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Part 6 Writing
Short Communicative
(Mesej Komunikasi Pendek)
(e-mail, message, note)




1 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022

1. Candidate must produce a complete written text.

2. Candidate must write their answers in the writing space provided.
3. Candidate must write between 30 to 50 words.
4. Write short and straightforward points.
5. Use the input / points given.
6. Marks allocated: 10 marks.

✓ Hi
✓ Hello
✓ Dear
✓ Hi there


✓ How are you?
✓ How’s it going?
✓ Congratulations!
✓ It’s great to hear from you


✓ In my opinion,
✓ I think
✓ You should
✓ I believe you should

✓ I hope my suggestion
✓ I hope you agree with me
✓ I hope my advice has been helpful

✓ Bye!
✓ Goodbye and take care!
✓ That’s all for now.
✓ All the best!
✓ See you soon / See you later.
✓ Regards,
✓ Sincerely
✓ Yours

2 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Sample Practice – Buying a new T-shirt

You want to buy a new T-shirt in town. Write an email to your friend, Kamal.
In your email,
- Ask Kamal where to buy cheap T-shirts
- Ask Kamal how to get there
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.
Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.
To [email protected]
Subject Buying new T-shirt
Hi Kamal,

Please can you help me? I need to buy some new T-shirts. I don't know the town
well. Can you tell me where I can buy some? I don't have much money, so please
tell me about a cheap store! Please tell me how I can get there. Can I walk, or
will I need to take a bus or taxi?

cheap town money
help walk buy

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Buying new T-shirt

Hi Kamal,

Please can you help me? I need to buy some new T-shirts. I don't know the town
well. Can you tell me where I can buy some? I don't have much money, so please
tell me about a cheap store! Please tell me how I can get there. Can I walk, or will
I need to take a bus or taxi?


3 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 1 – Planning to go skateboarding with friend

You want to go skateboarding on Sunday with your friend, Azam. Write an

email to Azam.
In your email,
- ask Azam to go skateboarding with you on Sunday
- tell where you want to go skateboarding
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Going skateboarding
Hi Azam,

Would you like to go _________________ with me this Sunday? I want to go to the

Youth Skate Park in the city __________ and we could go by _________________
after our ____________ class. It would be great if you could ____________ me on that
Let me know if you are __________________________.

centre join tuition
interested skateboarding bicycle

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Going skateboarding

4 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 2 – Going for camping

You want to go camping with your friend, Lim. Write an email to Lim inviting
him to join you.
In your email,
- invite Lim to go camping with you
- tell him what to bring
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Going for camping

Hi Lim,

It should be a lot of fun ___________ together. I am thinking about going for three
days. I already have the ___________, so you don’t need to bring yours. It should be
_____________ enough for both of us. You only need to ______________ your own
_____________ bag. Don’t forget to bring your ___________________ too.

tent bring food
camping large sleeping

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Going for camping

5 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 3 – Going shopping together

You are going shopping with your friend, Mira tomorrow. Write an email to
In your email,
- tell where you want to meet
- what you want to buy.
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Going shopping

Hi Mira,

I’m really _______________ to go _________________ with you tomorrow. Let’s

____________ in a cafe in a shopping mall at 2.00 p.m. I want to __________ a new
dress. Most importantly, I really want you to help me buying the best
_______________ gift for my mother.
See you soon!
buy birthday shopping
mall excited meet

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Going shopping

6 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 4 – Teacher’s Day gift

You are planning to buy a gift for your teacher with your classmate, Kamilia.
Write an email to Kamilia.
In your email,
- tell her what you plan to buy
- where to buy.
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Teacher’s Day gift

Hi Kamilia,

Teacher’s Day is around the corner, and I am ________________ to buy a

_____________ to our class teacher, Miss Sara. I think we should buy her a gift
basket with ______________ in it. We can _____________ it from Marza Gift &
Stationeries Store. It has many _____________ with ______________ prices too.
gift grab affordable
choices planning stationeries

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Teacher’s Day gift

7 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 5 – Extreme Sports

You are thinking of joining an extreme sport this coming school holiday. Your
friend Rizal has the answer. Write an email to Rizal.
In your email,
- ask Rizal what you should join
- tell him why you want to join
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Extreme Sports

Hi Rizal,

School ____________ is coming soon. I am ______________ to join one of the

_______________ sports available in Extreme World Arena, your extreme sports
club. I know that you are one of the active _______________ in the club. What
should I _______________- skateboarding or wall-climbing? Give me your
__________________, buddy.

extreme join thoughts
holiday members planning

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Extreme Sports

8 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 6 – Family Picnic

You went for a family picnic last week. Write an email to your friend, Danial
about the picnic.
In your email,
- tell him where you went for a picnic
- share with him the activities during your picnic
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Family Picnic

Hi Danial,

I am _________________ to share with you our family _____________ last week. We

went to Paka Glamping Park for our _____________ picnic. The location is
extremely superb and ________________ for a family activity. We had a
_______________ barbeque session. We went ________________ too. Besides that,
we had an enjoyable mini game together too.

memorable swimming wonderful
suitable excited picnic

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Family Picnic

9 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 7 – Road Accident

Your best friend, Hakim was involved in an accident. Write an email to your
teacher, Mr. Adam about the accident.
In your email,
- write what happened to Hakim
- invite your teacher to join you visit Hakim in the hospital
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Hakim’s road accident

Hi sir,

I just want to share with you what __________________ to my classmate, Hakim.

He was _________________ in an accident yesterday. The accident happened
during ________________ rain. Luckily, Hakim is _________________ and has been
_______________________ for a broken leg. I am going to __________________ him
today with other classmates. Do you want to join us, sir?

heavy hospitalized safe
visit happened involved

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Hakim’s road accident

10 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 8 – Fire Incident

Azman’s house was caught on fire last night. As his neighbour, write an email
to your headmaster, Mr. Razak about the incident.
In your email,
- write what happened to Azman’s house
- tell your headmaster about donation drive
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Donation Drive for Azman’s family

Hi sir,

I have _____________ news for you. Azman’s house was badly _______________ in
a fire last night. The __________________ managed to stop the fire but
__________________ Azman’s house was destroyed. I am planning to
________________ a donation drive to help Azman. _____________ can be money,
clothes, food, or books.

damaged firefighters organize
unfortunately Donations bad

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Donation Drive for Azman’s family

11 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 9 – Earth Day Celebration

Your school will be having Earth Day Celebration next week. As the chairman
of the Environmental Club, write an email to your headmistress.
In your email,
- tell her about the program
- suggest the activities for the program
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Earth Day Celebration

Hi madam,

Our club will be ____________________ Earth Day Celebration next week. The
program will be ______________ for three days with some _________________
activities. We are _________________ to have poster making ______________, art
project, and video presentations. There will be a _________________ program too
from the state Environmental Department.

interesting held contest
special organizing planning

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Earth Day Celebration

12 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 10 – Seeking some advice for outdoor activity

You are interested in participating in a jungle trekking during school holiday.

Write an email to your brother, a national fitness trainer about it.
In your email,
- tell him about the activity
- ask his tips how to stay fit for the activity
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Jungle trekking

Hi brother,

I need your _____________ urgently. I would like to _________________ in a jungle

trekking activity next month. It’s a two-day _______________ where all the
___________________ will learn some basic skills and fitness and will
_______________ in a competition in the second day. Can you share with me some
_________________ tips to stay fit?

event compete participate
important advice participants

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Jungle trekking

13 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 11 – Dream laptop

You scored the highest mark in a recent English UASA test. Your uncle has
promised to buy you a gift. Write an email to him.
In your email,
- tell him to buy you a laptop
- explain why you need a laptop
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your email below.

Task 1: Complete the email by using the correct words given.

To [email protected]
Subject Buying a laptop

Hi uncle,

You did _________________ to buy me a gift if I scored the ___________________

mark in a test. I did it! Buying a new _____________________ would be the best
gift you could ever give to me. My old laptop was ____________________ recently.
I really need a laptop for my online ________________ and _____________________.

laptop class homework
stolen promise highest

Task 2: Rewrite the full email.

To [email protected]
Subject Buying a laptop

14 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 12 – Sports and Games

You wish to carry out one sport activity at your neighbourhood. Write a
message to your friend about it.
In your message,
- share with him the sport activity
- tell him what he should bring
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your message below.

Task 1: Complete the message by using the correct words given.

Hi Sam,
I am going to carry out a badminton ____________________ in our
neighbourhood next __________________. I heard you love to _______________
badminton. Therefore, I would like to _________________ you to join the
tournament too. You should ______________ your own __________________ if you
wish to join. Let’s hurry up!


weekend invite racket

bring tournament play

Task 2: Rewrite the full message.

Hi Sam,


15 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 13 – Absent from extracurricular activity

You have an emergency at your hometown and cannot attend the extracurricular
activity. Write a message to your teacher about it.
In your message,
- tell your teacher about the emergency
- ask his/her permission to excuse yourself from the activity
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your message below.

Task 1: Complete the message by using the correct words given.

Dear Miss Izzah,
I _________________ to inform you that I cannot ________________ the Girl
Guides meeting today due to an _________________ issue. My family and I need
to rush back to our _________________ because my grandmother had just
_______________________ this morning. Therefore, I seek your _________________
to be absent for today’s meeting. Many apologies.


hometown attend permission

emergency regret passed away

Task 2: Rewrite the full message.

Dear Miss Izzah,


16 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 14 – English Workshop

You are organizing an English Workshop for your school. Write a message to
your friend.
In your message,
- tell your friend why they should join
- invite your friend to register for the workshop
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your message below.

Task 1: Complete the message by using the correct words given.

Hi Gary,
I writing to _________________ you to attend the English Workshop. You
told me that you are ______________________ to write and
_________________________ well in English. Therefore, this workshop would be a
good ___________________ for you to ____________________ yourself. I hope you
will ____________________ joining me in the workshop. See you there.


struggling communicate consider

improve invite opportunity

Task 2: Rewrite the full message.

Hi Gary,


17 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 15 – New Amusement Park in town

You went to new park in the town recently. Write a message to your friend about
In your message,
- tell your friend about the new park
- invite your friend to go to the park with you
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your message below.

Task 1: Complete the message by using the correct words given.

Hi Suzie,
There is a __________________ park in the town. I ________________ there
yesterday, and I was very _______________ to tell you about it. The park has many
modern _________________. It has football field, lake, jogging ________________
and most _________________________, many local food stalls are there. You’ll love
the place! Come and join me today. See you soon.


went interestingly track

facilities new excited

Task 2: Rewrite the full message.

Hi Suzie,


18 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 16 – New pet

You received a new pet from your parents. Write a message to your friend about
your new pet.

In your message,
- tell your friend about the pet
- ask her to come and see your pet
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your message below.

Task 1: Complete the message by using the correct words given.

Hi Dara,
I would like to ________________ with you my new pet. My parents recently
_______________ me a new ________________ grey pet rabbit. It’s very
_______________ and has beautiful eyes. I am very __________________ to ask you
to come and see it. We can _________________ it with carrots together. See you

cute share excited

bought feed fluffy

Task 2: Rewrite the full message.

Hi Dara,

19 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 17 – Suggest a friend to buy things

Your friend has won a cash prize of RM500 for the essay writing competition.
Write a message to him.

In your message,
- congratulate your friend
- suggest him how he should spend the money
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your message below.

Task 1: Complete the message by using the correct words given.

Hi Darren,
Congratulations! You made us __________________, Darren. Regarding the
RM500 that you have ____________________, it would be nice if you spend it
______________________. Buy new books for the upcoming UASA exam. You can
also _______________ on new clothes too. Most importantly, ___________________
some on your savings for _____________________ days. That’s my opinion.

won rainy wisely

spend proud allocate

Task 2: Rewrite the full message.

Hi Darren,

20 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 18 – Seeking an apology

You did not attend your friend’s birthday party. Write a note to her seeking an

In your note,
- apologize to your friend
- explain why you did not attend her party
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your note below.

Task 1: Complete the note by using the correct words given.

Hi Gina,
Happy 12th ____________________, Gina! I sincerely _____________________
for not __________________ your birthday party. I know you were
_________________, but I hope you understand my ____________________. My dad
was not at home to send me so I couldn’t attend your party. My mum was not
_________________ well too. Really sorry.

sad feeling apologize

understand birthday attending

Task 2: Rewrite the full note.

Hi Gina,

21 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 19 – Going to the book fair

You saw an online advertisement about the book fair. You wish to invite your
friend to go with you.

In your note,
- tell him why you want to go
- invite him to go with you
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your note below.

Task 1: Complete the note by using the correct words given.

Hi Amir,
There will be a book ______________ this coming weekend. It will be
____________ in a new community hall in our city. Many _______________ book
publishers are ________________ this time and I am going to go to buy their
________________ publications. It would be great if you could go with me. We can
__________________ and buy many books together.

famous latest held

explore fair participating

Task 2: Rewrite the full note.

Hi Amir,

22 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 20 – Borrow someone’s drone

You wanted to record a video of an aerial view of your school for your science
project. Write a note to your friend.

In your note,
- tell him why you need the drone
- promise him to use it carefully
Write about 30-50 words.
Write your note below.

Task 1: Complete the note by using the correct words given.

Hi Donnie,
I would like to __________________ your drone because I need to
____________________ my science project. My teacher asked me to
_________________ a video of an _________________ view of our school. I can’t
__________________ to buy one so I hope you can lend me your drone. I promise I
will use it __________________________.
Jet Li

afford record carefully

aerial carry out borrow

Task 2: Rewrite the full note.

Hi Donnie,

Jet Li
23 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022

Practice 1
Hi Azam,
Would you like to go skateboarding with me this Sunday? I want to go to the Youth
Skate Park in the city centre and we could go by bicycle after our tuition class. It
would be great if you could join me on that day.
Let me know if you are interested.
Practice 2
Hi Lim,
It should be a lot of fun camping together. I am thinking about going for three days. I
already have the tent, so you don’t need to bring yours. It should be large enough for
both of us. You only need to bring your own sleeping bag. Don’t forget to bring your
food too.

Practice 3
Hi Mira,
I’m really excited to go shopping with you tomorrow. Let’s meet in a cafe in a
shopping mall at 2.00 p.m. I want to buy a new dress. Most importantly, I really want
you to help me buying the best birthday gift for my mother.
See you soon!

Practice 4
Hi Kamilia,
Teacher’s Day is around the corner, and I am planning to buy a gift to our class teacher,
Miss Sara. I think we should buy her a gift basket with stationeries in it. We can grab
it from Marza Gift & Stationeries Store. It has many choices with affordable prices
price too.

Practice 5
Hi Rizal,
School holiday is coming soon. I am planning to join one of the extreme sports
available in Extreme World Arena, your extreme sports club. I know that you are one of
the active members in the club. What should I join - skateboarding or wall climbing?
Give me your thoughts, buddy.

24 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 6
Hi Danial,
I am excited to share with you our family picnic last week. We went to Paka Glamping
Park for our wonderful picnic. The location is extremely superb and suitable for a
family activity. We had a memorable barbeque session. We went swimming too.
Besides that, we had an enjoyable mini game together too.

Practice 7
Hi sir,
I just want to share with you what happened to my classmate, Hakim. He was
involved in an accident yesterday. The accident happened during heavy rain. Luckily,
Hakim is safe and has been hospitalized for a broken leg. I am going to visit him today
with other classmates. Do you want to join us, sir?

Practice 8
Hi sir,
I have bad news for you. Azman’s house was badly damaged in a fire last night. The
firefighters managed to stop the fire but unfortunately Azman’s house was destroyed.
I am planning to organize a donation drive to help Azman. Donations can be money,
clothes, food, or books.

Practice 9
Hi madam,
Our club will be organizing Earth Day Celebration next week. The program will be
held for three days with some interesting activities. We are planning to have poster
making contest, art project, and video presentations. There will be a special program
too from the state Environmental Department.

Practice 10
Hi brother,
I need your advice urgently. I would like to participate in a jungle trekking activity
next month. It’s a two-day event where all the participants will learn some basic skills
and fitness and will compete in a competition in the second day. Can you share with
me some important tips to stay fit?

25 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 11
Hi uncle,
You did promise to buy me a gift if I scored the highest mark in a test. I did it! Buying
a new laptop would be the best gift you could ever gve to me. My old laptop was stolen
recently. I really need a laptop for my online class and homework.

Practice 12
Hi Sam,
I am going to carry out a badminton tournament in our neighbourhood next
weekend. I heard you love to play badminton. Therefore, I would like to invite you to
join the tournament too. You should bring your own racket if you wish to join. Let’s
hurry up!
Practice 13
Dear Miss Izzah,
I regret to inform you that I cannot attend the Girl Guides meeting today due
to an emergency issue. My family and I need to rush back to our hometown because
my grandmother had just passed away this morning. Therefore, I seek your
permission to be absent for today’s meeting. Many apologies.

Practice 14
Hi Gary,
I writing to invite you to attend the English Workshop. You told me that you are
struggling to write and communicate well in English. Therefore, this workshop would
be a good opportunity for you to improve yourself. I hope you will consider joining
me in the workshop. See you there.

Practice 15
Hi Suzie,
There is a new park in the town. I went there yesterday, and I was very excited
to tell you about it. The park has many modern facilities. It has football field, lake,
jogging track and most interestingly, many local food stalls are there. You’ll love the
place! Come and join me today. See you soon.


26 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022
Practice 16
Hi Dara,
I would like to share with you my new pet. My parents recently bought me a
new fluffy grey pet rabbit. It’s very cute and has beautiful eyes. I am very excited to
ask you to come and see it. We can feed it with carrots together. See you later!
Practice 17
Hi Darren,
Congratulations! You made us proud, Darren. Regarding the RM500 that you
have won, it would be nice if you spend it wisely. Buy new books for the upcoming
UASA exam. You can also spend on new clothes too. Most importantly, allocate some
on your savings for rainy days. That’s my opinion.
Practice 18
Hi Gina,
Happy 12th birthday Gina! I sincerely apologize for not attending your
birthday party. I know you were sad, but I hope you understand my situation. My dad
was not at home to send me so I couldn’t attend your party. My mum was not feeling
well too. Really sorry.

Practice 19
Hi Amir,
There will be a book fair this coming weekend. It will be held in a new
community hall in our city. Many famous book publishers are participating this time
and I am going to go to buy their latest publications. It would be great if you could go
with me. We can explore and buy many books together.
Practice 20
Hi Donnie,
I would like to borrow your drone because I need to carry out my science
project. My teacher asked me to record a video of an aerial view of our school. I can’t
afford to buy one so I hope you can lend me your drone. I promise I will use it carefully.
Jet Li
Thank you.
Aku Marza - Author

Sample Answers only

27 | Part 6 UASA Short Communicative Message Practice Book – Cikgu Marza 2022

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