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Mikaela Arrosa
University of the Philippines Los Baños


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Philipp J Vet Anim Sci 2018 44 (2): 111-121



Mikaela Amihan S. Arrosa1 and Ma. Eden S. Piadozo2


Access to market information is primarily limited among the duck egg

producers, especially in rural areas. This study was conducted to analyze the
different options of duck egg producers in marketing their produce in Laguna.
The marketing options of the duck egg producers consist of the choices they
make in terms of the product form, market outlet, marketing arrangements
with buyers, and marketing services to be performed in selling a product. The
differences in marketing options among the five clusters of producers showed
that the Seekers earned the highest net income of ₱4.96 per egg. The Chi-square
test and effect sizes showed that the price received by the producers is the most
influential factor affecting their chosen product form to sell. The Agriculture
and Fisheries Market Information System (AFMIS) appears to be crucial in
improving the access to market information for duck egg producers. Realizing
that integrating value-adding services into the production would offer a higher
profit, the Basic producers may form a cooperative to perform sorting and
processing and to hire/own a vehicle. In the end, forming a cooperative will be
able to increase their bargaining power both in purchasing inputs and selling
their output.

Keywords: marketing of duck eggs, marketing arrangement, price, product form


Backyard raisers, who have less than 100 heads of ducks, account for 70 percent of
the ducks in the country (PSA, 2015). Farmers prefer venturing into raising ducks for egg
production because ducks have the capacity to survive under diverse climatic and nutritional
conditions. It is also inexpensive to produce, relative to raising chickens, as they do not
require elaborate housing facilities or huge spaces for rearing (De la Cruz, 2007). Its product,
duck eggs, are customarily eaten as salted egg, balut, and penoy, or as an ingredient in most
Filipino delicacies such as puto-pao and bibingka (Atienza et al., 2015).
Although technologies were developed to address the poor and inconsistent
production performance through the development of signature Philippine duck breed by the
Bureau of Animal Industry, raisers are still constrained by the poor marketing system. Unlike
the chicken sector, for which vertical integration with large scale, technologically advanced,
geographically concentrated production units exist, the duck sector still apparently relies on
traditional and much less efficient production and marketing methods run by geographically
Policy and Planning Division, Agricultural Training Institute, Diliman, Quezon City,1104 Philippines. 2College
of Economics and Management, University of the Philippines Los Baños, Laguna, 4031 Philippines (e-mail:
[email protected]).
112 Arrosa and Piadozo

and technologically more diverse smallholders (Chang and Dagaas, 2004). A major problem
besetting the duck industry is the limited access to market information among the producers.
In this scenario, producers barely get the benefits of their hard work by not getting the
price they deserve. Duck egg producers, especially those in remote areas, depend on the
price dictated by their buyers (Fabillan, 1985; Martinez, 1991; Cuenca, 2003). Poor and
inadequate transportation is a huge constraint that undermines the producers’ capacity not
only in purchasing inputs but also in entering markets that offer a higher price or the best
deals as this results in high transactions costs.
If they are equipped with knowledge of the different marketing options available
to them, duck producers can come up with more informed and effective choices for greater
bargaining power. This will secure them the best possible price for their produce, leading to
a higher income and a better distribution of income among producers and traders.
This study analyzed the different options of duck egg producers in marketing their
produce in Laguna. Specifically, the producer’s market outlet, marketing arrangements,
marketing services performed, marketing costs, and prices received by product form were
identified; the profitability of each alternative marketing option as well as the factors
associated with the duck egg producers’ choice of marketing option were determined; and
recommendations were given regarding the marketing strategies that will facilitate the
improvement and promotion of the industry.


The study used primary data obtained from personal interviews of all 40 duck
egg producers in Pila, Sta. Cruz, Bay, Victoria and Los Baños in 2016. Duck raisers are
still found in these municipalities. Laguna still remains one of the top duck producers in
CALABARZON and also has a significantly high per capita consumption in the region
(PSA, 2015).
A hierarchical cluster analysis was performed to identify clusters of duck egg
producers based on their marketing options. Five clusters were selected as the optimal
number of groups to represent different marketing options of the producers through the
Calinski-Harabasz and Duda/Hart indices. The five clusters were labelled as Basics, Open
Basics, Loyal Basics, Seekers, and Seekers 2.0 on the basis of their choice of marketing
options (Figure 1). ANOVA was used to determine if the marketing options are significantly
different in each cluster.1
The cost and returns analysis was then used to weigh the financial effect of changes
that would result from implementing a specific alternative marketing option. Meanwhile,
a Chi-square test was used to measure the degree of dependency of the farmers’ choice
of marketing option on the different factors affecting it (i.e., age group, years in business,
educational attainment, volume handled, distance from market outlet, social capital,
information access, price received). Since the Chi-square statistic only indicates the
existence of a relationship, the effect size was also examined to determine the strength of
the relationship.

The five clusters significantly differed from each other across all marketing options except mode of
payment since F(4,35) = 2.69, P < 0.05.
Marketing options of duck egg producers 113

Figure 1. Flowchart for classifying duck egg producers based on choice of marketing options.

The marketing option chosen by a duck egg raiser start from the product form sold.
Producers may opt to sell fresh eggs or incorporate processing in their production and sell a
combination of both fresh and processed eggs. The eggs are processed into different types
based on the thickness of its shell, which is determined through tapping the egg with fingers.
Only thick-shelled eggs can undergo balut making, which involves incubation to develop
embryos. After which, the eggs go through candling to separate the infertile and fertile eggs.
Infertile eggs are sold as penoy and are also boiled like balut but sold at a lower price. Thin-
shelled eggs with no cracks are made into salted eggs. The process involves immersing
the eggs into a soil-salt mixture, washing and boiling, and coating with red-dye. Basag or
eggs with fissures are sold as fresh eggs. Next, the producer chooses from various market
outlets where he will sell his produce. The market outlets could be the consumer, processor,
wholesaler, wholesaler-retailer, and retailer. Each outlet differs in marketing arrangements.
These include the mode of sale (picked-up or delivered) and mode of payment (cash or
credit). Finally, the producer has the choice of whether or not he will provide additional
marketing services such as processing the eggs and transportation.


Based on the hierarchical cluster analysis, five clusters were identified: Basics,
Open Basics, Loyal Basics, Seekers, and Seekers 2.0 on the basis of their choice of marketing
The Basics make the largest cluster and comprised 65 percent of the total respondents.
Basic producers are reasonably comfortable with selling only fresh eggs and have it picked-
up at their farm by processors. Most of the producers in this cluster (92.3%) selected cash as
their buyer’s mode of payment (Table 1). In terms of socio-demographic profile, producers in
this cluster primarily have ages 55 years and older (69.2%). Also, most of them have been in
duck egg production for more than 11 years and had finished elementary. This combination
114 Arrosa and Piadozo

of characteristics implies that most of the farmers in this cluster are reluctant to change as
their practices are deeply held.
The producers are situated ≤ 20 km away (0.3 km on the average) from their market
and do not own a vehicle. Most Basics have built social capital with their buyer. Ten years is
the average number of years of trading between the producers and the buyers. The producers
reported that they preferred their outlet because of its regularity or permanence in picking-up
the produce. This illustrates that these producers have an ingrained relationship with their
buyer, which is also part of the reason why this type of producers appears to be reluctant in
changing their practices. Most producers handled ≤ 500 (26.9%) and 501-1000 (34.6%) eggs
a day. The Basics predominantly do not have access to market price information, where their
buyers dictate the price. As they only produce fresh eggs, the average price they receive per
egg per day is ₱6.38 (Table 2).
This Open Basics cluster is a variety of the Basics, who sell fresh duck eggs to
processors. The only difference is their mode of sale. Open Basics deliver the eggs to
processors. Their openness to exploring what is out there is apparent, as illustrated in Table
1. In terms of socio-demographic profile, the producers in this cluster are primarily 35-44

Table 1. Marketing options of 40 respondents by cluster in Laguna.

Basics Open Loyal Seekers Seekers F P
Marketing options basics basics 2.0 value value
(n=26) (n=5) (n=2) (n=6) (n=1)
In percent
Product form
Fresh 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 40.58 0.00*
Fresh and processed 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 100.0
Market outlet
Consumer 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.0 0.0
Processor 100.0 100.0 0.0 33.0 0.0 59.34 0.00*
Wholesaler 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 100.0
Wholesaler-Retailer 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.0 0.0
Retailer 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 100.0
Marketing arrangement
Mode of sale
Picked-up 100.0 0.0 0.0 33.0 0.0 40.58 0.00*
Delivered 0.0 100.0 100.0 66.0 100.0
Mode of payment
Cash 92.3 100.0 100.0 91.7 100.0 0.31 0.86NS
Credit 7.7 0.0 0.0 8.3 0.0
Marketing services
Yes 0.0 80.0 0.0 100.0 100.0 36.35 0.00*
No 100.0 20.0 100.0 0.0 0.0
* Significant at P<0.05
Not significant
Marketing options of duck egg producers 115

(40%) and 55 years and older (40%). Majority (60%) have been in duck egg production for
more than 11 years and finished high school. The producers are located ≤ 20 km (3.4 km on
the average) away from their market and do not own a vehicle. Majority have established
social capital with their buyer, with an average of five years of trading with each other. The
reason provided by these producers is similar to the Basics: regularity or permanence in
picking-up. It indicates that they find their previous relationships with their buyer satisfactory

Table 2. Socio-demographic characteristics of 40 respondents by cluster.

Characteristics Basics Open Loyal Seekers Seekers F P

basics basics 2.0 value value
(n=26) (n=5) (n=2) (n=6) (n=1)
In percent
25-34 7.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
35-44 3.9 40.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.95 0.45 NS
45-54 19.2 20.0 0.0 66.7 100.0
≥55 69.2 40.0 100.0 16.7 0.0
Years in business
1-5 23.1 20.0 0.0 16.7 0.0
6-10 7.7 20.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.29 0.88 NS
≥ 11 69.2 60.0 100.0 66.7 100.0
Educational Attainment
Elementary 50.0 0.0 50.0 0.0 0.0
High School 26.9 60.0 50.0 33.3 0.0 2.59 0.05 NS
Vocational 0.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
College 19.2 20.0 0.0 66.7 100.0
Ph. D. 3.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Distance from Market
≤ 20 km 100.0 100.0 100.0 50.0 0.0 12.25 0.00*
≥ 21 km 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 100.0
Ownership of Vehicle
Yes 0.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 100.0 10.39 0.00*
No 100.0 100.0 50.0 50.0 0.0
Social Capital
Yes 76.9 60.0 100.0 66.7 100.0 0.43 0.79 NS
No 23.1 40.0 0.0 33.3 0.0
Volume Sold
≤ 500 26.9 20.0 50.0 0.0 0.0
501-1000 34.6 20.0 50.0 16.7 0.0 2.88 0.04NS
1000 - 1500 11.5 40.0 0.0 16.7 0.0
1501- 2000 11.5 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
> 2000 15.4 0.0 0.0 66.7 100.0
116 Arrosa and Piadozo

Table 2 cont’d
Characteristics Basics Open Loyal Seekers Seekers F P
basics basics 2.0 value value
(n=26) (n=5) (n=2) (n=6) (n=1)
Access to price information
Yes 23.1 0.0 0.0 66.7 100.0 2.98 0.03*
No 76.9 100.0 100.0 33.3 0.0
Price received
Fresh egg
₱5.50-6.10 34.6 0.0 20.0 33.3 100.0 40.58 0.00*
₱6.11-6.60 30.8 0.0 40.0 16.7 0.0
₱6.61-7.80 34.6 100.0 40.0 50.0 0.0
Average price received 6.38 6.41 6.70 6.39 5.50
₱8.50-8.65 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0
Average price received 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.60 0.00
₱6.00-6.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0
Average price received 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.16 0.00
Salted egg
₱8.00-8.25 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.3 100.0
Average price received 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.20 8.25
* Significant at P<0.05;
Not significant

and place their trust in their buyer. Most producers handled 1000-1500 eggs a day and do
not have access to market information, where their buyers dictate the price. Being a Basic
prototype, who produce only fresh eggs, the average price they receive per egg per day is
₱6.41 (Table 2).
The Loyal Basics are the second smallest cluster of producers. Like the Open Basics,
the mode of sale is the only different option from the Basics. Producers in this cluster deliver
the eggs to wholesalers as seen in Table 1. How these producers earned the loyal label is
recognized in their socio-demographic characteristics. Producers in this cluster comprised
primarily of ages 55 years and older. They have been in duck egg production for more
than 11 years. One finished elementary while the other, high school. The producers are
located ≤ 20 km away from their market. One owns a vehicle while the other does not. These
producers have built social capital with their buyer. Having spent 20 years of trading on the
average, it is apparent that the relationship with their buyer is ingrained. Additionally, loyal
producers have the wholesalers as their source of feeds. One can see how this cluster of
producers value security and traditions. These producers handled 500 and 700 eggs a day,
respectively and do not have access to market information, where their buyers dictate the
price. The average price they receive per egg per day is ₱6.70 (Table 2).
There are producers labeled “seekers” because almost every marketing option is
considered as shown in Table 1. Seekers are sponges for knowledge and integrate value-
Marketing options of duck egg producers 117

Table 3. Average volume of fresh and processed eggs produced by a Seeker in Laguna.
Product form Volume (pc) Percent
Fresh egg 713 22.27
Balut 1,612 50.34
Penoy 103 3.22
Salted egg 774 24.17
TOTAL 3,202 100.00

adding services in their production. The bulk of their produce is processed into salted egg,
balut or penoy (Table 3). They also offer fresh eggs but only of a small fraction of their
total produce, which they consider as rejects for processing or eggs that are small. Fresh
eggs were mostly sold to processors for leche flan, etc., while processed eggs were mostly
sold to wholesaler-retailers. Commonly, fresh eggs were picked-up and their processed
eggs were delivered to their market. Most of them (91.7%) choose cash as their mode of
payment. Demographically, Seekers are mostly in the age bracket 45-54, been in the duck
egg production for more than 11 years and finished college. Producers in this cluster clearly
are more educated than the previous clusters. This implies that education plays a substantial
role in marketing the produce. Half of the Seekers are ≤ 20 km from their market while
the other half are ≥ 21 km. The same proportion can be observed in terms of ownership of
vehicle. Most Seekers have built social capital with their buyer. On the average, they have
been trading with each other for seven years. The reason for the producers’ preference of
outlet is the profitability they attain from it. Having a competitive market, they find the
importance of their buyer to their sales and ensure a lasting business relationship. Most of
the producers handled ≥ 2000 eggs a day. The Seekers primarily have access to market price
information. Since they produce fresh and processed eggs, accumulating the prices of an egg
in every product form amounted to ₱9.00 and above. The average price they receive per day
is ₱ 6.39 for fresh egg, ₱8.60 for balut, ₱6.17 for penoy, and ₱8.20 for salted egg (Table 2).
Similar to the Seekers, Seeker 2.0 is the type of producer who performs value-
adding services, such as processing and transportation. This producer had to be placed
in a separate cluster due to its differences in terms of market outlet. The fresh duck eggs
were picked-up by retailers while processed eggs were delivered to wholesalers (Table 1).
In terms of socio-demographic profile, this producer is 45 years of age, been in duck egg
production for 12 years, and finished college. His location is ≥ 21 km away from his market
and owns a vehicle. There is presence of social capital between the producer and buyer. They
have been trading with each other for six years. The reason for the producer’s preference of
outlet is similar to the Seekers, which is the profitability they attain from their outlet. This
producer sells 4000 eggs per day. The producer has market price information access and
receives the information through word of mouth from his co-farmers. In a day, this producer
receives ₱5.50 per fresh egg and ₱8.25 for salted egg (Table 2).
The cost and returns analysis was used to determine the most profitable choice
among the marketing options derived in the cluster analysis (Table 4). Egg sales, culled
breeder sales, given away, and eggs consumed at home made up the total revenue. A duck
breeder is normally productive for 18 months. Afterwards, producers cull their ducks and
sell it to fried itik business owners, with the price varying from ₱60-100.
118 Arrosa and Piadozo

Table 4. Revenue and costs per piece of duck egg of the five clusters for 18 months.

Item Basics Open basics Loyal basics Seekers Seekers 2.0

(n = 26) (n = 5) (n = 2) (n = 6) (n = 1)
Cash Revenue ₱/piece
Egg sales (fresh) 6.380 6.410 6.460 1.420 0.720
Egg sales (processed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 6.620 7.140
Culled breeder sales 0.300 0.230 0.310 0.260 0.290
Total Cash Revenue 6.680 6.640 6.770 8.300 8.150
Non-Cash Revenue
Given away 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.080 0.000
Home consumption 0.090 0.000 0.240 0.200 0.020
Total Non-Cash Revenue 0.090 0.000 0.240 0.280 0.020
TOTAL REVENUE 6.770 6.640 7.010 8.580 8.170
Cash Costs
Cost of breeder 0.410 0.370 0.540 0.380 0.570
Feeding Costs 3.740 4.010 1.900 2.850 4.760
Processing 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.320
Gasoline 0.000 0.020 0.090 0.010 0.070
Hired Transportation 0.000 0.130 0.000 0.010 0.000
Hired Labor 0.120 0.310 0.000 0.160 0.350
Electricity 0.050 0.050 0.020 0.100 0.010
Water 0.040 0.050 0.030 0.020 0.010
Farm supplies 0.010 0.010 0.020 0.001 0.000
Total Cash Costs 4.370 4.950 2.600 3.601 6.090
Non-Cash Costs
Unpaid family labor 0.010 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Building depreciation 0.030 0.020 0.010 0.020 0.050
Equipment 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.006
Total Non-Cash Cost 0.040 0.020 0.010 0.021 0.056
TOTAL COSTS 4.410 4.970 2.610 3.622 6.146
NET INCOME 2.360 1.670 4.400 4.959 2.024

Each component was computed by multiplying the number of eggs to its

corresponding selling price. The total revenue derived for the Basics was ₱6.77 per egg,
₱6.64 for Open Basics, ₱7.01 for Loyal Basics, ₱8.58 for the Seekers, and ₱8.17 for Seekers
On the other hand, costs are made up of cash costs and non-cash costs. Cash costs
were composed of cost of breeder duck, feeding costs, processing costs, gasoline, hired
transportation, electricity, water, and farm supplies. Non-cash costs contained unpaid family
labor, depreciation costs of building (conventional and hanging type) and equipment (i.e.
incubators, vehicles, water pumps, shovels, pails, and trays). The straight-line method was
Marketing options of duck egg producers 119
used to compute the depreciation cost. Interestingly, the feeding costs differed significantly
between the clusters. Most of the Basics and Open Basics have varied feeds, including chick
boosters, starters, darak, palay, pulot, and shrimp, which made them incur greater costs
compared to the usual feeds and snails combination that the other clusters use. The Basics
incurred ₱4.41 total costs per egg, Open Basics incurred ₱4.97, Loyal Basics had ₱2.61,
Seekers had ₱3.62, and Seekers 2.0 incurred ₱6.14.
The net income is the farmer’s total earnings or profit, which is calculated by
subtracting the total costs from the total revenue. The Basics profited ₱2.36 net income per
egg, Open Basics had ₱1.67, Loyal Basics had ₱4.40, Seekers had ₱4.96, and Seekers 2.0
had ₱2.02 (Table 4).
The partial budget analysis, however, will show that changing their marketing
options may help them achieve their profit goal. Moving from Basics to Open Basics, that
is delivering their fresh duck eggs to the processors will generate a loss of ₱0.17 per egg
for these producers. However, shifting delivering duck eggs to the wholesalers gained
additional sales to the producers, ₱0.08 per egg, and cost amounting to ₱0.09 per egg or a
gain of ₱0.11 per egg. This means that the marketing options of the Loyal Basics are more
profitable than the Basics.
If the Basic producer now takes a chance on integrating marketing functions such
as processing his duck eggs, delivering the processed eggs to the market, while fresh eggs
remain at the farm for pick-up. The outcome of the shift will be additional sales of ₱1.66 per
egg. The shift also demands additional cost of processing, transportation, hired labor, and
equipment depreciation of ₱0.16 per egg. A change from Basics to Seekers yields a ₱1.50 net
change in profit. This entails the producer to allocate a portion of its produce for processing,
with a waiting period of 17 days for salted egg and 18 days for balut. The question is, what
will be the optimal proportion of producing the combination of eggs where the producer
maximizes the profit gained? The Seekers’ average allocation of eggs for processing is 80
percent of their produce, with total available eggs per day, ranging from 580 - 5400. Majority
of the Basics produce ≥ 500 eggs a day. The average aggregated processing cost for the span
of 18 months is ₱161,025.00.
The factors including producer’s age group, years in business, educational attainment,
distance from market, ownership of vehicle, social capital, volume sold, access to price
information, and price received influenced the chosen marketing option. The result of the
Chi-square test showed that age group, access to market information, distance from market,
ownership of vehicle, volume handled, and the price received for their produce influenced the
producers’ choice of product form. Among these, the price producers receive had the largest
effect size, which means that it is the most influential in the choice of product (Table 5).
Choice of market outlet is mainly associated with distance from the market, ownership
of vehicle, information access, and price received. The most influential among these was
distance from the market. If the producers can sell at a closer market, then it would be better.
There were no significant factors that exhibited an association with the farmer’s
choice of mode of sale or mode of payment. Educational attainment, distance from the market
ownership of vehicle, and price received influenced the producer’s choice of providing
marketing services. Among these, the price received had the largest effect size, denoting
a substantial relationship between the price received and choice of providing marketing
In conclusion, considering the effect sizes, the price received by the producers is the
most influential factor affecting their chosen product form to sell: fresh duck eggs or both

Table 5. Results obtained from Chi-Square test of independence and effect sizes for the factors affecting duck egg producers’ choice of
marketing options.
Product Product form Market outlet Mode of sale Mode of payment Marketing services
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
χ c
Effect χc χt Effect χc χt Effect χc χt
Effect χc2 χt2 Effect
size ω2 size ω2 size size size
ω2 ω2 ω2
Age group 9.29 7.82a 0.02 9.81 16.92 3.89 7.82 0.57 7.82 7.52 7.82
Years in business 0.30 5.99 5.22 12.59 0.30 5.99 2.42 5.99 0.75 5.99
Educational attainment 9.39 9.49 5.09 21.03 8.09 9.49 8.55 9.49 9.73 9.49a 0.13
Distance from market 20.95 3.84a 0.51 29.21 7.82a 0.71 0.94 3.84 1.96 3.84 8.25 3.84 0.19
Ownership of vehicle 15.46 3.84a 0.37 26.55 7.82a 0.64 0.02 3.84 1.29 3.84 10.61 3.84a 0.25
Social capital 0.00 3.84 1.67 7.82 1.00 3.84 1.23 3.84 0.73 3.84
Arrosa and Piadozo

Volume handled 12.49 9.49a 0.20 12.87 21.03 3.25 9.49 6.77 9.49 3.61 9.49
Access to price 8.21 3.84a 0.18 9.05 7.82a 0.16 3.22 3.84 1.23 3.84 0.73 3.84
Price received 40.00 5.99a 0.87 35.32 12.59a 0.50 1.80 5.99 3.31 3.84 15.76 5.99a 0.33
Significant at the 5% level
Marketing options of duck egg producers 121

fresh and processed duck eggs. The profitability of a marketing option starts with the choice
of product form. This, however, is undermined in the situation of limited access to price
information. It is recommended that the Department of Agriculture, with its Agriculture and
Fisheries Market Information System (AFMIS), improve its effort in reaching out to duck
egg producers by including prices for duck eggs for reference. Realizing that integrating
value-adding services into the production would offer a higher profit, the Basic producers
may form a cooperative so hiring of vehicle and sorting and processing can be done. The
limited availability of capital was a prevailing condition among the Basics, compared to the
Seekers, which may also be the reason they cannot invest in processing. In the end, forming
a cooperative will be able to increase their bargaining power both in purchasing inputs and
selling their output and in accessing credit facilities.


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Working Paper Series in Agricultural and Resource Economics. University of New
Cuenca GK. 2003. Market structure and efficiency analysis of Duck and Egg Industry.
Undergraduate Thesis. Agricultural Economics, University of the Philippines Los
Dela Cruz R. 2007. Securing a sturdy ground for the duck industry. Retrieved July 10, 2015
Fabillan A. 1985. The marketing system of duck eggs, Pila, Laguna. Undergraduate Thesis.
Agricultural Economics, University of the Philippines Los Baños.
Martinez P. 1991. An evaluation of the marketing system of duck eggs in Victoria, Laguna.
Undergraduate Thesis. Agricultural Economics, University of the Philippines Los
Baños Laguna.
Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA). 2015. Duck Industry Performance Report January-
December 2014. ISSN—0664.

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