the
preaches a number good or bad of an action,
of beliefs about how to live your such as circumstances or
life intentions
PURPOSE achieve harmony, the most Taoism stresses living itself  discovering ways of
important social value forms a person rather than communicating with kami
any purpose
DESTINY  discovering ways of  have options to do more Shintoism does not believe
communicating with kami in the concept of life after
VIEWS ON women at every level were to Taoists traditionally have had a The female deity was
WOMEN occupy a position lower than men positive view of women. viewed as being the epitome
Nonetheless, the Tao de Jing was of intelligence, grace,
written by men for men, at a time feminine beauty, and purity.
when conflict was a common part

A) the meaning and ultimate value of life
Ultimate Value

An ultimate value is that final goal or end to which all lesser goals are the means—

and it sets the standard by which all lesser goals are evaluated. An organism’s life is

its standard of value: that which furthers its life is the good, that which threatens it is

the evil.

Without an ultimate goal or end, there can be no lesser goals or means: a series of

means going off into an infinite progression toward a nonexistent end is a

metaphysical and epistemological impossibility. It is only an ultimate goal, an end in

itself, that makes the existence of values possible. Metaphysically, life is the only
phenomenon that is an end in itself: a value gained and kept by a constant process of

action. Epistemologically, the concept of “value” is genetically dependent upon and

derived from the antecedent concept of “life.” To speak of “value” as apart from

“life” is worse than a contradiction in terms. “It is only the concept of ‘Life’ that

makes the concept of ‘Value’ possible.”

B) how one is to relate to one's self, family,

society and nature.

Harmonious relationships are maintained through healthy families. We are born in

these relationships and we live in a bigger social order where a whole range of

relationships support the existence of our family. We can look further into this chain

of social dependency and nd that there is still a bigger web of interdependency. So,

starting from our family and including our teachers, friends and all the different

social relationships, each one of us is born and lives in such relationships. It is the

Self (`I') that recognizes the relationship. Thus a relationship exists between the Self

('I') and the other Self ('I'). Relationships in a family or in a society are not created,

they just are. We can understand these relationships and based upon this

understanding, it will be natural to have right feelings (values) in these relationships.

The society is an extension of family and it is possible to live in harmony with every

human being, thus laying the foundation for an undivided human race, from family

order to world family order. With the understanding of values in human relationships,
we are able to recognize the connectedness with every individual correctly, and fulll

it. When we understand the values in relationship with other units in nature too, we

are able to recognize our connectedness with them too, and fulll it. This enables us to

participate in the universal human order

C) The way to achieve personal happiness and

Be with others who make you smile. Studies show that we are happiest when we

are around those who are also happy. Stick with those who are joyful and let them

rub off on you.

Hold on to your values. What you find true, what you know is fair, and what you

believe in are all values. Over time, the more you honor them, the better you will feel

about yourself and those you love.

Accept the good. Look at your life and take stock of what's working, and don't push

away something just because it isn't perfect. When good things happen, even the

very little ones, let them in.

 Imagine the best. Don't be afraid to look at what you really want and see yourself

getting it. Many people avoid this process because they don't want to be disappointed

if things don't work out. The truth is that imagining getting what you want is a big

part of achieving it.

 Listen to your heart. You are the only one who knows what fills you up. Your

family and friends may think you'd be great at something that really doesn't float
your boat. It can be complicated following your bliss. Just be smart, and keep your

day job for the time being.

b. Interview a Christian parent or couple on why they are

Christians and what beliefs and practices they adhere to.

Take a photo and write a reflection

That couple is our Pastor and Pastora which is a Christian because they believed that Jesus is

everything, their life. Without Jesus their life is nothing. They believed that only Jesus could

save us. He is willing to forgive everything you have done, and will do, in defiance of Him. They

also a charistian because their relatiobship become stronger than they expected, and it is all

because of the faith that they offer to Jesus. Jesus is the one who cared for them, who give

strength in their daily life, he is the who provide their needs. They love Jesus more than loving

their self. They believed that if you have faith to Jesus, you will go to the thrown of our God

which has eternity life.

Every Saturday they go to the church to share the words of God, they are the one who lead the

prayer meeting. Every Saturday also they are sharing the words of God to all Christians like

them. They obey all the things that Jesus said especially the ten commandments.

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