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(Original Signature of Member)

H. RES. ll

Impeaching Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President of the United States, for
high crimes and misdemeanors.


Mr. OGLES submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the
Committee on lllllllllllllll

Impeaching Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President of the
United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.

1 Resolved, That Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President

2 of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and
3 misdemeanors and that the following articles of impeach-
4 ment be exhibited to the United States Senate:
5 Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of
6 Representatives of the United States of America in the
7 name of itself and of the people of the United States of
8 America, against Kamala Devi Harris, Vice President of

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1 the United States, in maintenance and support of its im-
2 peachment against her for high crimes and misdemeanors.


5 The Constitution provides that the House of Rep-

6 resentatives ‘‘shall have the sole Power of Impeachment’’
7 and Executive Branch officials, including the Vice Presi-
8 dent, ‘‘shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for,
9 and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes
10 and Misdemeanors’’. In her conduct of the Office of Vice
11 President of the United States, Kamala Devi Harris, in
12 violation of her constitutional oath to support and defend
13 the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
14 foreign and domestic, to bear truth faith and allegiance
15 to the same, and to well and faithfully discharge the duties
16 of her Office, has willfully and systemically refused to up-
17 hold Federal immigration laws, in that:
18 In her conduct of the Office of Vice President of the
19 United States, Kamala Devi Harris, in violation of her
20 constitutional oath to faithfully execute the Office of Vice
21 President of the United States and, to the best of her abil-
22 ity, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the
23 United States, and in violation of her constitutional duty
24 to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has will-
25 fully prevented, obstructed, and impeded the administra-
26 tion of justice, in that:
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1 Kamala Devi Harris has demonstrated extraordinary
2 incompetence in the execution of her duties and respon-
3 sibilities, a stark refusal to uphold the existing immigra-
4 tion laws, and a palpable indifference to people of the
5 United States suffering as a result of the ongoing south-
6 ern border crisis in the United States.
7 Vice President Harris has consistently refused to visit
8 the southern border to evaluate this ongoing national cri-
9 sis, aside from a single trip hundreds of miles away from
10 the epicenter of the migrant crisis.
11 Women and girls in the United States have paid a
12 disproportionate price for the ongoing border crisis, trag-
13 ically extenuated by the inaction of border czar Kamala
14 Devi Harris. In August 2023, Rachel Morin, a mother of
15 5, was raped and killed by an illegal alien. In September
16 2023, an illegal alien attacked a woman and her 9-year-
17 old daughter in Los Angeles. On May 14, 2024, an illegal
18 alien from Turkey raped a 15-year-old New York girl after
19 threatening to beat her with a pipe. In February 2024,
20 a 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley was killed by
21 an illegal alien. In June 2024, a 13-year-old New York
22 girl was raped in broad daylight inside a Queens park by
23 an illegal alien; Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Houston
24 girl, was killed by 2 illegal aliens and later found dead
25 after being strangled and sexually assaulted; 5 illegal

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1 aliens were charged with kidnapping a 14-year-old Indiana
2 girl.
3 During her tenure as the designated border czar, the
4 U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency ‘‘encoun-
5 tered’’ nearly 302,000 illegal aliens at the southwest bor-
6 der in December 2023, the highest monthly total ever re-
7 corded and representing 4 consecutive months of over
8 240,000 illegal alien ‘‘encounters’’.
9 According to the U.S. Customs and Border data, in
10 the first 5 months of fiscal year 2023, 106,000 pounds
11 of drugs were seized at the southwest border, including
12 11,000 pounds of fentanyl. The first 5 months of fiscal
13 year 2023 saw a 179.3-percent increase in fentanyl sei-
14 zures over the same time frame in fiscal year 2022.
15 According to Drug Enforcement Agency statistics,
16 over 50,600,000 fentanyl pills were seized in 2022, includ-
17 ing over 10,800 pounds of fentanyl powder; these fentanyl
18 seizures are enough to kill over 379,000,000 people. Re-
19 cent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Pre-
20 vention indicate that 107,735 individuals in the United
21 States died of a drug overdose in the 12-month period end-
22 ing July 2022.
23 According to the U.S. Customs and Border, migrant
24 deaths at the southwest border of the United States to-
25 taled 856 in fiscal year 2022, the deadliest year on record.

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1 A May 2017 report from Doctors Without Borders
2 indicated that out of the number of women surveyed, near-
3 ly one-third had been sexually assaulted as they ap-
4 proached the southern border.
5 In all of this, Kamala Devi Harris willfully and sys-
6 tematically refused to uphold the immigration laws, failed
7 to control the border to the detriment of national security,
8 compromised public safety, and violated the rule of law,
9 to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
10 Wherefore Vice President Kamala Devi Harris, by
11 such conduct, has demonstrated that she will remain a
12 threat to national security and the Constitution if allowed
13 to remain in Office, and has acted in a manner grossly
14 incompatible with self-governance and the rule of law.
15 Kamala Devi Harris thus warrants impeachment and
16 trial, removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and
17 enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United
18 States.

20 The Constitution provides that the House of Rep-

21 resentatives ‘‘shall have the sole Power of Impeachment’’
22 and Executive Branch officials, including the Vice Presi-
23 dent, ‘‘shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for,
24 and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes
25 and Misdemeanors’’. In her conduct while Vice President
26 of the United States, Kamala Devi Harris, in violation of
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1 her oath to well and faithfully discharge the duties of her
2 Office, has breached the public trust, in that:
3 Kamala Devi Harris has knowingly misled the people
4 of the United States and the Congress of the United
5 States, principally to obfuscate the physical and cognitive
6 well-being of the President of the United States, Joe
7 Biden. Kamala Devi Harris engaged in this scheme of
8 course of conduct through the following means:
9 (1) Kamala Devi Harris, despite maintaining a
10 clear moral obligation to do so, failed to invoke the
11 procedure stipulated in the 25th Amendment to the
12 Constitution of the United States, particularly after
13 President Joe Biden’s announcement on Sunday
14 July 21, 2024, that he would no longer be seeking
15 the Democrat nomination for President of the
16 United States for the 2024 election.
17 (2) Kamala Devi Harris has refused to answer
18 any questions regarding President Joe Biden’s trag-
19 ic cognitive decline, particularly when she began to
20 notice such decline and for how long she knew the
21 President was no longer capable of discharging the
22 duties of his office.
23 In all of this, Kamala Devi Harris breached the pub-
24 lic trust in failing basic expectations of transparency and
25 demonstrating a severe lack of integrity.

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1 Wherefore Kamala Devi Harris, by such conduct, has
2 demonstrated that she will remain a threat to the Con-
3 stitution if allowed to remain in Office, and has acted in
4 a manner grossly incompatible with her duties and the
5 rule of law. Kamala Devi Harris thus warrants impeach-
6 ment and trial, removal from Office, and disqualification
7 to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit
8 under the United States.

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