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1|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Sample Practice – School Trip

Write a diary entry about your school trip that you went on.
In your diary, write:

• Day and date.

• Where did you go?
• Who with?
• What did you do?
• How did you feel?

Write about 60-80 words.

Day and Date: _______________________________

Dear Diary,

Today was an exciting day as we went on a ______________________

to the _______________________. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect

for exploring. I went with my __________________ and our

___________________, Mr. Johan and Ms. Julia. We ______________

various animals, from majestic lions to playful monkeys. We even got

a chance to ______________ the elephants and giraffes! It was such a

wonderful experience being so close to nature. I felt

____________________ and ____________________ to witness these

amazing creatures up close.

Until next time,

2|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Complete the diary with the following phrases/words.

✓ grateful ✓ Friday, June 2,
✓ feed 2023.
✓ school trip ✓ classmates and our
✓ saw teachers
✓ local zoo ✓ fascinated
✓ grateful


Day and Date: Friday, June 2, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today was an exciting day as we went on a school trip to the local

zoo. It was a beautiful sunny day, perfect for exploring. I went with

my classmates and our teachers, Mr. Johan and Ms. Julia. We saw

various animals, from majestic lions to playful monkeys. We even got

a chance to feed the giraffes! It was such a wonderful experience

being so close to nature. I felt fascinated and grateful to witness

these amazing creatures up close.

Until next time,


3|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Practice 1 – Family Trip

Write a diary entry about your family trip that you went on.
In your diary, write:

• Day and date.

• Where did you go?
• Who with?
• What did you do?
• How did you feel?

Write about 60-80 words.

Day and Date: _______________________________

Dear Diary,
Today marked a memorable _________________________ to the

______________. The sun was shining brightly, and the sand was

warm beneath our feet. We went to a picturesque coastal town with

my ________________, ________________, and beloved

________________, Oyen. We spent the day ________________

sandcastles, ___________________ in the waves, and

___________________ a picnic by the shore. It was pure bliss to see the

smiles on everyone's faces. The salty breeze and laughter filled my

heart with ___________ and ______________________.

With memories like these, I can't wait for our next family excursion.
4|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Complete the diary with the following phrases/words.

✓ Saturday, June 6, ✓ enjoying

2023 ✓ gratitude
✓ joy ✓ beach
✓ cat ✓ siblings
✓ building ✓ family trip
✓ parents
✓ swimming


Day and Date: Saturday, June 6, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today marked a memorable family trip to the beach. The sun was

shining brightly, and the sand was warm beneath our feet. We went

to a picturesque coastal town with my parents, siblings, and

beloved cat, Oyen. We spent the day building sandcastles,

swimming in the waves, and enjoying a picnic by the shore. It was

pure bliss to see the smiles on everyone's faces. The salty breeze and

laughter filled my heart with joy and gratitude.

With memories like these, I can't wait for our next family excursion.

5|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Practice 2 – An Unforgettable Hiking Experience

Write a diary entry about your hiking that you went on. In
your diary, write:

• Day and date.

• Where did you go?
• Who with?
• What did you do?
• How did you feel?

Write about 60-80 words.

Day and Date: _______________________________.

Dear Diary,

Today was an adventurous day as I went on a

______________________ in the breath-taking __________________. I

embarked on this journey with a group of _______________________

who share the same love for nature. We _______________ along a

scenic trail, surrounded by lush ________________ and picturesque

mountains. The views were stunning. We __________________ the

summit excitedly. The fresh air and the beautiful landscape filled me

with a sense of ___________________ and


Until we conquer the next peak,

Mira Filzah

6|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Complete the diary with the following phrases/words.

✓ mountains ✓ scenic
✓ close friends ✓ stunning
✓ peace ✓ reached
✓ satisfaction ✓ greenery
✓ hiking adventure ✓ Sunday, May 28, 2023.
✓ hiked


Day and Date: Sunday, May 28, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today was an adventurous day as I went on a hiking adventure in

the breath-taking mountains. I embarked on this journey with a group

of close friends who share the same love for nature. We hiked along

a scenic trail, surrounded by lush greenery and picturesque

mountains. The views were stunning. We reached the summit

excitedly. The fresh air and the beautiful landscape filled me with a

sense of peace and satisfaction.

Until we conquer the next peak,

Mira Filzah

7|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Practice 3 – A Birthday Celebration

Write a diary entry about your birthday celebration that you had.
In your diary, write:

• Day and date.

• Where did you celebrate?
• Who with you celebrating?
• What did you do?
• What did you enjoy most?
• How did you feel?

Write about 60-80 words.

Day and Date: _______________________________________.

Dear Diary,

Today was my ______________________, and I had a wonderful

____________________ at a cozy ____________________ in town. My

____________________________________ were there, and we had a great

time. We _________________ a _____________________ meal, shared

laughter and heartfelt moments. The best part was the surprise

__________________________ with candles. I felt so

____________________ and _________________ by everyone's presence

and affection.

Until my next birthday,

8|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Complete the diary with the following phrases/words.

✓ birthday ✓ loved
✓ enjoyed ✓ celebration
✓ family and closest friends ✓ Sunday, June 4, 2023.
✓ delicious ✓ birthday cake
✓ grateful ✓ restaurant


Day and Date: Sunday, June 4, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today was my birthday, and I had a wonderful celebration at a cozy

restaurant in town. My family and closest friends were there, and

we had a great time. We enjoyed a delicious meal, shared laughter

and heartfelt moments. The best part was the surprise birthday cake

with candles. I felt so grateful and loved by everyone's presence and


Until my next birthday,


9|UASA P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Practice 4 – A School Sports Day

Write a diary entry about your school sports day that you enjoyed.
In your diary, write:

• Day and date.

• When was the event??
• Who with you participating?
• What event did you joined?
• What did you enjoy most?
• How did you feel?

Write about 60-80 words.

Day and Date: Sunday, May 7, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today was our school _________________, and it was so much fun!

The event ___________________ in the ___________________ and

ended in the ____________________. I _____________________ the

relay race with my _____________________. We

_________________________ we could, passing the baton to each

other. The best part was the loud __________________ from everyone

watching and being part of a team. I felt _________________ and

______________ to represent our team. What a day!

Until the next sports day,

10 | U A S A P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Complete the diary with the following phrases/words.

✓ sports day ✓ morning

✓ took place ✓ ran as fast as
✓ joined ✓ classmates
✓ cheers ✓ proud
✓ excited ✓ afternoon


Day and Date: Sunday, May 7, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today was our school sports day, and it was so much fun! The event

took place in the morning and ended in the afternoon. I joined

the relay race with my classmates. We ran as fast as we could,

passing the baton to each other. The best part was the loud cheers

from everyone watching and being part of a team. I felt excited and

proud to represent our team. What a day!

Until the next sports day,


11 | U A S A P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Practice 5 – A Wonderful School Camping Experience

Write a diary entry about your school camping that you joined. In
your diary, write:

• Day and date.

• When was the event??
• When did the camping took place?
• Who joined you in the camping?
• What activities did you do?
• How did you feel?

Write about 60-80 words.

Day and Date: Friday, September 23, 2023.

Dear Diary,
Today was an __________________ day as our school organized a

_____________________. We ________________ early in the morning

and _____________________ at the campsite in the afternoon. My

______________________________ joined me on this exciting

adventure. We ____________ the day setting up ________________,

exploring the surroundings, and enjoying outdoor activities like

________________ and playing games. The fresh air and beautiful

scenery made me feel ______________ and connected to nature. It was

a ___________________experience for me. Definitely fascinating!

Until the next camping trip,

12 | U A S A P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Complete the diary with the following phrases/words.

✓ memorable ✓ hiking
✓ camping trip ✓ alive
✓ arrived ✓ amazing
✓ left ✓ classmates and teachers
✓ spent ✓ tents


Day and Date: Friday, September 23, 2023.

Dear Diary,

Today was an amazing day as our school organized a camping trip.

We left early in the morning and arrived at the campsite in the

afternoon. My classmates and teachers joined me on this exciting

adventure. We spent the day setting up tents, exploring the

surroundings, and enjoying outdoor activities like hiking and

playing games. The fresh air and beautiful scenery made me feel

alive and connected to nature. It was a memorable experience for

me. Definitely fascinating!

Until the next camping trip,


13 | U A S A P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

Extra Practice 1 – Daily Routine

Dear Diary,

Today was a normal day for me. I __________________ early, had

breakfast, and got ready for school. After school, I did my
________________ and studied for a while. In the evening, I
______________ outside with my friends. Later, I had _______________
with my family and _______________ a movie before bedtime. It was
a routine day, but I ________________ every moment.

It was a great day to enjoy!

watched dinner enjoyed
played woke up homework

Extra Practice 2 – Weekend Activities

Dear Diary,

This _______________ was full of fun _______________. On Saturday,

I went to the ________________ with my friends, played football, and
had a picnic. On Sunday, I _______________ my grandparents and
spent quality time with them. In the afternoon, I went
________________ at the local pool. We ended the weekend watching
a ___________________ at home.

Absolutely fantastic weekend!

park weekend activities
swimming visited movie

14 | U A S A P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3


Extra Practice 1 – Daily Routine

Dear Diary,

Today was a normal day for me. I woke up early, had breakfast, and got ready
for school. After school, I did my homework and studied for a while. In the
evening, I played outside with my friends. Later, I had dinner with my family
and watched a movie before bedtime. It was a routine day, but I enjoyed every

It was a great day to enjoy!


Dear Diary,

This weekend was full of fun activities. On Saturday, I went to the park with
my friends, played football, and had a picnic. On Sunday, I visited my
grandparents and spent quality time with them. In the afternoon, I went
swimming at the local pool. We ended the weekend watching a movie at home.

Absolutely fantastic weekend!


15 | U A S A P a r t 7 D i a r y E n t r y P r a c t i c e – S i r M a r z a 2 0 2 3

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