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July 2011, Volume 1, Number 1 || Free

Pulling us out of the mainstream

Whats That Photo? : See Story Page 2

ING'd | How Grand County's Citizens Pay $2 Per Web Visitor By: [email protected]
On July 28th, I had the pleasure of sitting in on a meeting of our county commissioners. The newspaper was there a fact the commissioners pointed out was quite unusual (Im flattered, SHDN). After our morning break (and after the papers reporter left), we were treated to a Tourism Board update from Ore Communications and Signature Advertising. A rather boring meeting to that point became immediately interesting.!//gcuncensored
2011 Six Month Checkup via @tickerguy The People Must Retain The Right To Shoot via @tickerguytweeted10 hours ago

F o l l o w Us O n :

To be blunt, Grand County is getting ripped off to the tune of $148,000 dollars this fiscal year. But the ripoff has been much larger over the last two years.

Im a web guy... I have four YouTube channels a channel on Vimeo run three blogs play with twitter and Facebook, and generally love playing on the World Wide Web. When these two ladies started presenting to the commissioners, I immediately noticed some problems.

More Administrators Cheating On Standardized Tests

In 2009, the Tourism Board paid $210,000 for 91,000 unique web visitors. Thats $2.30 per visitor! In 2010, they spent $191,000 for 110,384 unique visitors $1.73 per visitor. This year, they only get $148,000, so theyre really having to scrape by. So, other than web visitors, what else has $549,000 of taxpayer money purchased? An awesome ad campaign! The ING campaign appeals to all you out there who love to do the out ofdoors ingskiING, hikING, bikING... Heard of it? Half amillion dollars. As a county taxpayer, I actually feel like Im getting a good screwING.

Counties Getting Fed Up: Official Calls For Riverside, 12 Other Counties To Secede From California day ago Ohio governor signs law allowing guns in bars Good! via @YahooNewstweeted1 day ago

But besides a great ad campaign, theres a flashy new website aptly named Isnt that cute? Its great too, with a bunch of flash video that not only takes forever to load, but causes you to get third degree burns on your lap as your computer overheats trying to crunch through all that video renderING (I think this is catching on). The two ladies presenting did point out that theyve been turning away from print advertising to focus on web based marketing due to the expense and lack of metrics involved with print. This makes me wonder where is all the online work being done?

A bit of digging revealed that, other than the website, not much is being done. But they have Facebook and twitter they said so themselves. They even have 8k likes on their Facebook pagewell, 7,500, but thats close enough right? I cant recall ever buying something associated with a like on Facebook. Can you? Lets start with twitter though, because that reveals a lot. Heres a screenshot of Grand County Uncensored's twitter feed:

Cant make the school board meeting? Want to see what the commissioners are up to? See and participate in live broadcasts of these events online. When we have a broadcast, we'll indicate it as a regular blog post and tweet it in our news ticker to the righthand side of the blog. In addition to textbased interactivity, we also stream live video and audio of the proceedings if bandwidth permits.

L i v e B r o a d c a s ts

My first post was May 29thabout a month and a half ago. Ive posted 239 tweets and follow 71 other accounts mostly for news aggregation. I have 12 followers, including 9 News and a couple of Denver Post people. I was even contacted by Dayle Cedars when the FBI arrested the guy in Kremmling over the white powder incident. Heres a screenshot of Grand Countys twitter feed:

See replays of past live casts or upcoming events by clicking the 'Live Broadcasts' link at the top of our blog page. Suggest an event youd like to see online: click the 'Contact' page at the top of our blog:

July 12th 6:00 PM Granby Town Hall | Hoodlums At

The Skate Park

U p c o m i n g L i v e O n l i n e E v e n ts

This feed was started on the 21st of April. The last tweet was on the 18th of June. Having a twitter feed with no tweets is the business equivalent to a big fat Sorry Were Closed sign hanging in the window.

Gaylene Ore of Ore Communications gave part of the presentation. I checked out their website at Ore Communications, and visited thier twitter feed:

This should be a lively discussion lumping any young person with a skateboard or bike into the category of 'hoodlum.' Present will be early morning walkers fed up with seeing pop cans and drink cups on the ground instead of in proper trash receptacles. Discussion will surround the subject of the lack of respect young people have these days.

The Facebook page is the most promising social media property so far, and its not utilized nearly to the extent that it could be.

If you advertise your business as a boutique PR firm, and have a twitter account with zero tweets, either start tweeting like mad or delete your account. Anyone with knowledge of social media looking into your web presence will immediately question you. Thats not a judgement but a statement of fact.

July 19th, 2011 6:00 PM Board of Education Regular Meeting | Wake Me Up When We Get There!

For their first meeting of the summer, the board of education will convene to discuss the fallout of the Grand Lake Elementary School closure as well as contingencies to handle the upcoming school board elections. With four of six positions opening up, a lot of change this way comes.

The bottom line is that $148,000 worth of your taxpayer dollars are going to pay people to do what Im doing right nowtype and tweet away on the computer at 1:50 AM on a Wednesday morning. Social media is only a conduit between people. If youre not on one end, no one will be on the other. Think of twitter and Facebook as simply a telephone with the ability to transmit images, text and video. If youre not there dialing, you arent going to reach anyone. So whats your take on the ING youre getting? Visit the article online at and make your voice heard.

It's called Grand County Uncensored. If you've got something you'd like to get off your chest after reading this or any other news source, by all means do so on our blog at

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28 years experience in: Small business Real estate Bankruptcy

See Trude's presentation on avoiding the pitfalls of hiring independent contractors: [email protected] 9707268855 3034442747

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