This story is from June 24, 2020

Theatre group hosts a digital festival on social media

Theatre group hosts a digital festival on social media
In a time when several forms of art are resorting to a digital platform, theatre group Barrackpore Payas Natyagoshthi presented an online theatre festival. More than 23 artistes, from several districts of Bengal, participated in the festival.
The group leader, Ranadhir Roy, explained, “In the time of lockdown, we could not think of any social gathering. Several artistes presented solo performances and we featured the videos on our social media page.We saw very encouraging participation. In fact, this is the fourth year we are hosting our festival. We did not want to cancel it this year. Hence, we came up with the idea.”
The group’s initiative was lauded by several performers, including Anindya Banerjee. “I am really impressed by the idea,” he said.
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