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Requirement for livestock management

Factors that determine the choice of management practice

Various management practices



Care of a pregnant rabbit

Care of a pregnant cane rat( grasscutter)

Care of a pregnant heifer

Care of a pregnant mare


Meaning of identification

Methods of identification


Requirement for poultry production

Importance of management practices

Systems of poultry production

Various management practices poultry


Requirement for cattle management

Breeds of cattle

Systems of cattle management

Economic importance of cattle

Management practices in cattle production



Breeds of pig and rabbit

Various management practices in pig and rabbit


Importance of keeping goat

Breeds of goats

Various management practices

Management systems in goat production


Breeds of sheep

Various management practices

Management systems in sheep production


WEEK: 1 DATE: ………………………



TOPIC: Revision of Second Term’s Work

Livestock Management:
Livestock management refers to the activities carried out by a farmer in his effort to raise farm
animals from day old to the point of marketing or disposing the animals. It involves the provision
and maintenance of adequate housing, good feeding, sanitation and medical care.
Requirement for Livestock Management:
In order to successfully managed livestock for maximum benefits the following factors
(requirement) have to be made available.
1. Water
2. Housing in good location with the necessary equipment
3. Favorable climatic conditions
4. Knowledge of the breed of animals to be produced
5. Knowledge of pests and diseases the affect the proposed animals
6. The technical expertise about the animals to rear
7. Nearness to market, good roads, and storage facilities
8. Finance available for the operating farmers.

In animal husbandry, management system refers to feeding, housing, health care and other activities
geared towards promoting the comfort of the animals for the purpose of maximizing profit.
Management systems also refer to different ways of raising and rearing farm animals.

Factors that determine the choice of a management practice.

1. Economic status of the farmer
2. Climate
3. Vegetation/feed
4. Social/religious factors
5. Type of animal

Management practices include the following

i. Vaccination.
Vaccines are preparation containing disease-causing agents which have been killed or
attenuated (made inactive, which is introduced into the animal system to stimulate the
formation of antibodies in order to bring about partial or complete immunity against
subsequent infection by the pathogen. Vaccination is the injection or taking in of inactive
pathogens (vaccines) which contain antigens that stimulate the formation of antibodies that can
fight diseases like Anthrax, Rinderpest, New castle, etc. Vaccination must be done before the
disease breakout.
2. Dehorning: This is the process of removing horns or the removal of the horns.
The advantages are
• Less space is required for feeding
• Animals eat more frequently
• They are more attractive and therefore yield more money
• They are easy to transport in vehicles
Methods used for dehorning are
I. Cross-breeding: Using polled breed like Aberden angus produces offspring
with no horns.
II. Use of chemicals: The use caustic soda to rub the forehead of male calves
under seven days old helps to prevent the growth of the horns
III. Use of hot iron: The hot iron is used to cut off the horns. It is quite painful
IV. Use of dehorning machines: They are special machines used to remove the
horns of older animals.

dehorning a cattle.mp4 Dehorning Cattle.mp4

3. Castration:
This is the removal of the testes of bulls. It is done when the animals is less than one year of age.
Castration helps to control indiscriminate mating in farm animals. It also helps to quicken the
fattening up of the animals.
Methods used for castration include
I. Bloodless or closed castration: An instrument called burdizzo is used to
remove the testes of the animals. There is no blood loss
II. Use of emasculator or ring method: It involves putting a plastic ring around
the scrotal sac to prevent the growth of the scrotum.
III. Open castration /incision: It involves cutting open the scrotal sac to
remove the testicles. Much blood is lost and infection may occur. It is
usually done for older animals.
4. Deworming

Deworming (sometimes known as worming or drenching) is the giving of an anthelmintic drug

(a wormer, dewormer, or drench) to a human or animal to rid them of helminths parasites, such
as roundworm, flukes and tapeworm. Purge dewormers for use in livestock can be formulated
as a feed supplement that is eaten, a paste or gel that is deposited at the back of the animal's
mouth, a liquid drench given orally, an injectable, or as a pour-on which can be applied to the
animal's topline. In dogs and cats, purge dewormers come in many forms including a granular
form to be added to food, pill form, chew tablets, and liquid suspensions.

Veterinary drugs contain substances, which are potentially toxic and harmful to
humans. After giving a drug to an animal, these substances remain in the
animal’s body for some time until they have been completely excreted. While
these toxic substances remain in the body, they can be found in the
muscle(meat) and also in the udder(milk).A person consuming meat or milk
from an animal that still has drug substances in its body will ingest harmful and
toxic substances .To prevent this from happening, drug manufacturers provide
a withdrawal period for each drug. The withdrawal period is the time until all
toxic and harmful substances have been cleared from the body(including from
meat and milk) of the treated animal.
If more than one injection has been given, the withdrawal period begins
after the last treatment. Before the withdrawal period is over, milk from the
treated animal must not be consumed and the animal can also not be
slaughtered for meat. For meat, the withdrawal period may be longer than for


1. Define livestock management

2. Outline five management practices carried out in animal husbandry
3. Define any three of them.
4. Explain any one of them.


Write short notes on the following management activities

a. sanitation
b. culling
c. isolation
d. paddocking
e. tethering.

1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
2. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
3. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
4. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.

Week 2. General Management Practices in Livestock

(Pregnant farm animals) DATE: ------------------------------

TOPIC : Care of pregnant farm animals

CONTENTS: Introduction
Care of a pregnant rabbit
Care of a pregnant cane rat (grasscutter)
Care of a pregnant heifer
Care of a pregnant mare

Sub-topic: 1

Care of pregnant farm animals

The only way for animals to multiply is through reproduction which is a process involving sexual
maturity, oestrous, ovulation, mating, fertilization, pregnancy, (gestation period) and parturition.
Period of pregnancy is delicate and pregnant animals should be well taken care of. Pregnancy involves
development of the foetus and preparation for parturition. Therefore, extra care on health, good
environment, feeding, nutrition, and handling are of utmost importance to the pregnant animals.

Care of pregnant rabbits.

A rabbit reaches puberty between 5-6 months. Gestation period is 31 days. Weaning is carried out
between 5-7 weeks. Production period is usually between 6months to three (3) years. Pregnancy
(gestation) is the period of time from conception to birth and it’s about 31 days.

During mating, the doe (female) is taken to the buck’s (male) hutch for mating and not the other way
round. A pregnant rabbit must adjust to the development of the embryo without much intervention.
Pregnancy should be confirmed by palpating the doe 14- 18 days after mating. A fairly reliable way to
check if female rabbit is pregnant is she would reject advances from the buck. At about 21 days after
mating, palpation of the womb for the presence of marble shaped fetuses can be carried out to
determine pregnancy.

Pregnant does should be kept in spacious individual cages. During this time, they can be a little bit
irritable, thus, great caution is needed when handling them. The doe should be supplied balanced ration
and clean water regularly. Sufficient forage should be provided. At 28-29 days into gestation, the doe
will start pulling out its fur to make nest in preparation for kindling. It is important to provide a nest box
on the 28 day or as she starts pulling her fur. The nest box should be place in the corner of the cage for
the privacy of the doe. About 2-3 days before parturition, the doe will reduce her feed intake but more
fibrous feed should be given at this stage. The doe takes about 10 minutes to kindle at any time of the
day but usually at night. The litter size may be 2-13 kits. The dam will cover the kits/kids with the fur and
climb out.

Care of pregnant cane rat (Grass cutter)

The female give birth to 2 young per litter, and 2 litter per year, that is, 4 offspring per year. The female
grass cutter reaches puberty at four months but should not be used for breeding until she attains six
months at 1.5 kg body weight. The males may be used for breeding from eight months at 2kg body

Breeding may be in group of one male to 5-7 females. Gestation period is about 152 days. The pregnant
female should not be rough handled but with care, especially while being checked for pregnancy to
avoid abortion or death of the dam.
Diagnosis of pregnancy in in grass cutter

Visual assessment is possible after 120 days of pregnancy. There may be distension of the
i. Inspection of vulva:
At about 30 days after fertilization, the crust closing the vagina becomes red. The vagina
mucus also becomes red due to bleeding in the uterine horn. This then turns black between
40th and the 45th day and later turns light brown after 45 days. The vulva closes completely
at two months by a vaginal membrane, thus protecting the fetuses.
ii. Abdominal palpation:
This is possible from 45 days after fertilization when the fetuses can be felt. Care must be
taken not to harm the dam and the fetuses.
iii. Laboratory tests:
These may be detect pregnancy from the early stages through blood and urine

The pregnant grass cutter must be given good quality forage and concentrate. In general, diversified
feed of grasses and legumes with vitamin and mineral supplement will be adequate for pregnant cane
rats. Powdery, mouldy feeds cause pneumonia and death and therefore, must be avoided. Fresh water
should be given ad libitum. Maize stover, elephant grass, sugar cane, cassava roots and tops are few
examples of feed for grass cutter.
Management of pregnant heifer

Heifers have three important but competing functions:
i. Growth –
They have to continue to grow and replace dead cells of the body.
ii. Foetal growth and development –
The foetus(es) in the heifer have to grow.
iii. Establishment of the condition of the body for milk production.

Diet is very important. Protein level of up to 18% is sufficient for heifers. Heifers must be of good age to
carry pregnancy before they are bred. Breeding should be carried out when climatic conditions are
favourable. Steaming up the heifer by giving extra high protein-energy concentrate to the heifer before
Provide separate pen with feed and water for an animal about to give birth. An animal health
superintendent can be contacted at calving time. In case there is difficult birth, it is appropriate to
consult a veterinarian.

Signs of approaching parturition

i. Distended udder – near the end of gestation the content of udder changes from watery
secretion to thick milky colostrum.
ii. The vulva will enlarge
iii. Nervousness of dam

After parturition, use 27% iodine to treat the navel. It may be necessary to wipe out mucus from the
body especially the head region of the calf. It may also be necessary to perform artificial respiration. This
is done by blowing into the mouth of calf and working the ribs with the palm.

A healthy, vigorous calf would attempt to get up 15minutes after the drop and will start sucking the dam
within 30minutes to one hour later.

After birth
The placenta, is expelled within 3-6 hours after parturition in cows. As soon as afterbirth is out, remove
and burn or bury immediately.

Milk production can last up to 9 months after calving.

Care of a pregnant mare

After mating, pregnancy can be confirmed by foetal heartbeat 25-30 days and again 45-90 days to be
sure the pregnancy is progressing normally. With pregnancy can be confirmed 14 – 17 days and
confirmed on the 28th day.
Although foaling can take place in the field, for mares kept indoors, adequate space should be provided
with fresh, clean and dry bedding materials should be places on the floor of the stall. Thorough
disinfection of the stall before bringing in the mare will help prevent diseases. The mare should be
allowed plenty of exercise up to foaling. The paddock or pasture should be without any material that
may be harmful to the foal. The foaling area should be isolated and quiet. Avoid giving vaccines in the
first 60 days of pregnancy.

Adequate nutrition is important throughout pregnancy. The mare should be on a well-balanced diet
with adequate vitamin and mineral levels. Forage alone does not provide enough minerals for the
growing foal. Mares need mineral supplementation in addition to hay or pasture. Copper is important,
particularly during the tenth month of pregnancy, for proper skeletal formation. Over feeding the
pregnant mare, particularly during early gestation, should be avoided, as excess weight may contribute
to difficult foaling. Increase feed intake during the last four months of pregnancy. This helps the mare to
maintain her weight and produce adequate milk for the new foal. The pregnant mare should be
dewormed 4-6 weeks before foaling. The mare should be allowed to exercise but not under high
environmental temperatures. If expected foaling date goes beyond two weeks, the veterinarian should
be invited.

1. Give five signs that indicate that a pregnant livestock is approaching

1. Discuss the care of given to
a. pregnant cows, pigs, goat, and sheep before parturition
b. New born of the animals named above.
2. Discuss the stages of foaling.
3. Write short notes on the management activities
a. Weaning
b. creep feeding

1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
2. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
3. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
4. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.

WEEK: 3 DATE: …………………………



TOPIC: Farm animal identification methods.

A livestock farmer is expected to establish the identity of an animal as soon as the animal is born or
some days after birth. A lot of farmers have ignored animal identification which is very important. Giving
names to farm animals may serve the purpose to an extent for a small heard, but may not be feasible for
a large herd or farm with many animals. So it is important to put some sort of identification marks on
each animal present on a farm.

Animal identification is the basis for keeping accurate production records of the herd/flock
Individual animal identification allows producers to keep records on an animal's parentage, birth
date, production records, health history, and a host of other important management information.
Accurate records provide the producer with enough information to make individual or whole
herd/flock management decisions. In many instances, the producer needs to be able to quickly
identify an animal.
The common methods used for identifying animals are
I. Branding
II. Tattooing
III. Tagging
IV. Ear notching
V. Use of specific natural body markings
VI. Neck chains
VII. Collars
VIII. Banding
IX. Use of electronic identification (microchips etc.)
(i) Branding (Skin and Horn Branding)
It is the imprinting of any distinctive design, mark of identification or number or letter or a combination
of these on the skin or horn with a hot iron, chemicals or any other means for the purpose of identifying
the farm animals. Branding is suited for animals like cattle, buffaloes, horses, and camels. Calves should
be branded by the time they are about one year old.

Branding is the most common identification method used in animal husbandry. It is normally done when
the animals are very young or before they are weaned. This method involves gentle press of a heated
number or symbol on the body of the animal. This causes partial burning of the skin tissue and results in
a permanent scar showing the number or symbol.

Branding can also be done using a cold stamping iron. Here, a branding liquid is used and the stamp is
dipped in the branding liquid and applied on the animal’s body the same way the hot iron is done. The
wound takes longer to heal up under this type of branding.

The disadvantage of branding method is that a permanent damage is caused to the branded animal’s
skin, thus reducing the value of its skin or hide. I always recommend the lower part of the animal’s thigh
as the best place for branding as that part is of very low value.

(ii) Tattooing is another form of permanent identification that is commonly used in all species
and involves imprinting an identification number/letter combination into the skin of the
animal using indelible ink. The tattooing instrument uses number/letter dies made of
sharp, needlelike projections that are secured on the application pliers. The ink is usually
applied to the tattoo site after it has been disinfected with alcohol. Using the pliers, the
identification number is pierced into the skin, and additional ink is rubbed into the
punctures. After healing, the permanent tattoo will be visible. For cattle, goats, sheep,
and swine, the tattoo is placed above the first rib of the ear so it does not interfere with
the use of ear tags.

Ear Tattooing

Ear tattooing is another method of putting an identification mark on animals with light coloured ears. It
involves punching several small holes with a die (specifically meant for tattooing) in the form of letters
or numbers through the skin on the inside of the animal’s ear and they are then filled with tattoo ink.
This should form a permanent mark if done properly. The standard is to start marking with “001” till it
reaches “999”. The demerit/disadvantage of using this identification method is that there is a need for
catching the animals and cleaning the inside of the ear before the identification marks can be read.
Ear Tattooing

(iii) Neck chains, or ropes, are used as a common method of identification in dairy cattle. The
neck chains have a numbered tag attached that corresponds to that animal's
identification number. The chain or rope should be positioned around the animal's neck,
tight enough not to slip over their head, but loose enough to allow easy breathing and
growth for young animals. They are easy to apply, painless to the animal, and can be
seen fairly well. However, if growing animals are not inspected frequently, the chain can
become too tight. Chains can also become caught on protrusions that choke the animal.
Furthermore, the chains are not permanent, and can be hard

(V) Electronic identification; There are many different forms of electronic identification used in the
world today. Of these, the most common include electronic ear tags, microchips, and electronic collars.
When using electronic ear tags, it is best to use an additional method of identification, in case the tag
becomes lost.
How EID works

Electronic Identification (EID) is the use of a microchip, or electronic transponder, embedded in a tag,
bolus or implant to identify a farm animal. EID in animals is based on low frequency radio waves or
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID). A reader sends out a radio signal which is picked up by the
microchip. The chip sends back the unique identity number. The reader transfers the unique number to
a computer which uses it to store whatever information is necessary about the animal being identified.

Fig.1. How an EID transponder is identified

RFID applications are becoming more common in all areas of industry where products need to be
identified and traced. Examples include warehouses where pallets of products are automatically
identified, moved and stacked using RFID.

Benefits of using EID

Electronically reading animal identities can deliver many benefits for everyone handling animals. Many
farmers, particularly on pig and dairy units, have been using EID for many years. Farm management
practices can be greatly improved through the use of EID systems.

Benefits of EID include:

• less paper work or transcription required thus improving ease, speed and accuracy of data
• no direct animal contact is necessary to achieve accurate identification thus improving speed
and safety of handling
• direct transfer to PC, reducing time spent transcribing collected data
• PC based management software allows powerful analysis of data to provide management
information on which to base decisions relating to performance
• improved information flow allows more objective and timely decisions thus improving

Ear Notching
This is an easy method of identifying animals and it involves making notches cut in the ears of
the animals. A notch represents a number based on its location (on the bottom, top or end of
the ear as well as the ear it is in). This method is commonly used on pigs, rabbits, goats and

• Ear notching

Number tagging

Some farmers prefer using large metal tags that can be seen and read at a distance rather than using ear
tagging or tattooing identification method on their animals. Number tagging involves fastening metal
tags to neck chains and putting the chain around the neck of each animal. The disadvantage of this
method is that these metal tags may get lost.

Number tagging

1. State five reasons why a farmer should emboss identification marks on his
2. Mention five methods of farm animal identification.
3. Briefly explain the EID method of farm animal identification
4. Explain any two method of farm animal identification.
1. Identify five factors that determine the suitability of a farm identification
2. State the advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of
tattoos on farm animals.
3. List the types of branding in farm animal identification.

1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
2. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
3. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
4. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.





a. CONTENT: (a) Requirement for Poultry production

(i) Diseases control
(ii) Housing
(iii) Feeding
(iv) Hygiene
(b) Importance of the management practices

Sub-topic 1:
Definition: Poultry refers to all birds that are domesticated by man. These include domestic fowl, duck,
geese, turkey, guinea fowl, and pigeons.

Importance of Poultry:
1. Provision of meat and eggs as food for man
2. Feathers are used for pillows and mattresses
3. Eggs are used for producing vaccines
4. Poultry manure (guano) is used to fertilize the soil.
5. Poultry industry provides employment for many people
6. It is a means of income to poultry farmers
7. Birds are high and economical converters of feeds.
8. Birds are used for scientific experiments because the mature within a relatively short


Breeds purpose
White leghorn egg production
Brown leghorn egg production
Shika brown egg production
Plymouth Rock dual purpose
Rhode Island Red dual purpose
Harco dual purpose
Light Sussex meat production
White Cornish meat production


i. Intensive system
ii. Semi-intensive
iii. Extensive system

INTENSIVE SYSTEM: In this system, birds are reared in within a confined environment. Adequate
housing, feeding and good hygiene are made available.

The system is further divided into:

i. Deep litter system

ii. Battery cage

DEEP LITTER SYSTM: Bird (both male and female) are reared together in a suitable room .The
floor of the room is concreted and covered with wood shavings which absorbed the water
associated with faeces. Water and feeds are given provided.

1. It facilitates the management of very large stock.

2. It increases the rate of growth and production.
3. It maximizes the use of labour.
4. It reduces the loss of birds to snakes and thieves.
5. Birds are protected from harsh weather conditions.
6. The rate of growth and production is increased.
7. It requires less capital than the battery cage system.


1. Cost of constructing the deep litter system is high.

2. Birds tend to waste the feeds.
3. Vices like cannibalism, pecking, fighting, egg sucking, feathers fluffing may be rampant.
4. The spread of diseases and pests is rapid.
5. Eggs are often stained by faeces on the litters.
6. It is very difficult to cull unproductive birds since all of them are housed together.

Birds under Deep Litter System

In this system birds are housed in individual cages each accommodating 2, 3, or 4 birds per cubicle
depending on the type. The battery system of housing has proved to be the best in regard to egg
production, efficiency of food conversion and reduction in mortality.
1. The spread of diseases may be very fast
2. There is high cost of constructing building and equipment
3. Fertile eggs cannot be produced and as such there may be reduction in chicks production
4. Lack of freedom for birds which makes the birds to be bored and fatigue
5. More eggs are cracked , especially very thin shelled eggs
EXTENSIVE SYSTEM: this is one of the oldest form of poultry management, where birds are allowed to
fend for themselves with little or no assistance from the owners. This system is sub-divided into two
forms, the fold system and the free- range system.
Fold system: it is made with light materials which enable it to be moved from one place to another.
About 50 to 100 birds are kept within a fold unit
a. It is ideal for chick rearing
b. It is mobile
c. The house is cheap to build
d. It can be practiced on small land area
a. It is not good for commercial production of birds
b. Fertile eggs may not be produced
c. Eggs are often dirty
d. The spread of diseases is high
e. It requires much labour in moving the house


▪ Birds are kept in pens which are made of concrete floor and well roofed
▪ An hatchery and feed mill unit are constructed in the house
▪ The pen should be on flat land , not exposed to erosion and wind
▪ A foot dip containing disinfectants should be constructed
▪ Electricity must be provided regularly
▪ Floor space per bird should be about 3 square meters.


• Birds have simple stomach without teeth

• They are given mash which depends on their age
• They are fed constantly, that is, they eat every time
• There must be regular supply of clean water
• The mash should be rich in proteins , vitamins and minerals
• There should be occasional supply of vegetable like waterleaf, Tridax and Amaranthus.


1. Chick mash
2. Grower marsh
3. Layer marsh
4. Broiler starter
5. Broiler finisher


The following are the hygienic practices that should be observed regularly.
I. Remove sick or dead animals from the pens.
II. Visitors should not be allowed into poultry house. If permitted, their feet must be dipped into
water containing disinfectants.
III. The entire building should be disinfected regularly.
IV. Water bath containing chemicals should be provided at the entrance of the building.
V. Drinkers should be washed thoroughly.
VI. Wet litters and moldy feeds should be removed.
VII. External parasites like lice should be controlled.
VIII. Internal parasites should also be controlled by regular deworming the birds.


This is the practice of determining the fertility of the eggs. Each egg is held against a source of light to
determine whether the egg is fertile or not. Candling is done between the 9th and the 14th day as the
eggs are laid. Candler or Candling machine can be used.

This is the provision of heat to fertilize eggs to enable the embryo develop into chicks. Incubation can
be natural or artificial.

It is the practice of separating male chicks from the females. It is usually done at day old.

It involves all the care and attention given to the chicks. It should start at day old. It last to 4 -6 weeks.
Brooding is done in the brooding house.

1. Define poultry
2. State tow advantages and disadvantages of the deep litter and
cage systems of poultry production
3. Highlight six breed of poultry
4. Mention the three systems of poultry management

1. State three features of a poultry house





Requirement for Cattle management: These belong to the group of known as Bovidae. These are
ruminants which are reared for meat, milk hide and skin, and for work.
Breeds of Cattle
a. Beef Cattle: This type of breed are reared purposely for meat. Examples include
i. N’dama,
ii. Red Bororo,
iii. Sokoto Gudali,
iv. Keteku,
v. Kuri,
vi. Rahaji,
vii. Brown Swiss,
b. Dairy Cattle: this type are reared purposely for milk. Examples include
i. White Fulani
ii. Jersey
iii. Red poll
iv. Kerry
v. Friesian
vi. Dexter
vii. South devon
viii. Dairy short horn
ix. Ayrshire
x. Guemsey
c. Dual - purpose Cattle: They are reared for both meat and milk production. E.g
i. Muturu
ii. Biu
iii. Azawal
iv. Shuwa
A dairy cattle (Friesian) with large udder

Systems of Cattle Management:

Intensive system:
In this system, cattle herds are kept in confinement most of the time. The system provides conditions for
management standards, ease control of parasites, there is protection from extreme weather conditions,
predators and thieves. It requires high capital investment in terms of building and feeding, much
The type of housing under this system are:
i. Conventional Barn:
Herds of cattle are confined in a place and secured by the neck with stanchions or neck
ii. Loose house: Herds of cattle are loose in an open pasture having shelter where they
stay when the weather is hot or cold.
i. Cost of production is reduced
ii. Protection against adverse weather conditions, disasters and thieves
iii. Good return on investment
iv. Proper feeding and proper health care
i. Pests and diseases can become rampant on the range
ii. Vices like fighting and cannibalism are encouraged on the range
iii. Growth may not be uniform.
Semi-intensive system:
In this system a form of housing unit is provided as shelter but the cattle herds are allowed to graze on
the range and retire to the house later. It is commonly practiced by the government or academic
research institutions as experimental or demonstration farms.

Extensive System:
This system is basically the same for cattle, goats and sheep. The animals are left to fend for themselves.
There is no special housing provided.
It has the following features:
• No medication for the animals
• It is a cheap form of system
• No supplementary feed for the animals
• Animals are exposed to weather hazards
• Animals can be stolen or killed by wild animals
• There is indiscriminate mating and the cow deliver on the field.
• Cattle usually destroy cultivated crops.
Economic Importance of cattle:

I. Provision milk and meat for man

II. Used as drought animals for work
III. The provide hide and skin
IV. They provide blood meal and bone meal used as feed for animal
V. The dung are used as manure
VI. Provision of employment for people especially the Fulani.
VII. It is a source of revenue to the country
VIII. They are used for research work or educational purpose.

Management practices in cattle production

The various management practiced involved in cattle production are listed and explained briefly
b. Housing:
Housing is very necessary where cattle is managed under intensive and semi-intensive
system. The floor of the house (pens) should be made of concrete floor to avoid slipping. The
roofing should be very high to allow for adequate ventilation .The house be kept clean
c. Feeding:
Cattle feed mainly on roughages (grass and legumes). Common grass given to cattle are
elephant grass, guinea grass, giant star grass while legumes include Centrosema and
Calopogonium. Zero grazing (soilage) is practiced. This involves cutting grass and giving them
to the cattle in their pens. Rotational grazing can also be practiced. Hay, silage and straw can
be fed on by cattle especially during the dry season. Colostrum should be fed to the newly
born calves in order to give them a good start in life.
d. Mating :
Mating methods include
Hand mating
Pasture mating
Artificial mating
e. Servicing:
This is the mating of a bull with a cow on heat. Signs of cow on heat are
• Restlessness
• Mucus discharge from vulva
• Attempting to mount other cattle in the herd
• Reddened vulva
• Reduction in milk production
• Tendency to urinate frequently
f. Dehorning:
This is the removal of the horns. The advantages are
• Less space is required for feeding
• Animals eat more frequently
• They are more attractive and therefore yield more money
• They are easy to transport in vehicles
Methods used for dehorning are
1. Cross-breeding: Using polled breed like Aberden angus produces offspring with no hornes.
2. Use of chemicals: The use caustic soda to rub the forehead of male calves under seven days
old helps to prevent the growth of the horns
3. Use of hot iron: The hot iron is used to cut off the horns. It is quite painful
4. Use of dehorning machines: They are special machines used to remove the horns of older

dehorning a cattle.mp4 Dehorning Cattle.mp4

This is the removal of the testes of bulls. It is done when the animals is less the one year of age.
Castration helps to control indiscriminate mating in farm animals. It also helps to quicken the
fattening up of the animals.

Methods used for castration include

1. Bloodless or closed castration: An instrument called Burdizzo is used to remove the
testes of the animals. There is no blood loss
2. Use of emasculator or ring method: It involves putting a plastic ring around the scrotal
sac to prevent the growth of the scrotum.
3. Open castration /incision: It involves cutting open the scrotal sac to remove the
testicles. Much blood is lost and infection may occur. It is usually done for older animals.

Castration of pig.mp4

Identification of animals (cattle):

The common methods used for identifying animals are

1. Branding
2. Tattooing
3. Tagging
4. Ear notching
5. Microchipping

What happens when my pet is microchipped_.mp4

Cattle should be vaccinated against deadly disease such as Brucellosis. The advice of a veterinary
doctor is necessary before carrying out any vaccination.

Strict hygiene should be maintained in cattle pen all the time to avoid disease outbreak. The pen
should be swept, washed, and dried occasional. Disinfectants should be used.

Finished products of cattle get to the market mainly in form of meat and milk.

1. Identify three exotic and three local breeds of cattle.
2. State the three systems of cattle production
3. Highlight three advantages and disadvantages associated with each of

Assignment (note making)

1. Discuss cattle production under the following sub headings:
a. Breeds
b. Systems of management
c. Economic importance
d. Housing
e. Feeding
f. Mating
g. Servicing
h. Dehorning
i. Castration
j. Identification method
k. Vaccination
l. Hygiene
m. Finishing/processing
1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
2. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
3. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
4. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.
Week 6 DATE: …………………………


TOPIC: MANAGEMENT OF LIVESTOCK - Pig and Rabbit Management:

❖ PIG MANAGEMENT: Pigs are non-ruminant animals. The two main species of pig are Sus scrofa
and Sus vittatu. These are very prolific animals because they mature quickly between 8 – 9
months. They have short gestation period of 114 days. They are very good and efficient
converters of feed into meats.

Breeds of Pigs:
1. Landrace
2. Duroc jersey
3. Large white
4. Large black
5. Hampshire
6. Welsh
7. Chester white
8. Berkshire
9. Poland china
10. Essex saddle back
11. Wessel saddle back
12. West African Dwarf
13. Tamworth
14. Saddle back

Large white Large black Hampshire

Landrace Tamworth Poland china

Berkshire Saddle back Duroc jersey


The systems are basically Extensive, Semi-intensive and Intensive systems.

Extensive System:
Like other farm animals the animals are allowed to fend for themselves. They do not attract any
attention in terms of housing, feeding, health care. This system affects the growth rate of the animals.
Semi-intensive System:
In this system pigs are reared partly indoor and partly outdoor. The female pig with or without the male
pigs are allowed to run outside. In this system labour requirement is low and less feed is required as the
pigs grace for food.
Intensive System: In this system pigs are completely raised in houses with concrete floors. This allowed
for easy daily cleaning. Feeds, water, medications are provided daily in adequate quantity and good
sanitation is maintained. Feeds conversion is high, hence growth rate is also high. The system is capital
The pen are divided into unit depending on the on the functions they serve. For example:
a. Farrowing Pen: For delivering of the litters
b. Litter Pen: Where newly delivered are kept and given adequate care
c. Mating pen: Where mating between a male and a female pigs is done.
d. Growers Pen: Where piglets are kept and given adequate care
e. Isolation pen: where sick animals are kept and treated.

While constructing a pig pen, ensures that the walls is built with blocks and iron bars, the roof made
with iron sheets or asbestos, the pen well ventilated, the gates should be strong, litters are provided as
beddings, shade to keep the building cool all the time.

Pigs are voracious. They feed on concentrates; tubers like cassava, yam, cocoyam; maize, sorghum and
household left over. Occasionally vegetables are supplied to provide vitamins and minerals. At different
stages pigs are fed with different type of rations. Piglets are given Creep feeding 2 weeks after

Pig pens need to be cleaned regularly to prevent the occurrence of diseases. The following should be
done on regular basis.
a. Clean the pen regularly
b. Change on the wallow on regular basis
c. Clean the troughs regularly
d. Change the beddings at intervals
e. De-worm animals
f. Disinfect the pens and carry out dipping against ecto-parasites

They are mono-gastric animals which belong to the family of Leporidae. They have simple stomach like
that of pigs. The meat is very nutritious and low in cholesterol. It is a suitable alternative to poultry
1. California white
2. California red
3. Flemish giant
4. Chinchilla
5. New Zealand white
6. New Zealand red
7. Angora
8. Blue Beveren

▪ Rabbits are normally housed in hutches or cages.
▪ It can be constructed in single units, double or tree-tie units.
▪ The floor space is covered with wire mesh which allows for disposal of the faeces.
▪ The hutches are made of wood with wire netting and asbestos roofing.
▪ The cages should be 1m from the ground.
▪ Nest boxes should be provided for adequate care of the young ones.
Battery Cage: This can be used for fatteners that raised from 4 weeks (weaners) to the point of

They are fed with:
• Concentrates in mash form
• Green feeds such as vegetable leaves, sweet potato leaves, Aspillia Africana, Stylosanthes
gracilis and Centrosema pubescens
• Grower mash
• Adult Buck and Doe should be given up to 90 – 120g of mash per day
• Pregnant Doe should be given up to120 – 140g of mash per day for 14days after mating
• Weaners should be fed ad libitum
• Fresh water should be put into the watering trough every morning
The following hygienic practices should be carried out to ensure successful management of rabbit’s
▪ Remnant feed should be removed every morning
▪ Feeders and water troughs should be cleaned daily
▪ The floor should be cleaned and disinfect at intervals
▪ Deworm them with appropriate drugs
▪ Cut bushes around the hutches
▪ Isolate sick animals
▪ Burry or burn dead animals.

1. Mention five breeds of pigs and rabbit respectively
2. State feedstuff common to pigs and rabbits
3. Highlight the systems of pig and rabbit management
4. Mention six economic importance of pigs and poultry respectively


1. State five diseases of pig and rabbits and their corresponding treatment

2. At what stages are pigs and rabbits marketed?

3. State ten characteristics of the Oryctlagus cunniculus.

1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
2. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
3. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
4. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.
WEEK: 8 DATE: …………………………




Goats are ruminants and very hardy type of animal which are regarded as scavengers. Goat farming is
the raising and breeding of domestic goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). It is a branch of animal husbandry.
Goats are raised principally for their meat, milk, fibre and skin.
Goat farming can be very suited to production with other livestock such as sheep and cattle on low-
quality grazing land. Goats efficiently convert sub-quality grazing matter that is less desirable for other
livestock into quality lean meat. Furthermore, goats can be farmed with a relatively small area of
pasture and limited resources.

Importance of Keeping Goats

1. Goats provides meat as a source of protein

2. Goats supply good nutritious milk
3. Goats provides hides used in the manufacturing of leather works
4. They provides hair(mohair) used for making carpets and bags
5. It is a source of income to the government
6. They are used for many social and religious ceremonies
7. The manure(droppings ) from goats used as manure on the soil

Factors Responsible for Success in Goats Production

i. Goats thrive on variety of feeds. They eat almost everything that is not soiled.
ii. They have high efficiency of feed conversion
iii. Goats have short gestation interval.
iv. They relatively resistant to diseases when compared with other farm animals
v. They can withstand many adverse environmental conditions
vi. Goats have fertility and reproductive rates


1. Sokoto red/Maradi
2. Bornu red
3. Kano brown
4. Bauchi
5. Sahel/Fulani/Desert Goats
6. West African Dwarf Goats
7. West African long legged Goats
8. East African small Goats

Exotic Breed
1. Anglo-nubian
2. Saanen
3. Toggen-burg
4. Angora

Their houses are normally built with asbestos or thatch material for roof, concrete floor. Litters as
bedding are placed on the floor. Shades are provided for goats.
Goats con also be reared comfortably by tethering. Tethering entails tying the goat to a tree or stand
with freedom to an extent, so as to enable it graze around the tree or stand.
Goats feed on roughages and concentrates. At times they are giving the peelings of yam,
cassava, groundnuts, and guinea corn. They browse on a variety of plants resources such as
herbs, shrubs, trees or their parts. Other supplement feeds include blood meal, groundnut
cake, fish meal, vitamins and minerals.


i. Their houses should properly cleaned, washed and disinfect

ii. Beddings should be removed at intervals
iii. The animals should be occasionally be dewormed and dusted
iv. Feeding and water troughs should be cleaned regularly
v. Sick animal should be culled or isolated


The three systems used for rearing goats are similar to the ones used for all other ruminants.
These are extensive, Semi-intensive and Intensive systems.

Extensive Production System

Under this system goats are allowed to browse (free range) freely. This system is suited for areas where
browsing fields are not a problem. To be effective for dairy goats the flock should have a stockman
(herdsman) and the males should be separated from the does to control random mating. Kids should
also be separated from the does to avoid suckling while in the field. The goats should be supplemented
with concentrate feeds and mineral salts. The goats should be provided with housing (night sheds) with
1m2 for each goat (for instance 10m x 3m housing will hold 30 goats) Good goat housing should be dry,
well ventilated and provide kids, does, and bucks a healthy comfortable condition. The housing should
also provide security from predators.

Semi-Intensive System
This system combines the intensive and extensive systems. Goats are allowed to browse but are also
stall fed to complement browsing. In addition the goats should be supplemented with concentrates and
mineral salts. Water should be availed all the time. Mating is controlled by separating the buck and does
by housing the buck and does separately. In most cases the bucks are completely stall-fed and females
on heat are brought to the buck for mating. This is important as it helps to control the off-flavour in milk
and inbreeding.

Intensive System
This system is suited for areas where browsing fields are limited.
It’s suited for a small size of flock and where land is limited. It involves confinement of the goats. The
goats are stall-fed (zero-grazed) exclusively and mating is controlled. Does, bucks and kids are housed

Housing under zero grazing system

Good goat housing should be dry, well ventilated and provide kids, does, and bucks a healthy
comfortable condition. The housing should also provide security from predators and thieves.
Siting of the house
Goats shed should be constructed on the leeward side of the residential house to avoid smell.

Types of housing
• Raised floor and slatted raised floor.
• Raised and sloped floor
• It’s easy to build as it requires local materials as enclosures. The floor should be raised 1 foot
above level ground and sloped to one side. This allows water and urine to run off. Therefore easy to
Parts of a Dairy Goat’s zero grazing unit

Housing plan enough to house 6 dairy goats (8ft by 8ft)

Feeding boxes

Feeding Boxes should be outside the main unit to avoid soiling and wastage
Raised slated floor
The shed is constructed with local material but the floor is fitted with slats placed at a gap of index
finger apart (1 inch).
The manure drops to the ground, therefore easy to clean.
Ensures ventilation in the shed.

i. State five importance of goat production
ii. Highlight five factors responsible for successful goat farming
iii. Differentiate between local and exotic breeds of goats with three
example each
iv. State the three systems of goat production.

Assignment (note making)

i. Discuss extensively the production of goats under the
following sub topics
ii. Attributes of goats
iii. Importance of goat farming
iv. Factors responsible for success in goat production
v. Breeds of goats
vi. Housing of goats
vii. Feeding in goat management
viii. Hygiene in goat production
ix. Systems of goat management

5. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
6. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
7. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
8. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.

WEEK: 9 DATE: …………………………

Sheep belong to the genus Ovidae which is the domesticated species. Sheep where first domesticated
in Asia and gradually extended to all parts of the world.
Within Africa, sheep are important Kenya, Mali, Ethiopia, Tanzania and northern Nigeria.

Breeds of Sheep

i. Ouda/Uda
ii. Merino
iii. Y’ankassa
iv. Balami
v. Dorset horn
vi. Lohi
vii. Nellore
viii. West African Dwarf sheep

Housing in sheep rearing is similar to that obtained in goats keeping.
a. The house should be made of concrete, the roof of asbestos or iron sheets and floor of concrete
b. The gates should be made of iron bars and barded wires
c. Bedding of straws or wood shavings should be provided
d. Provider racks for feeding sheep
e. The house should be well ventilated

a. They can be raised entirely on roughages like grasses and legumes
b. Feed supplements like grains , concentrates, hay and silage are also essential
c. Feed additives like mineral salts and vitamins are also supplied to them.
d. Clean water should be provided at regular intervals
e. Chopped cassava tubers and plantain leaves should be provided
f. The young sheep be fed more on proteins.

• Sheep should be vaccinated with appropriate drugs
• They should be de-wormed and dusted at regular intervals
• Clean feeding troughs and water troughs on regular basis
• The surroundings should be kept clean and bushes around cut down.

1. The humpless breed of cattle which also possesses short horn is called (a) Gudali (b) Muturu (c) White
fulani (d) Red bororo
2. The discontinuation of feeding of feeding young animals with milk is (a) weaning (b) lactation (c)
gestation (d)sucking
3. The castrated male cattle is called (a) bull (b) heifer (c) castrate (d) steer
4. Which of the following husbandry practices is not carried out in cattle rearing (a) numbering by ear
tattooing (b) dipping of animals (c) castration of excess male (d) application of iron supplement
5. The gestation period of a cow is (a) 114 days (b) 180 days (c) 280 days (d) 165 days

1. Name 5 breeds of goat and sheep each
(b)State 6 general characteristics of goat
2. List 4 exotic breed of cattle
(b) Discuss briefly the extensive system of rearing any ruminant
(c) List 3 common diseases of cattle
3. State 5 reasons for rearing goat
(b) State 3 advantages and disadvantages of extensive system in goat production
4. List 6 breeds of pigs
(b) Write short notes on intensive method of managing pig under following headings (i) feeding (ii)
5. Explain the following management practices in animal production
(a) Steaming up (b) candling (c) tattooing (d) creep feeding.

1. Integrated Animal Husbandry for Schools and Colleges by O. J. Babayemi et al; Positive press,
2. Animal Husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. Kenneth Obosi et al; Cosmopolitan
Book Services, Ibadan.
3. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary School 1 by O. O. Adejinmi et al; HEBN Publishers plc,
4. Animal husbandry for Senior Secondary Schools 1 by Udofia Elizabeth et al; University Press
Plc, Ibadan.

WEEK: 10 DATE: …………………………


WEEK: 11 -13 DATE: …………………………


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