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1 Test B Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Listening 3 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami.
1 3.48 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery krótkie Pierwsze litery wyrazów zostały podane.
dialogi. Zaznacz poprawne odpowiedzi. 1 The person who is responsible for making
1 What are the girl and the boy talking about? a film is called the d .
2 A woman who plays the most important part
in a film is the l a .

3 A m a uses specially
A   B    C  prepared cosmetics to help actors and actresses
2 Who is the speaker? get ready for a performance.
4 The s is the text at the bottom
6m3 of the screen in a foreign language film.
5 Another word for the story of a film is
A   B    C 
the p .
3 What is the boy doing?

A Telling the story of a film.
B Criticising a film. Grammar
C Recommending a film. 4 Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramki.

4 The girl isn’t going to go to the cinema because
which whose when who where
A she doesn’t want to see the film again.
6m3 1 At the beginning of the film, he arrives
B she hasn’t got the money for a ticket.
in a small town, he meets

C she has to stay at home with her sister.

a beautiful woman.

/4 2 There are some events in the film

Vocabulary don’t make sense to me.
3 I’ve got a friend wants to be
2 Zakreśl wyrazy/wyrażenia, które poprawnie a film star.
uzupełniają zdania.
4 I recently met a girl older sister
1 The film was so boring that some of the plot /
is studying film.
audience / extras left the cinema before
5 1977 was the first part of Star
the end.
Wars came out.

2 They asked a famous writer to write the script /

fantasy / blockbuster for the film.
3 It was such a great horror film / comedy /

musical that I couldn’t stop laughing!

4 The film has got a really good director /
designer / cast. There are a lot of famous actors
in it.
5 They’re planning to shoot / write / come out
this film in the Himalayas!

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1 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

5 Uzupełnij zdania, stosując wyrazy podane Functions
w nawiasach w odpowiedniej formie. 7 Dla każdego ze zdań 1–5 dobierz właściwą
1 My brother (use / play) reakcję A–H. Uwaga! Trzy reakcje zostały
basketball for a local club, but he stopped last podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego
year. zdania.
2 (you / study) for 1 Where shall we go this afternoon?

the test last night? 2 Would you like a glass of water?
3 We (not go) to 3 Would you like to watch a football game
the countryside last weekend. on TV?
4 Where (they /
4 Shall I help you with your homework?
use / live) before they moved here?
6m3 5 Shall we go out tonight?
5 I (take) my little sister to the
cinema yesterday. A How about a sports programme?

6 We (not / use / go) B No, thank you. I’m not really hungry.
to the theatre as often as we do now.
C Yes, please. It’s really difficult.
7 Sally (stop) going to the gym
D Yes. Can I have sparkling, please?
a few months ago.

E How about the new skate park?
F No, I don’t. Comedies are not interesting.
Use of English G Good idea! Let’s see a film at the cinema.
6 Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C H I’d love to. Who’s playing?

i zakreśl ją.


1 A   Used B   Do C   Did
2 A   used to go B   didn’t go C   doesn’t go
3 A   whose B   who C   which
4 A   plot B   main character C   lead actor
5 A   use to like B   liked C   likes

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1 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

8 Przeczytaj poniższe teksty. W zadaniach 1–4 zaznacz poprawną odpowiedź: A, B albo C.
Tekst 1 Tekst 2



If you’re into films or film-making, our summer
schools are the perfect holiday choice!
If you join us over the summer, you can:
• choose from a wide variety of film-
making courses, lasting from 7 days to 12
6m3 weeks.
• select a course that corresponds to your
level of experience. Courses range from
beginner to advanced.

• enjoy an exciting programme that
includes scriptwriting, directing and
acting techniques, as well as digital film

• get a chance to work with professionals,
both in the classroom and on set.
Visit to find out
6m3 more. Apply today!

1 Which is true about the summer schools?

A All classes teach a practical skill and take place
on a film set.
B You need to have some experience in film-
C They offer a choice of both short and long
3 When Mia found out about the film-making
2 The purpose of the text is to

summer school,
A give information about the instructors.
A she needed some time to think about it.
B advertise a film-making summer school.
B she was worried about the cost of the course.
C describe the course activities in detail.

C she was immediately excited about the idea.

4 What does Mia say about the classes?
A She thinks most of them are boring.
B The scriptwriting ones are the most popular.
C Some of them involve famous people.

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1 Test B
UNIT Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

Extra task
9 Napisz e-mail do koleżanki z Anglii, w którym
zawrzesz krótką recenzję (prawdziwego lub 10 Przetłumacz fragmenty zdań podane
w nawiasach na język angielski. W każdą
zmyślonego) filmu.
lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie trzy
W e-mailu: wyrazy.
• napisz, jaki typ filmu obejrzałeś/obejrzałaś

1 I’ve got a friend (którego rodzice)
i w jakich okolicznościach (np. w kinie,
are actors.
z przyjaciółmi itp.);
2 What type of film (obejrzeliście)
• napisz, co sądzisz o fabule filmu;
at the cinema
• napisz, jakie są mocne i słabe strony tego filmu. yesterday?
Podpisz się jako XYZ. Użyj od 50 do 120 słów. 3 In this film he’s only a (aktorem

4 (Czy chciałabyś)
to listen
to the soundtrack?

5 I (zwykłem czytać)
a lot of comic
books, but I don’t read them anymore.
6m3 /5

Total : / 55

/ 10

Total: / 50

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