British Gas to help customers struggling with energy bills

Find out if you qualify for help with gas and electricity costs

Tens of thousands of British Gas customers will get help to pay their energy bills under a new scheme called You Pay: We Pay.

Those most in need of help will have their payments matched by the supplier for six months.

British Gas is investing £15m in the scheme, which it says will help customers in fuel poverty to reduce their energy debts.

Not a British Gas customer? Find out about other available help if you're struggling to pay your energy bill.

What is British Gas You Pay: We Pay?

Under the scheme launched in May 2024, British Gas will identify customers needing help with their bills. Once you've been assessed, they'll match the amount you can afford to pay towards your energy bills for six months, starting in June. 

For example, if you pay £100 a month for six months, British Gas will also add £600 credit to your account.

It says the scheme aims to help customers avoid falling into debt or reduce existing debts on their energy accounts.

Can I get energy bill help from British Gas?

British Gas says it will identify customers who might qualify for the new scheme. You don't need to apply.

You'll be invited to a detailed assessment with a specially trained adviser to determine if you're eligible. 

The broad criteria to qualify are that you must:

  • Be in fuel poverty or at risk of it;
  • Have asked for debt advice or plan to do so;
  • Have been a British Gas customer for at least six months;
  • Agree a payment amount that you can afford after your assessment.

Is there other help with energy bills?

As well as British Gas' You Pay: We Pay scheme, you can also get help via the British Gas Energy Trust.

This is an independent charity that helps those in vulnerable situations who are struggling to pay their energy bills.

It gives advice via local services and can give grants in some circumstances.

If you have significant debts, you can apply to both schemes. Even if you don't qualify for You Pay: We Pay, the trust might still be able to support you.

You don't need to be a British Gas customer to get help from the British Gas Energy Trust; customers of other energy providers can also apply.

Some other energy providers also have hardship funds available to customers or other means of supporting those who are struggling to keep up with payments. If you're worried about being unable to pay your energy bills, first you should contact your supplier. You might not feel like it, but it's the best way to get help.

Why we're campaigning for better customer service

The high cost of living is still putting pressure on households. Meanwhile, customer service is in a dire state in vital services, and companies are routinely failing their customers.

Our research with energy companies' customers found that British Gas, Ovo Energy and Scottish Power were the worst culprits for slow and unhelpful support. 

Find out more about our campaign: Customer Service Counts and find out what customers think of British Gas.