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Best AA and AAA rechargeable batteries: Which? Best Buys and expert buying advice

The best rechargeable batteries on test, how to choose between pre-charged or hybrid, and whether capacity matters.
Patrick GallagherResearcher & writer
Rechargeable batteries in charger

Buying rechargeable batteries is an investment, as the best types will last for hundreds of hours of use. 

In fact, our tests have shown that the best AA rechargeable batteries give more than 400 hours of battery life without lasting for a shorter time per charge, live up to their stated capacity and stay charged between uses.

Duracell, Energizer and Panasonic batteries are among the biggest brands on the market, and all offer more than one type of rechargeable battery. But own brand batteries are often cheaper, and while some turn out to be real duds, others are among the best we've tested.  

Use our rechargeable batteries reviews to discover more about our recommendations. 

The best AA and AAA rechargeable batteries

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How much do I need to spend on rechargeable batteries?

A pack of four rechargeable batteries will cost from around £4 up to £13. You’ll also need a battery charger, so the total cost could be closer to £40. Our tests have revealed that you don’t necessarily need to splash out - we’ve found Best Buy AAA rechargeable batteries costing less than £8 a pack. So our results can save you money as well as show you the best.

Battery offers are worth looking out for if you’re not in a hurry to buy your rechargeable batteries. Keep an eye out in supermarkets and online for the best deals.

What features should I look out for?

Capacity in mAh (milliamp hours)

The key feature that differentiates rechargeable batteries of the same size is their capacity, measured in milliamp hours, or mAh. You’ll see this number printed on the packaging, as well as on the battery itself. 

Capacity is the amount of electrical charge stored inside the battery. The more charge there is in a battery, the more electrical current it can deliver and the longer it can power your device.

  • For AA rechargeable batteries, you’ll find capacities between 1,300mAh and 2,900mAh
  • AAA rechargeable batteries range from 500mAh to 1,100mAh.

This doesn’t mean that all batteries with the same mAh value will last the same amount of time in your devices. This is because of different techniques used by manufacturers to make them. Our tests have found batteries with similar stated capacities that last quite different amounts of time.

To find out how long your batteries will really last, see our rechargeable batteries reviews.


Some rechargeable batteries are sold with a certain amount of charge already in them, so you can use them in your device straight from the pack. This can be very convenient if you prefer to buy rechargeables, but are out and about and want to use them straight away.

How batteries lose capacity after repeated recharging

Find the best rechargeable batteries for you by heading to our rechargeable batteries reviews.