01/8​What tips to teach children that will help them make friends

Each one of us, when younger, wanted to make several friends, but most of us were shy or too introverted to even talk to new faces. Making friends is a crucial part of growing up, and parents play a vital role in helping their children develop the skills necessary for building these important relationships. Teaching kids how to make friends not only boosts their social skills but also enhances their overall well-being. Here are 7 key lessons every parent can teach their children to help them make friends and keep them.


02/8Show kindness and empathy

Show kindness and empathy

Kindness is the foundation of all good relationships. Teaching children to be kind and empathetic can make a huge difference in how they connect with others. According to a study published in the journal Developmental Psychology, children who display prosocial behaviour, such as sharing and showing compassion, are more likely to be accepted by their peers. Encourage the child to understand others' feelings and to offer help when needed. Role-playing different scenarios at home can be a fun way to practice this. For example, ask your child how they would feel if they saw someone sitting alone at lunch and what they could do to help.


03/8​Teach good listening skills

​Teach good listening skills

Listening is an essential part of communication and a key component in forming friendships. A study by the University of Illinois found that children who are good listeners tend to have better peer relationships. Teach your child to listen without interrupting and to show interest in what their friends are saying. You can practice this skill by having family conversations where everyone gets a turn to speak without being interrupted. Praise your child when they listen attentively, reinforcing the importance of this skill.

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04/8​Encourage sharing and taking turns

​Encourage sharing and taking turns

Sharing and taking turns are fundamental social skills that help children build trust and cooperation. According to research in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, children who understand the concept of fairness and are willing to share are more likely to form lasting friendships. Model this behaviour at home by sharing tasks and taking turns during family activities. Praise your child when they share their toys or wait patiently for their turn, highlighting how these actions make others feel good.


05/8​Teach ‘how to resolve a conflict’

​Teach ‘how to resolve a conflict’

Friendships are not without conflicts, and knowing how to resolve disagreements peacefully is crucial. Teach your child to express their feelings calmly and to listen to their friends' perspectives. A study from Harvard University found that children who can resolve conflicts effectively are more likely to have positive peer relationships. Role-playing different conflict scenarios can be an effective way to practice these skills. Discuss potential solutions and encourage your child to think about the best way to handle disagreements.

Read also: 9 questions to ask to your child's teacher


06/8​Make them understand the value of positive body language

​Make them understand the value of positive body language

Nonverbal communication, such as smiling, making eye contact, and having an open posture, plays a significant role in making friends. Positive body language can make children appear more approachable and friendly. Teach your child the importance of body language through games and activities. For instance, you can play a game where you take turns expressing different emotions using only facial expressions and gestures. Discuss how these nonverbal cues can impact others' perceptions.

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07/8​Encourage them to be a part of group activities

​Encourage them to be a part of group activities

Being part of group activities can provide children with opportunities to meet new friends and practice social skills. Research by the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that children who participate in group activities, such as sports, clubs, or community events, are more likely to develop strong social networks. Help children find activities that interest them, and encourage them to join. This not only helps them make friends but also boosts their confidence and sense of belonging.


08/8​Be a role model of what you want your child to be

​Be a role model of what you want your child to be

Children learn a lot by observing their parents. Demonstrate positive social behaviours, such as greeting neighbours, showing appreciation, and maintaining friendships. According to a study in the Journal of Family Psychology, children often mimic their parents' social interactions. Talk to your child about your friendships and how you maintain them. Share stories of how you resolved conflicts, showed kindness, and supported your friends. Your actions can inspire your child to adopt similar behaviours in their own relationships.

(Images: Canva)
