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warmer TAKE THE BE COURAGEOUS. PLEDGE Being courageous isn’t about being fearless—real courage comes from being afraid but still facing what challenges you. There are many ways to be courageous every day: asking for help when you need it, sharing your story with others, learning something new, or even just being brave enough to try again when you don't succeed at something, Take the Be Courageous pledge by writing down some ways that you will be courageous today in the space below and signing your name. With the help of an adult, cut out your pledge and display it as a reminder to be courageous every day. » TAM COURAGE | WILL BE COURAGEOUS BY... WE® #iAmcourageBook @abramskids FIND YOUR INNER STRENGTH It's not always easy to face your fears, but these breathing exercises can help you focus your mind and find your courage. Lion's Breath Let go of fear and anxiety and feel brave by letting out your inner lion! Kneel down on the ground and sit back on your ‘ankles. Rest your palms on your thighs and take a deep breath in through your nose as you push your hands into your legs. ‘Then as you breathe out, let your hands relax, stick out your tongue, and let out a loud sound like you are roaring your biggest roar! It may feel silly at first, but after a few rounds of this you will feel stronger and more energized, as if you are letting go of what scares you with each roar. Even Breathing When we are afraid, our hearts beat quickly, and our breathing becomes shallow as if we are gulping for air. Even breathing allows us to slow things down and gives us a place to focus our attention away from Fear, Sit up in a comfortable position or lie down on your back Close your eyes. Place your hands on your belly and begin noticing your breath as you breathe in and out through your nose. Then add a count to your breath, purposely slowing it down. Start by breathing in for acount of three and breathing cout fora count of three. When you are feeling comfortable, add a second or two to your count. You could end up counting to six or more on both the in breath and the out breath; just keep both counts the same. Do this for a few rounds and fee! yourself begin to settle and relax. When you have finished, make sure you open your eyes slowly, taking a moment to notice how you Feel before jumping back into your day. COLLECT THEM ALL FOR YOUR FAMILY LIBRARY pioge || TAMpEACe svxelyene 2 +! T TAMLONE anxelorar Perr enrrs WEG #AmCourageBook @abramskids prnrmuneminA mR FIND YOUR WAY THROUGH THE MAZE Sometimes being courageous means asking our friends for help. Find your way through the maze to help the child find their friends. 1 Aggogr |) Lay ACE ‘Tam HUMAN

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