This story is from September 25, 2017

Purity of gold: Difference between 24k, 22k and 18k gold

Gold's weight or purity is measure in Karat. A high Karat gold signifies the high purity of gold. The different purity of gold is used to make various gold based items such as bars, coins, jewellery etc.
Purity of gold: Difference between 24k, 22k and 18k gold
Gold's weight or purity is measure in Karat. A high Karat gold signifies the high purity of gold. The different purity of gold is used to make various gold based items such as bars, coins, jewellery etc.
Here’s a detailed guide that will help you understand the difference between 24K, 22K and 18K gold:
24K gold
A 24 Karat gold is 100 per cent pure gold and does not have any other metal mixed.In the local market, it is known as 99.9 per cent pure and has a distinct bright yellow color. The 24 karat gold is more expensive than 22 or 18 Karat gold. It is soft and pliable and that's why not used in making regular forms of jewellery.
The 24K gold is used to make coins, bars and is also used in electronics and medical devices.
22K gold
The 22 Karat gold is mostly used in making jewellery. In 22K gold, 22 parts of the metal are gold and rest two comprises of metals like silver, zinc, nickel, and other alloys. It is also known as 91.67 per cent pure gold. Mixing alloys makes the texture of gold harder and hence jewellery becomes durable.
18K gold
The 18 Karat gold comprises of 75% gold mixed with 25% of other metals such as copper, silver, and other alloys. This type of gold is used to make stone studded jewellery and other diamond jewellery. It is less expensive compared to 24K and 22K gold.
All the gold coins, bars or jewellery has its purity marked into it. You should always buy jewellery that has Hall Mark and purity inscribed on them.
  1. What are the applications of 24-karat gold?
    24-karat gold is 100% gold and does not contain any other metal mixed with it. Because of its excellent purity and a distinct bright yellow color, 24-karat gold is more expensive than 22 or 18-karat gold. While it is widely used to make gold bars, coins, electronic devices, and medical equipment, 224-karat gold is not used to make jewellery items owing to its soft and pliable nature.
  2. What type of gold is mostly used in making jewellery?
    The 22-karat gold is prominently used in designing jewellery items. Since this kind of gold comprises 92% gold and 8% other metal alloys like silver, zinc, nickel, and allied, 22-karat gold makes durable and sturdy pieces of jewellery.
  3. Which type of gold is ideal for daily use?
    Daily usage requires you to wear jewellery that is durable and sturdy in nature for which 22-karat gold is ideal because of the presence of alloys like copper, zinc, and silver in it. 22-karat gold is 91.6% gold and the rest metal alloys, which ensures its hardness.
  4. What is 18-karat gold used for?
    18-karat gold is 75% gold and 25% alloy metals, which makes it durable and hard. So, 22-karat gold is widely utilized for making rings, watches, and allied wearable jewellery. Its rich yellow look makes it perfect for engagement rings and similar jewellery items.
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