Which? Member Community

These terms apply to anyone using the Which? Member Community. By using the community, you agree to these terms.

The following things also apply to your use of the community:

Please take the time to read these documents because you should not use the community unless you agree to them. We might have to suspend your ability to use the community if you breach these terms or the spirit of the community.

If you have any questions, then please do give us a call (on 029 2267 0000) and we will be very happy to help you.

What we will do for you

If you are a current Which? member, you can access the Which? Member Community immediately; you'll simply need to log in with your membership details. If you also want to contribute to the community, you will need to set up a screen name in the Account section on which.co.uk.

Maintain your privacy: You will be able to set up a screen name when you register. Your screen name will be displayed to the community if you write or respond to a post. We take the privacy of our members seriously, so we will keep your identity secret unless we are legally obliged to reveal it.

We might need to edit or delete content you post and we may do so at our discretion and we can't guarantee that we will review content posted to the Community. We may also move or close any threads or posts without notice if we think they breach the posting guidelines terms or spirit of the community.

Provide accurate information: We will aim to ensure that all the information we provide on our website is accurate and up to date.

What you should do for us

Choosing a screen name: Please don't choose profanities or names containing personal information (phone numbers, postcodes etc) or that appear to impersonate someone else. If we think the name you've chosen is unsuitable, we may ask you to choose a different one.

Please behave responsibly when posting content to the community. You agree that you will not use the community in any way that is:

  • illegal or unlawful, or likely to encourage illegal or unlawful behaviour; or
  • likely to be a nuisance, harmful or deceptive to any other person (including members of Which? staff);

Any content you add to the website will:

  • be factually accurate and/or be your genuinely held opinion based on facts;
  • not be defamatory, obscene or offensive;
  • not infringe the copyright, trade marks or any other intellectual property rights of another person;
  • not be for any commercial purposes;

You also agree that you:

  • will not try to access any confidential information (including usernames and passwords) of any other person, or try to collect, store or otherwise use any personal information of other community members, contributors or members of Which? staff;
  • are over 18 years old; and
  • will post under one screen name and not attempt to post under duplicate names.

We value your opinions about Which? to help us improve our organisation. We welcome constructive criticism but, to ensure that we are focusing on the areas that are really important to our members, please keep the criticism objective and factually accurate so as not to unfairly damage Which?'s reputation.

Please keep your login details confidential to help us maintain the security of our website. You should not allow any other person to obtain access to the community using your login details.

Please also tell us as soon as you can if you think someone is misusing the community or if you think someone else is using your login details by using the 'report comment' function or by using the contact us form.

Other important things you need to know

By posting content to the community, you grant us a non-exclusive licence to use and publish that content. For example, we may use your postings in Which? magazine, on which.co.uk, in policy or campaigning documents or in marketing materials for Which?. We will display your screen name when using your content in this way.

The community is for your personal non-commercial use only. You must not use or encourage others to use our website (or its contents) for any commercial purposes or in a way that could damage Which?'s reputation.

Please remember that much of the community content will be provided by the users of the community which means, of course, that much of the information on the website does not reflect the views of Which?.

It also means, unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of the information on the community.

Please take the time to check whether the advice on the Which? Member Community is right for your individual circumstances and if you are making any important decisions, such as on financial, legal or medical matters based on information on the community, you should seek independent advice from a qualified professional adviser who can provide specific advice based on your individual position before you proceed.

You take full responsibility for the content you post on the Which? Member Community which means, for example, that if you provide a post in breach of these terms, you may be required to compensate another person if they suffer as a result.

What happens if you don't comply with these terms? If we think you have breached any of these terms or the spirit of the community, we may take any action that we consider appropriate which may include:

  • the temporary or permanent suspension of your access to the community;
  • taking legal action against you, possibly to recover any financial loss that we have suffered as a result of your actions; or
  • publishing a statement on any of our websites detailing your actions.

We will not compensate you for any loss you may suffer as a result of content featured on the community including in situations where the information provided is inaccurate; and/or in the circumstances set out in our Which? general terms.