This story is from May 16, 2023

Congress's Karnataka poll guarantees come with many riders

Congress's five major poll guarantees - which are perceived to have delivered a thumping majority for the party in Karnataka - may be implemented with several riders to reduce the burden on the state exchequer.
Congress's Karnataka poll guarantees come with many riders
Representative image
BENGALURU: Congress's five major poll guarantees - which are perceived to have delivered a thumping majority for the party in Karnataka - may be implemented with several riders to reduce the burden on the state exchequer.
KPCC chief DK Shivakumar and senior leader BK Hariprasad have indicated in recent media interactions that it may benefit mainly the poor and lower middle class, and not the entire population of the state as suggested.A senior Congress leader said the cost of the freebies will entail about Rs 40,000 crore annually, which is 15% of the state budget. Hence, the new government can't afford to grant freebies in the first year of office.

For instance, the first guarantee promised by Congress to provide 200 units of free power to all households (Gruha Jyoti) will be extended to only those who use 200 or less units of power in a month. "The offer will not be eligible even for those who use one unit extra (201 units)," said a senior Congress functionary, quoting the Delhi model offered by the AAP government there.
The other major promise was that women could travel free of charge in government buses. Congress sources claimed they would be allowed to travel only in the designated (ordinary) buses. He said that when it came to non-basic (semi-deluxe and upwards), women should purchase tickets regardless of city or intra-state services. "The free ride will be restricted to the daily commute route. For instance, it will be provided between home and office and not across the city or the state," said a Congress ministerial aspirant.

"If we allow free travel for all women, the already-bleeding transport corporations may face more losses," said a senior transport officer.
However, a Congress poll strategist confirmed the guarantee promised by Congress for women - Rs 2,000 monthly assistance to the woman head of every family (Gruha Lakshmi) - will be a "universal" scheme with no riders.
While the 10kg rice is free for BPL families (Anna Bhagya), Rs 3,000 every month for graduate-youths and Rs 1,500 for diploma-holders (both in the age group of 18-25) for two years (YuvaNidhi) will also come with riders.
Likely to burden state
These pre-poll benefits were offered in addition to other promised benefits such as 500 litres of tax-free diesel every year for deep-sea fishing and Rs 6,000 to all marine fishermen as a lean period allowance during the fishing holiday. Congress also promised to purchase cow dung at Rs 3 per kg and establish compost and manure centres in villages involving rural women and youth. If implemented, all these 'guarantees' will be a big burden on the state.
Congress functionaries said Karnataka had recorded the highest growth rate in GST collection among the big states. For 2022-23, against the revenue collection target of Rs 72,000 crore (excluding GST compensation), Rs 83,010 crore was achieved by January's end. "This being the case, it may not be a problem for their government to implement it as the revenue collection will only increase by the year," a senior Congress leader said.
Former Congress minister MB Patil, however, said Congress will implement the poll guarantees in earnest and extend freebies to all sections, especially the needy.
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