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  • FACOR (Vedanta Ltd) has launched India's first eco-friendly enterprise mobility in collaboration with Treewards Foundation

FACOR (Vedanta Ltd) has launched India's first eco-friendly enterprise mobility in collaboration with Treewards Foundation

FACOR (Vedanta Ltd) has launched India's first eco-friendly enterprise mobility in collaboration with Treewards Foundation
Taking a pioneering step towards sustainable business practices, Ferro Alloys Corporation Ltd. (Vedanta Ltd.) has launched India's first eco-friendly enterprise mobility in collaboration with Treewards Foundation. The objective of this initiative is to incorporate environmental awareness within the functionality of the organisation. For every significant task accomplished on the internal platform, employees will be contributing to a larger cause of a greener tomorrow with tree plantation.
This innovative step depicts FACOR’s commitment to environmental conservation.
On World Environment Day, FACOR is thrilled to partner with the Treewards Foundation for this revolutionary project and recommits its aim to Transforming the Planet. Reiterating the company’s commitment, FACOR CEO, Mr. Pankaj Sharma said, "I am proud to be a part of FACOR’s unwavering commitment to planting more trees and heading initiatives toward a greener future. We understand the critical role trees play in combating climate change and preserving our planet's biodiversity. Through strategic partnerships and sustainable practices, we pledge to continuously increase our tree-planting efforts, ensuring a healthier environment for generations to come.”
Treewards Foundation, known for its extensive tree plantation programs, has committed to planting and maintaining the trees. This launch marks a significant step in promoting environmental activities in India and will serve as an inspiration for other enterprises. Employees are enthusiastic about the fact that their daily tasks will directly have a positive impact on the environment. With this initiative, FACOR has set an example of how business operations can seamlessly integrate with environmental responsibility.
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