Intervention Material - Modals

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Meet your companions in this journey to the world of MODAL


The cast of
I’m Disgust. Joy is my name!
I’ve always been proud I’m lighthearted; a big
of my refined tastes. Although fan of laughter, chocolate
I am highly opinionated and cake, and spinning until I get
extremely honest, I always crazy dizzy and fall over.
Has the best of I see life’s challenges as
intentions. opportunities, and the sad
bits as hiccups on the
way back to
My friends
view me a s a bit
of an Elitist. The is a
disgusting place and
it’s my responsibility
to say so.
is my name. I try to It’s me Sadness. No
keep myself cool, one understand what my role
but it’s difficult when is. I would love to be more
there’s so much rampant optimistic and helpful but I find
injustice in the world. I it hard to be positive. Sometimes
am quick to over-react it seems like the best thing to
which results in rash do is justlie on the floor
decision making and and have a good cry.
rude remarks.
It’s a tough
job, but someone’s got
to do it. All of my I am Fear I
impatience and am constantly on
impulsiveness ensures the
thatall is fair in lookout for potential
life. disasters. I spend time
evaluating the possible danger,
pitfalls and risk involved in
everyday activities. There are
very few activities and events
that I do not find to be
dangerous and
possibly fatal.
Hi! It’s us! Your INSIDE OUT friends.
We will be your guide in doing the task in the
activities in this lesson. Just follow the instructions we
will give you. We are sure you will have fun performing the
different activities. What else? You will learn the skill of
As a result, you will become an excellent modal user and your
teacher will be impressed. What’s more! Your grade in English will
reach the heavens! How would you like it?

So brace yourself and let us have

a simple mental exercise.
Let’s have the first activity. Check out the conversation of the
Simpson Family below. Write on the space provided words in bold
letters found in the dialogue of Marge Simpson to her children,
Bart and Lisa.
How did you perform If you got two,
in the first activity? you are
If you got three, you are good enough.
very good!


If you didn’t
get any, oh no!
What’s wrong!


If you got one,

that’s so sad…
A modal verb is
a type of auxiliary verb
that is used to indicate Check out the list
modality-that is likelihood, of modal verbs
ability, permission, below.


can could shall
could might
may would should
Now, let’s test Hmmmnnn…
your memory Good luck.
You may
if you could
now have
identify the
the next
modal verbs in
the following

Identify the modal verbs used in the following sentences. Write your answers
on the space provided after each sentence.

1. I must go to sleep.

2. We can drink some water. .

THESE 3. The children should eat some food. .

4. They will do some exercise.

Now, check out if you got all the correct answers.

Identify the modal verbs used in the following sentences. Write your answers
on the space provided after each sentence.

1. I must go to sleep. MUST .

2. We can drink some water. CAN .

3. The children should eat some food. SHOULD .

4. They will do some exercise. WILL

Modal verbs do not add s or es to the third person singular.

He can swim. He cans swim.

Modal verbs don’t need auxiliaries to form
negative and question.

e.g. She should She doesn’t should

stay. stay.
Modal verbs don’t have –ing forms or infinitives

e.g. canning to might

How do you use the
modal verb CAN? The modal verb CAN, can be used in
expressing ability/ possibility, impossibility,
request and asking permission.
Check out the examples below.

Modal verb CAN

How to use Example

Ability/ Possibility They can control their
Impossibility own work. I can’t fix it.
Request Can you help me?
Asking Can I bring here?
How about the The modal verb COULD,
modal verb COULD? can be used in expressing permission, request,
possibility, future, and ability.
Now, take a look at the examples

Modal verbs COULD

How to use Example

Permission Could I borrow your dictionary?
Request Could you say it again more slowly?
Possibility I think we could have another tea.
Future I wish you could meet me next
Ability week.
He gave up his old job so he could
work for us.
When do we use
the modal verb MAY The modal verb MAY can
and MIGHT? be used in expressing
permission and possibility.
Might can only be
used for expressing
Examples are below
for you to check out.

Modal verb MAY and MIGHT

How to use Example

Permission May I have another cup of
Possibility coffee? I may finish my
Possiblity homework.
We’d better phone tomorrow
they might be
eating their dinner now.
How do you use the
modal verb WOULD and
The modal verb WOULD is used in
SHOULD? expressing permission, invitation, request
while the modal verb SHOULD, can be used
in saying what is right and expressing
possibility .
Check out the examples below.

Modal verb WOULD and SHOULD

How to use Example

Permission Would you mind if I brought a
friend with me? Invitation Would you like to play basketball
this Friday?
Request Would you mind waiting for a
Saying what is right/correct We should solve this problem.
Possibility Fees should decrease next year.
How about the
The modal verbs SHALL can be
modal verbs SHALL used in expressing offer, suggestion and
and WILL? permission while the modal verb WILL
can be used in expressing decisions, offer
and promise.
Now, take a look at the examples

Modal verbs SHALL and WILL

How to use Example

Offer Shall I help you
Suggestion with your
Permission luggage? Shall
Decision we say 2:30
Offer then?
Promise Shall I do that
or will you?
I can’t see any
taxi’s so I will
walk. I’ll do
that for you if
you like.
I will come
back on
Ok! To test if you
learned something from the Well, good luck! Keep in
topic MODALS today, how about mind the appropriate uses
trying the exercise below? of modals. The words after
each sentence will serve as
your clues to the correct

Direction: For each sentence, copy the appropriate modal from the pair in

Example: (Will, Would) you mind considering living without the

conveniences brought by machines? *PERMISSION
Answer: Would
1. Filipinos (can, may) perform many daily tasks easily because tools to
simplify life are
widely available. *ABILITY
2. Chores around the house (should, could) take longer if people didn’t have
efficient appliances. *POSSIBILITY
Do you think you need
some practice to check your Keep trying! I know
mastery of the topic? Well, you can do it correctly!
Right? So you may have this

Direction: For each sentence, copy the appropriate modal from the pair in

3.(Would, Will) you like to have a dishwasher and a microwave to make your
kitchen complete? *INVITATION
4. Hand washing clothes takes more time and effort than using a washing machine;
urthermore, hand washing clothes (might, will) use even more water than running
a machine. *POSSIBILITY
5. (Would, Will) people miss doing chores by hand? *Possibility
Now let’s see how
many correct answers
did you get.

1. Filipinos (can, may) perform many daily tasks easily because tools to simplify life are
widely available.
2. Chores around the house (should, could) take longer if people didn’t have
more efficient appliances. *POSSIBILITY
Answer: COULD
3.(Would, Will) you like to have a dishwasher and a microwave to make your
complete? *INVITATION
Answer: WOULD
4. Hand washing clothes takes more time and effort than using a washing machine;
furthermore, hand washing clothes (might, will) use even more water than running a
Answer: MIGHT
5. (Would, Will) people miss doing chores by hand? *Possibility
Answer: WILL
Now it’s your time
to use modal verbs. Fill in the sentences Come on! you can do Oh,
with appropriate modal verbs. Let’s see this! Just believe in my…..this
how much did you really learn from yourself. is such a
modal verbs. tough job….

Direction: For each sentence, write the appropriate modal to complete each sentence. Choose your answer from
these modals. (can, may, would, should, would)

1. The show is tonight. you like to go with me?

2. He’s really fast. He run 100 meters in less than one minute.
3. I am late. I come in?
4. you sing with me, please?
5. We always follow the policies of our school.
Now it’s your time
to use modal verbs. Fill in the sentences
Come on! you can Oh,
with appropriate modal verbs. Let’s see
do this! Just believe my…..this
how much did you really learn from
in yourself. is such a
modal verbs.
tough job….

1. The show is tonight. w_o_uld you like to go with me?

2. He’s really fast. He c_a_n run 100 meters in less than one
3. I am late. may I come in?
4. W_o_uld you sing with me, please?
5. We s_h_o_uld always follow the policies of our school.
CONGRATULATIONS!!! In everything
You have just successfully completed that you do, always
your activity. give your best shot!

You made it.

I am sure you will make it
in another activity.
See you again.

We use MODAL VERBS to show if we believe something is certain,
probable or possible (or not).
We also use modals to do things like talking about ability, asking
permission, making requests and offers, and so on.
A MODAL VERB is a type of verb that is used to indicate
modality –
that is likelihood, ability, permission etc.
Pearson Longman
Pixar Wiki

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