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UNIT 6 TEST A Imię i nazwisko: __________________________ Klasa: ______

Listening Functions
1 3.46 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie rozmowę dwojga 4 Uzupełnij dialog zdaniami a–e. Dwa zdania nie
przyjaciół. Uzupełnij brakujące informacje w pasują do dialogu.
zdaniach 1–5 zgodnie z treścią nagrania.
A: Mark, look at you! 1 ___ a When did it
1 Katie is in bed because she has got B: Oh, I broke my leg two happen?
_______________. days ago. b It isn’t too bad.
A: 2 ___ c What happened
2 Katie first felt ill on Thursday
B: I was on my bike. I fell to you?
_______________. over on the street. d It was two days
3 On Thursday, Katie came home from school A: How does it feel now? ago.
B: 3 ___ e How did you do
by _______________.
4 Katie’s mum called _______________. __ / 3
5 Katie has to take medicine and Grammar
_______________ a lot.
5 Zakreśl poprawną odpowiedź: a lub b.
__ / 10
Vocabulary 1 I ___ a good film on TV yesterday.
a see b saw
2 Uzupełnij nazwy dolegliwości brakującymi 2 Where did they ___ last weekend?
literami. a go b went
1 After I go swimming, I sometimes 3 She ___ call a doctor yesterday.
a wasn’t b didn’t
have e __ __ a __ h __.
4 ___ Mark go to the health centre last
2 When I eat too much, I often have
__ t __ m __ c __ __ c __ e. a Was b Did
3 In winter, I sometimes have a __ o __ d. 5 We didn’t ___ to Jack this morning.
4 I can’t speak. I have a s __ __ e a talk b talked
t __ __ o __ __. __ / 5
__ / 4 6 Uzupełnij dialog odpowiednią formą
3 Zakreśl wyrazy, które poprawnie uzupełniają czasowników w nawiasach w czasie Past
poniższe zdania.
simple. Uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

A: Hi, Mandy. 1 ____________ (you / have) a

1 Your head is hot. You have a cough / fever.
good weekend?
2 Don’t touch the hot iron! You’ll scratch / B: Hello, Robert. Yes, I 2 ____________. My
burn your hand! cousins from Manchester 3 ____________
3 When you see an accident, you should (visit) me.
A: Nice. How long 4 ____________ (they / stay)
call / take an ambulance.
with you? All weekend?
4 Listen to your doctor and take medicine / B: No. They 5 ____________ (leave) on Sunday
A&E. morning. But we 6 ____________ (have) a
really good time on Saturday. We 7
5 When you walk into a hole, you can twist
____________ (not go) cycling because it was
your finger / ankle. cold and rainy but we 8 ____________ (play)
__ / 5 video games.
A: That sounds fun!
__ / 8

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UNIT 6 TEST A Imię i nazwisko: __________________________ Klasa: ______

Reading 4 Which of the following will help you sleep

7 Przeczytaj tekst. W zadaniach 1–5 z podanych a Watching TV.
odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią b Taking exercise.
tekstu. c Regular bedtime hours.

5 The text was written to

a describe some common illnesses.
We all want to be healthy and fit, and it’s
b show some ideas for a healthy lifestyle.
important to follow some rules of a healthy c give advice on dealing with illnesses.
lifestyle. __ / 5
 Don’t eat big and heavy meals, especially Writing
before going to bed. They will often give you
stomach ache. It’s much better to eat a little but 8 W zeszłym tygodniu nie mogłeś/mogłaś
more often during the day. And forget fast pojechać z koleżanką na koncert z powodu
foods! problemu zdrowotnego. Napisz e-mail.
 Don’t ignore any illnesses or injuries. If you W wiadomości:
have a headache or a fever and they don’t go  wyjaśnij, co ci dolegało,
away after one day, see a doctor. These are  napisz, co robiłeś/robiłaś w tym czasie,
often symptoms of a cold or flu, so don’t wait till  podziękuj za zdjęcia z koncertu i wyraź
it gets worse. swoją opinię na ich temat.
 Regular exercise is good for your body. You Użyj maksymalnie 120 słów.
can do it every day if it’s not too hard, but if you
do a lot of exercise on one day, it’s usually a ✕
good idea to give your body a rest for a day or
Hi Susan,
two afterwards. When you have an injury, for I’m really sorry I didn’t go to the concert with you
example a bruised foot, always let your body last week.
get better before you start exercising again. …
 Sleep is important! A good night’s rest is Write back, XYZ
something your body and mind need every day.
To sleep well, try not to play games or watch __ / 10
films just before going to bed. Also, some Total: __ / 50
people shouldn’t do exercise in the evenings
because they have problems falling asleep. Go Extra task
to bed and get up at the same time every day,
so your body has a regular sleeping routine. 9 Przetłumacz fragmenty podane w nawiasach
na język angielski.
1 The text says you can get a stomach ache if
1 He (zadrapał kolano) ________________ badly
you eat
a many meals during the day. when he had a bike accident.
b fast foods. 2 Tom! It’s already 7:30. (Pośpiesz się)
c too much before sleeping.
2 You should go to a health centre 3 My leg (nie boli) ________________ much.
a every time you have a headache. 4 Oh, dear. You’re (w tarapatach)
b if you feel bad for longer than a day.
c when your flu gets worse.
5 (Nie widziałem) ___________________ you at
3 The text says you should not do exercise school yesterday. Were you ill?
a when you hurt a part of your body.
b when you have a headache.
__ / 5
c when it isn’t regular. Total : ___ / 55

Photocopiable Brainy klasa 6 © Macmillan Polska 2019

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