State legislative incumbents in contested primaries, 2022

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There were 6,278 state legislative seats up for election on November 8, 2022, in 46 states. Overall, 4,852 incumbents filed for re-election and were running at the time of their respective primaries. Of that total, 1,299 incumbents faced contested primaries, representing 27% of all incumbents who filed for re-election. This was the largest number and percentage of incumbents in contested primaries compared to the preceding six election cycles.

A primary is contested when there are more candidates running than nominations available. When this occurs, and an incumbent is present, it means the incumbent could possibly lose the primary. Learn more about the terms and methodologies used in this analysis.

Ballotpedia uses the number and percentage of incumbents in contested primaries to help determine the overall competitiveness of an election cycle. A larger number of contested primaries indicates more opportunities for voters to elect a non-incumbent to office. A smaller number indicates fewer of those opportunities.

In 2022:

  • There were 510 Democratic incumbents in contested primaries, representing 22% of all Democratic incumbents who filed for re-election and a 3% increase from 2020.
  • There were 789 Republican incumbents in contested primaries, representing 31% of all Republican incumbents who filed for re-election and a 54% increase from 2020.
  • The total number of incumbents in contested primaries—1,299—was the largest number since at least 2010 and a 29% increase from 2020.

  • State legislative incumbents in contested primaries, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 4,978 1,796 405 22.6% 2,071 629 30.4% 3,878 1,034 26.7%
    Senate 1,300 476 105 22.1% 498 160 32.1% 974 265 27.2%
    Total 6,278 2,272 510 22.4% 2,569 789 30.7% 4,852 1,299 26.8%

    Click [show] on the table below to view incumbents in contested primaries statistics by state in 2022. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    Historical comparison

    The chart below shows a breakdown of incumbents in contested primaries from 2010 to 2022.

    Click [show] on the table below to view overall incumbents in contested primaries statistics by state from 2010 to 2022. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    By state



    There were 140 seats up for election in Alabama. A total of 114 incumbents filed for re-election: 32 Democrats and 82 Republicans. Of that total, 35 incumbents—10 Democrats and 25 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 30.7% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Alabama, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 105 26 8 30.8% 58 18 31.0% 84 26 31.0%
    Senate 35 6 2 33.3% 24 7 29.2% 30 9 30.0%
    Total 140 32 10 31.3% 82 25 30.5% 114 35 30.7%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Alabama, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 140 69 21 30.4% 51 13 25.5% 121 34 28.1%
    2012 Did not hold elections.
    2014 140 42 13 31.0% 76 27 35.5% 119 40 33.6%
    2016 Did not hold elections.
    2018 140 32 17 53.1% 70 19 27.1% 102 36 35.3%
    2020 Did not hold elections.
    2022 140 32 10 31.3% 82 25 30.5% 114 35 30.7%

    See also:


    There were 59 seats up for election in Alaska. A total of 40 incumbents filed for re-election: 12 Democrats, 24 Republicans, and four minor party or independent officeholders. No incumbents who filed for re-election faced contested primaries.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Alaska, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 40 7 0 0.0% 15 0 0.0% 26 0 0.0%
    Senate 19 5 0 0.0% 9 0 0.0% 14 0 0.0%
    Total 59 12 0 0.0% 24 0 0.0% 40 0 0.0%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Alaska, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 50 22 1 4.5% 23 5 21.7% 45 6 13.3%
    2012 59 21 3 14.3% 32 13 40.6% 54 16 29.6%
    2014 54 18 1 5.6% 29 3 10.3% 47 4 8.5%
    2016 50 18 2 11.1% 22 10 45.5% 41 12 29.3%
    2018 50 14 0 0.0% 21 11 52.4% 37 11 29.7%
    2020 50 17 2 11.8% 28 17 60.7% 47 19 40.4%
    2022 59 12 0 0.0% 24 0 0.0% 40 0 0.0%

    See also:


    There were 90 seats up for election in Arizona. A total of 50 incumbents filed for re-election: 21 Democrats and 29 Republicans. Of that total, 26 incumbents—nine Democrats and 17 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 52.0% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Arizona, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 60 14 8 57.1% 18 13 72.2% 32 21 65.6%
    Senate 30 7 1 14.3% 11 4 36.4% 18 5 27.8%
    Total 90 21 9 42.9% 29 17 58.6% 50 26 52.0%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Arizona, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 90 20 7 35.0% 31 19 61.3% 51 26 51.0%
    2012 90 17 11 64.7% 43 13 30.2% 60 24 40.0%
    2014 90 27 6 22.2% 39 22 56.4% 66 28 42.4%
    2016 90 26 11 42.3% 38 8 21.1% 64 19 29.7%
    2018 90 24 8 33.3% 33 19 57.6% 57 27 47.4%
    2020 90 37 13 35.1% 36 14 38.9% 73 27 37.0%
    2022 90 21 9 42.9% 29 17 58.6% 50 26 52.0%

    See also:


    There were 135 seats up for election in Arkansas. A total of 104 incumbents filed for re-election: 22 Democrats and 82 Republicans. Of that total, 29 incumbents—three Democrats and 26 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 27.9% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Arkansas, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 100 18 3 16.7% 60 18 30.0% 78 21 26.9%
    Senate 35 4 0 0.0% 22 8 36.4% 26 8 30.8%
    Total 135 22 3 13.6% 82 26 31.7% 104 29 27.9%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Arkansas, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 117 42 3 7.1% 22 1 4.5% 64 4 6.3%
    2012 135 40 6 15.0% 48 6 12.5% 88 12 13.6%
    2014 118 44 1 2.3% 43 7 16.3% 87 8 9.2%
    2016 117 36 2 5.6% 66 8 12.1% 102 10 9.8%
    2018 118 21 4 19.0% 73 11 15.1% 95 15 15.8%
    2020 117 27 3 11.1% 80 8 10.0% 107 11 10.3%
    2022 135 22 3 13.6% 82 26 31.7% 104 29 27.9%

    See also:


    There were 100 seats up for election in California. A total of 69 incumbents filed for re-election: 53 Democrats and 16 Republicans. Of that total, 32 incumbents—25 Democrats and seven Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 46.4% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in California, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 80 45 20 44.4% 14 7 50.0% 59 27 45.8%
    Senate 20 8 5 62.5% 2 0 0.0% 10 5 50.0%
    Total 100 53 25 47.2% 16 7 43.8% 69 32 46.4%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in California, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 100 44 3 6.8% 18 3 16.7% 62 6 9.7%
    2012 100 36 15 41.7% 20 7 35.0% 56 22 39.3%
    2014 100 45 19 42.2% 22 4 18.2% 67 23 34.3%
    2016 100 51 15 29.4% 23 10 43.5% 74 25 33.8%
    2018 100 59 25 42.4% 27 12 44.4% 86 37 43.0%
    2020 100 65 25 38.5% 20 11 55.0% 86 37[2] 43.0%
    2022 100 53 25 47.2% 16 7 43.8% 69 32 46.4%

    See also:


    There were 82 seats up for election in Colorado. A total of 50 incumbents filed for re-election: 34 Democrats and 16 Republicans. Of that total, seven incumbents—one Democrat and six Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 14.0% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Colorado, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 65 29 1 3.4% 12 5 41.7% 41 6 14.6%
    Senate 17 5 0 0.0% 4 1 25.0% 9 1 11.1%
    Total 82 34 1 2.9% 16 6 37.5% 50 7 14.0%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Colorado, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 84 37 1 2.7% 26 0 0.0% 64 1 1.6%
    2012 85 29 1 3.4% 24 3 12.5% 53 4 7.5%
    2014 82 36 0 0.0% 23 2 8.7% 59 2 3.4%
    2016 83 26 0 0.0% 33 5 15.2% 59 5 8.5%
    2018 82 27 0 0.0% 30 5 16.7% 57 5 8.8%
    2020 83 41 3 7.3% 22 2 9.1% 63 5 7.9%
    2022 82 34 1 2.9% 16 6 37.5% 50 7 14.0%

    See also:


    There were 187 seats up for election in Connecticut. A total of 157 incumbents filed for re-election: 105 Democrats and 52 Republicans. Of that total, four incumbents—three Democrats and one Republican—faced contested primaries, representing 2.5% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Connecticut, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 151 85 2 2.4% 43 1 2.3% 128 3 2.3%
    Senate 36 20 1 5.0% 9 0 0.0% 29 1 3.4%
    Total 187 105 3 2.9% 52 1 1.9% 157 4 2.5%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Connecticut, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 187 124 10 8.1% 44 0 0.0% 168 10 6.0%
    2012 187 104 6 5.8% 59 1 1.7% 163 7 4.3%
    2014 187 105 8 7.6% 58 1 1.7% 163 9 5.5%
    2016 187 96 8 8.3% 68 2 2.9% 164 10 6.1%
    2018 187 84 5 6.0% 79 0 0.0% 163 5 3.1%
    2020 187 106 5 4.7% 64 0 0.0% 170 5 2.9%
    2022 187 105 3 2.9% 52 1 1.9% 157 4 2.5%

    See also:


    There were 62 seats up for election in Delaware. A total of 55 incumbents filed for re-election: 35 Democrats and 20 Republicans. Of that total, eight incumbents—six Democrats and two Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 14.5% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Delaware, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 41 22 6 27.3% 14 1 7.1% 36 7 19.4%
    Senate 21 13 0 0.0% 6 1 16.7% 19 1 5.3%
    Total 62 35 6 17.1% 20 2 10.0% 55 8 14.5%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Delaware, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 52 32 6 18.8% 16 1 6.3% 48 7 14.6%
    2012 62 35 6 17.1% 18 5 27.8% 53 11 20.8%
    2014 51 31 6 19.4% 18 3 16.7% 49 9 18.4%
    2016 52 31 5 16.1% 19 1 5.3% 50 6 12.0%
    2018 51 21 3 14.3% 16 0 0.0% 37 3 8.1%
    2020 52 30 7 23.3% 20 0 0.0% 50 7 14.0%
    2022 62 35 6 17.1% 20 2 10.0% 55 8 14.5%

    See also:


    There were 160 seats up for election in Florida. A total of 114 incumbents filed for re-election: 41 Democrats and 73 Republicans. Of that total, 32 incumbents—13 Democrats and 19 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 28.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Florida, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 120 29 11 37.9% 56 14 25.0% 85 25 29.4%
    Senate 40 12 2 16.7% 17 5 29.4% 29 7 24.1%
    Total 160 41 13 31.7% 73 19 26.0% 114 32 28.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Florida, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 143 40 6 15.0% 57 12 21.1% 97 18 18.6%
    2012 160 31 7 22.6% 79 24 30.4% 110 31 28.2%
    2014 140 43 8 18.6% 79 13 16.5% 122 21 17.2%
    2016 160 26 7 26.9% 72 7 9.7% 98 14 14.3%
    2018 140 39 11 28.2% 63 8 12.7% 102 19 18.6%
    2020 140 38 8 21.1% 62 9 14.5% 100 17 17.0%
    2022 160 41 13 31.7% 73 19 26.0% 114 32 28.1%

    See also:


    There were 236 seats up for election in Georgia. A total of 188 incumbents filed for re-election: 76 Democrats and 112 Republicans. Of that total, 63 incumbents—27 Democrats and 36 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 33.5% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Georgia, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 180 57 18 31.6% 85 29 34.1% 142 47 33.1%
    Senate 56 19 9 47.4% 27 7 25.9% 46 16 34.8%
    Total 236 76 27 35.5% 112 36 32.1% 188 63 33.5%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Georgia, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 236 86 19 22.1% 111 22 19.8% 198 41 20.7%
    2012 236 73 25 34.2% 136 23 16.9% 210 48 22.9%
    2014 236 74 17 23.0% 144 30 20.8% 219 47 21.5%
    2016 236 71 19 26.8% 143 30 21.0% 214 49 22.9%
    2018 236 82 27 32.9% 134 26 19.4% 216 53 24.5%
    2020 236 89 28 31.5% 121 14 11.6% 210 42 20.0%
    2022 236 76 27 35.5% 112 36 32.1% 188 63 33.5%

    See also:


    There were 76 seats up for election in Hawaii. A total of 63 incumbents filed for re-election: 60 Democrats and three Republicans. Of that total, 25 incumbents—all Democrats—faced contested primaries, representing 39.7% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Hawaii, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 51 39 21 53.8% 2 0 0.0% 41 21 51.2%
    Senate 25 21 4 19.0% 1 0 0.0% 22 4 18.2%
    Total 76 60 25 41.7% 3 0 0.0% 63 25 39.7%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Hawaii, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 66 52 24 46.2% 6 0 0.0% 58 24 41.4%
    2012 76 64 24 37.5% 7 2 28.6% 71 26 36.6%
    2014 63 52 19 36.5% 6 1 16.7% 58 20 34.5%
    2016 64 53 22 41.5% 8 2 25.0% 61 24 39.3%
    2018 63 50 23 46.0% 4 0 0.0% 54 23 42.6%
    2020 64 51 20 39.2% 5 0 0.0% 56 20 35.7%
    2022 76 60 25 41.7% 3 0 0.0% 63 25 39.7%

    See also:


    There were 105 seats up for election in Idaho. A total of 74 incumbents filed for re-election: 13 Democrats and 61 Republicans. Of that total, 45 incumbents—all Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 60.8% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Idaho, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 70 9 0 0.0% 39 25 64.1% 48 25 52.1%
    Senate 35 4 0 0.0% 22 20 90.9% 26 20 76.9%
    Total 105 13 0 0.0% 61 45 73.8% 74 45 60.8%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Idaho, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 105 19 1 5.3% 77 25 32.5% 96 26 27.1%
    2012 105 11 1 9.1% 59 33 55.9% 70 34 48.6%
    2014 105 15 1 6.7% 79 29 36.7% 94 30 31.9%
    2016 105 17 1 5.9% 79 30 38.0% 96 31 32.3%
    2018 105 14 1 7.1% 75 30 40.0% 89 31 34.8%
    2020 105 16 0 0.0% 71 28 39.4% 87 28 32.2%
    2022 105 13 0 0.0% 61 45 73.8% 74 45 60.8%

    See also:


    There were 177 seats up for election in Illinois. A total of 155 incumbents filed for re-election: 103 Democrats and 52 Republicans. Of that total, 25 incumbents—15 Democrats and 10 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 16.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Illinois, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 118 68 11 16.2% 36 7 19.4% 104 18 17.3%
    Senate 59 35 4 11.4% 16 3 18.8% 51 7 13.7%
    Total 177 103 15 14.6% 52 10 19.2% 155 25 16.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Illinois, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 139 76 14 18.4% 51 7 13.7% 127 21 16.5%
    2012 177 82 21 25.6% 63 12 19.0% 145 33 22.8%
    2014 137 82 9 11.0% 43 5 11.6% 125 14 11.2%
    2016 158 92 11 12.0% 52 6 11.5% 144 17 11.8%
    2018 157 77 10 13.0% 52 7 13.5% 129 17 13.2%
    2020 138 84 18 21.4% 38 4 10.5% 122 22 18.0%
    2022 177 103 15 14.6% 52 10 19.2% 155 25 16.1%

    See also:


    There were 125 seats up for election in Indiana. A total of 114 incumbents filed for re-election: 32 Democrats and 82 Republicans. Of that total, 30 incumbents—two Democrats and 28 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 26.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Indiana, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 100 29 0 0.0% 63 25 39.7% 92 25 27.2%
    Senate 25 3 2 66.7% 19 3 15.8% 22 5 22.7%
    Total 125 32 2 6.3% 82 28 34.1% 114 30 26.3%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Indiana, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 125 56 6 10.7% 57 15 26.3% 113 21 18.6%
    2012 125 35 5 14.3% 68 12 17.6% 103 17 16.5%
    2014 125 36 0 0.0% 81 11 13.6% 117 11 9.4%
    2016 125 30 2 6.7% 78 15 19.2% 108 17 15.7%
    2018 125 28 7 25.0% 83 16 19.3% 111 23 20.7%
    2020 125 34 6 17.6% 81 17 21.0% 115 23 20.0%
    2022 125 32 2 6.3% 82 28 34.1% 114 30 26.3%

    See also:


    There were 134 seats up for election in Iowa. A total of 93 incumbents filed for re-election: 33 Democrats and 60 Republicans. Of that total, 14 incumbents—all Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 15.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Iowa, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 100 24 0 0.0% 46 13 28.3% 70 13 18.6%
    Senate 34 9 0 0.0% 14 1 7.1% 23 1 4.3%
    Total 134 33 0 0.0% 60 14 23.3% 93 14 15.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Iowa, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 125 65 5 7.7% 43 3 7.0% 108 8 7.4%
    2012 126 45 0 0.0% 55 16 29.1% 100 16 16.0%
    2014 125 55 3 5.5% 55 5 9.1% 110 8 7.3%
    2016 125 50 4 8.0% 62 5 8.1% 112 9 8.0%
    2018 125 48 1 2.1% 55 4 7.3% 103 5 4.9%
    2020 125 51 4 7.8% 57 2 3.5% 108 6 5.6%
    2022 134 33 0 0.0% 60 14 23.3% 93 14 15.1%

    See also:


    There were 125 seats up for election in Kansas. A total of 103 incumbents filed for re-election: 32 Democrats and 71 Republicans. Of that total, 16 incumbents—two Democrats and 14 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 15.7% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Kansas, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 125 32 2 6.3% 70 14 20.0% 102 16 15.7%
    Senate Did not hold elections
    Total 125 32 2 6.3% 70 14 20.0% 102 16 15.7%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Kansas, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 125 45 3 6.7% 70 20 28.6% 115 23 20.0%
    2012 165 37 6 16.2% 90 48 53.3% 127 54 42.5%
    2014 125 29 0 0.0% 83 21 25.3% 112 21 18.8%
    2016 165 34 4 11.8% 98 35 35.7% 132 39 29.5%
    2018 125 40 7 17.5% 72 19 26.4% 112 26 23.2%
    2020 165 43 3 7.0% 99 28 28.3% 142 31 21.8%
    2022 125 32 2 6.3% 70 14 20.0% 102 16 15.7%

    See also:


    There were 119 seats up for election in Kentucky. A total of 100 incumbents filed for re-election: 21 Democrats and 79 Republicans. Of that total, 31 incumbents—four Democrats and 27 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 31.0% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Kentucky, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 100 19 4 21.1% 68 24 35.3% 87 28 32.2%
    Senate 19 2 0 0.0% 11 3 27.3% 13 3 23.1%
    Total 119 21 4 19.0% 79 27 34.2% 100 31 31.0%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Kentucky, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 119 68 11 16.2% 43 10 23.3% 112 21 18.8%
    2012 119 64 11 17.2% 42 11 26.2% 106 22 20.8%
    2014 119 55 6 10.9% 53 9 17.0% 108 15 13.9%
    2016 119 57 7 12.3% 52 9 17.3% 109 16 14.7%
    2018 119 29 4 13.8% 69 15 21.7% 98 19 19.4%
    2020 119 35 3 8.6% 67 10 14.9% 102 13 12.7%
    2022 119 21 4 19.0% 79 27 34.2% 100 31 31.0%

    See also:


    There were 186 seats up for election in Maine. A total of 116 incumbents filed for re-election: 68 Democrats, 46 Republicans, and two minor party or independent officeholders. Of that total, three incumbents—one Democrat and two Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 2.6% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Maine, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 151 56 1 1.8% 37 2 5.4% 95 3 3.2%
    Senate 35 12 0 0.0% 9 0 0.0% 21 0 0.0%
    Total 186 68 1 1.5% 46 2 4.3% 116 3 2.6%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Maine, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 186 94 3 3.2% 49 1 2.0% 143 4 2.8%
    2012 186 54 4 7.4% 67 1 1.5% 123 5 4.1%
    2014 186 85 2 2.4% 48 1 2.1% 137 3 2.2%
    2016 186 69 2 2.9% 80 2 2.5% 149 4 2.7%
    2018 186 74 2 2.7% 53 0 0.0% 130 2 1.5%
    2020 186 82 4 4.9% 61 3 4.9% 148 7 4.7%
    2022 186 68 1 1.5% 46 2 4.3% 116 3 2.6%

    See also:


    There were 188 seats up for election in Maryland. A total of 151 incumbents filed for re-election: 108 Democrats and 43 Republicans. Of that total, 95 incumbents—70 Democrats and 25 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 62.9% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Maryland, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 141 79 57 72.2% 32 20 62.5% 111 77 69.4%
    Senate 47 29 13 44.8% 11 5 45.5% 40 18 45.0%
    Total 188 108 70 64.8% 43 25 58.1% 151 95 62.9%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Maryland, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 188 121 78 64.5% 41 27 65.9% 162 105 64.8%
    2012 Did not hold elections.
    2014 188 101 70 69.3% 37 24 64.9% 138 94 68.1%
    2016 Did not hold elections.
    2018 188 95 81 85.3% 54 26 48.1% 149 107 71.8%
    2020 Did not hold elections.
    2022 188 108 70 64.8% 43 25 58.1% 151 95 62.9%

    See also:


    There were 200 seats up for election in Massachusetts. A total of 176 incumbents filed for re-election: 146 Democrats, 29 Republicans, and one minor party or independent officeholder. Of that total, 21 incumbents—20 Democrats and one Republican—faced contested primaries, representing 11.9% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Massachusetts, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 160 114 17 14.9% 26 0 0.0% 141 17 12.1%
    Senate 40 32 3 9.4% 3 1 33.3% 35 4 11.4%
    Total 200 146 20 13.7% 29 1 3.4% 176 21 11.9%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Massachusetts, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 200 151 14 9.3% 15 0 0.0% 166 14 8.4%
    2012 200 154 18 11.7% 36 1 2.8% 190 19 10.0%
    2014 200 148 16 10.8% 30 1 3.3% 178 17 9.6%
    2016 200 147 19 12.9% 40 1 2.5% 187 20 10.7%
    2018 200 137 19 13.9% 37 1 2.7% 176 20 11.4%
    2020 200 151 22 14.6% 33 1 3.0% 185 23 12.4%
    2022 200 146 20 13.7% 29 1 3.4% 176 21 11.9%

    See also:


    There were 148 seats up for election in Michigan. A total of 84 incumbents filed for re-election: 42 Democrats and 42 Republicans. Of that total, 44 incumbents—18 Democrats and 26 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 52.4% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Michigan, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 110 30 11 36.7% 29 18 62.1% 59 29 49.2%
    Senate 38 12 7 58.3% 13 8 61.5% 25 15 60.0%
    Total 148 42 18 42.9% 42 26 61.9% 84 44 52.4%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Michigan, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 148 40 10 25.0% 28 7 25.0% 68 17 25.0%
    2012 110 36 19 52.8% 56 18 32.1% 92 37 40.2%
    2014 148 40 9 22.5% 57 19 33.3% 97 28 28.9%
    2016 110 32 14 43.8% 36 9 25.0% 68 23 33.8%
    2018 148 32 14 43.8% 46 9 19.6% 78 23 29.5%
    2020 110 39 14 35.9% 45 10 22.2% 84 24 28.6%
    2022 148 42 18 42.9% 42 26 61.9% 84 44 52.4%

    See also:


    There were 201 seats up for election in Minnesota. A total of 142 incumbents filed for re-election: 74 Democrats and 68 Republicans. Of that total, 20 incumbents—eight Democrats and 12 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 14.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Minnesota, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 134 54 6 11.1% 44 5 11.4% 98 11 11.2%
    Senate 67 20 2 10.0% 24 7 29.2% 44 9 20.5%
    Total 201 74 8 10.8% 68 12 17.6% 142 20 14.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Minnesota, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 201 121 5 4.1% 56 3 5.4% 177 8 4.5%
    2012 201 72 7 9.7% 82 4 4.9% 154 11 7.1%
    2014 134 68 4 5.9% 51 1 2.0% 119 5 4.2%
    2016 201 82 7 8.5% 91 4 4.4% 173 11 6.4%
    2018 134 41 5 12.2% 70 2 2.9% 111 7 6.3%
    2020 201 95 11 11.6% 87 8 9.2% 182 19 10.4%
    2022 201 74 8 10.8% 68 12 17.6% 142 20 14.1%

    See also:


    There were 180 seats up for election in Missouri. A total of 132 incumbents filed for re-election: 46 Democrats and 86 Republicans. Of that total, 35 incumbents—13 Democrats and 22 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 26.5% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Missouri, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 163 44 13 29.5% 79 16 20.3% 123 29 23.6%
    Senate 17 2 0 0.0% 7 6 85.7% 9 6 66.7%
    Total 180 46 13 28.3% 86 22 25.6% 132 35 26.5%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Missouri, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 180 55 8 14.5% 50 7 14.0% 105 15 14.3%
    2012 180 43 19 44.2% 83 16 19.3% 126 35 27.8%
    2014 180 47 8 17.0% 100 14 14.0% 147 22 15.0%
    2016 180 35 7 20.0% 106 14 13.2% 142 21 14.8%
    2018 180 34 7 20.6% 83 12 14.5% 117 19 16.2%
    2020 180 36 9 25.0% 87 8 9.2% 123 17 13.8%
    2022 180 46 13 28.3% 86 22 25.6% 132 35 26.5%

    See also:


    There were 125 seats up for election in Montana. A total of 86 incumbents filed for re-election: 29 Democrats and 57 Republicans. Of that total, 13 incumbents—four Democrats and nine Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 15.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Montana, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 100 23 3 13.0% 51 7 13.7% 74 10 13.5%
    Senate 25 6 1 16.7% 6 2 33.3% 12 3 25.0%
    Total 125 29 4 13.8% 57 9 15.8% 86 13 15.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Montana, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 126 34 3 8.8% 41 8 19.5% 75 11 14.7%
    2012 126 26 3 11.5% 56 14 25.0% 82 17 20.7%
    2014 125 32 3 9.4% 48 15 31.3% 80 18 22.5%
    2016 125 36 1 2.8% 44 13 29.5% 80 14 17.5%
    2018 125 34 1 2.9% 55 9 16.4% 89 10 11.2%
    2020 125 31 4 12.9% 53 19 35.8% 84 23 27.4%
    2022 125 29 4 13.8% 57 9 15.8% 86 13 15.1%

    See also:


    There were 24 seats up for election in Nebraska. A total of 11 incumbents filed for re-election: three Democrats and eight Republicans. Of that total, six incumbents—two Democrats and four Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 54.5% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Nebraska, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House N/A[3]
    Senate 24 3 2 66.7% 8 4 50.0% 11 6 54.5%
    Total 24 3 2 66.7% 8 4 50.0% 11 6 54.5%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Nebraska, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 24 10 4 40.0% 10 1 10.0% 21 6[4] 28.6%
    2012 25 6 2 33.3% 10 2 20.0% 16 4 25.0%
    2014 24 2 0 0.0% 5 1 20.0% 7 1 14.3%
    2016 25 4 2 50.0% 9 1 11.1% 14 4[5] 28.6%
    2018 24 3 0 0.0% 12 4 33.3% 16 5[6] 31.3%
    2020 25 7 0 0.0% 12 2 16.7% 19 2 10.5%
    2022 24 3 2 66.7% 8 4 50.0% 11 6 54.5%

    See also:


    There were 53 seats up for election in Nevada. A total of 34 incumbents filed for re-election: 25 Democrats and nine Republicans. Of that total, 13 incumbents—nine Democrats and four Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 38.2% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Nevada, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 42 21 7 33.3% 7 3 42.9% 28 10 35.7%
    Senate 11 4 2 50.0% 2 1 50.0% 6 3 50.0%
    Total 53 25 9 36.0% 9 4 44.4% 34 13 38.2%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Nevada, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 53 17 1 5.9% 9 4 44.4% 26 5 19.2%
    2012 52 24 10 41.7% 12 2 16.7% 36 12 33.3%
    2014 53 26 5 19.2% 17 8 47.1% 43 13 30.2%
    2016 52 21 6 28.6% 19 11 57.9% 41 17 41.5%
    2018 53 24 3 12.5% 14 5 35.7% 38 8 21.1%
    2020 52 25 3 12.0% 14 4 28.6% 39 7 17.9%
    2022 53 25 9 36.0% 9 4 44.4% 34 13 38.2%

    See also:

    New Hampshire

    There were 424 seats up for election in New Hampshire. A total of 302 incumbents filed for re-election: 133 Democrats and 169 Republicans. Of that total, 116 incumbents—26 Democrats and 90 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 38.4% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in New Hampshire, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 400 126 26 20.6% 160 88 55.0% 286 114 39.9%
    Senate 24 7 0 0.0% 9 2 22.2% 16 2 12.5%
    Total 424 133 26 19.5% 169 90 53.3% 302 116 38.4%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in New Hampshire, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 424 178 45 25.3% 144 79 54.9% 322 124 38.5%
    2012 424 85 14 16.5% 230 131 57.0% 315 145 46.0%
    2014 424 170 24 14.1% 143 80 55.9% 313 104 33.2%
    2016 424 128 25 19.5% 179 100 55.9% 307 125 40.7%
    2018 424 147 30 20.4% 170 57 33.5% 320 87 27.2%
    2020 424 209 44 21.1% 135 56 41.5% 344 100 29.1%
    2022 424 133 26 19.5% 169 90 53.3% 302 116 38.4%

    See also:

    New Mexico

    There were 70 seats up for election in New Mexico. A total of 58 incumbents filed for re-election: 39 Democrats and 19 Republicans. Of that total, 11 incumbents—seven Democrats and four Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 19.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in New Mexico, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 70 39 8 20.5% 19 4 21.1% 58 12 20.7%
    Senate Did not hold elections
    Total 70 39 8 20.5% 19 4 21.1% 58 12 20.7%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in New Mexico, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 70 44 10 22.7% 23 4 17.4% 67 14 20.9%
    2012 112 50 19 38.0% 40 5 12.5% 91 24 26.4%
    2014 70 31 5 16.1% 28 2 7.1% 59 7 11.9%
    2016 112 52 9 17.3% 50 0 0.0% 102 9 8.8%
    2018 70 35 5 14.3% 26 1 3.8% 61 6 9.8%
    2020 112 65 17 26.2% 36 3 8.3% 101 20 19.8%
    2022 70 39 8 20.5% 19 4 21.1% 58 12 20.7%

    See also:

    New York

    There were 213 seats up for election in New York. A total of 191 incumbents filed for re-election: 139 Democrats and 52 Republicans. Of that total, 46 incumbents—42 Democrats and 4 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 24.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in New York, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 150 100 31 31.0% 36 0 0.0% 136 31 22.8%
    Senate 63 39 11 28.2% 16 4 25.0% 55 15 27.3%
    Total 213 139 42 30.2% 52 4 7.7% 191 46 24.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in New York, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 212 128 35 27.3% 59 2 3.4% 187 37 19.8%
    2012 213 118 24 20.3% 71 9 12.7% 189 33 17.5%
    2014 213 126 22 17.5% 66 5 7.6% 192 27 14.1%
    2016 213 129 28 21.7% 65 5 7.7% 194 33 17.0%
    2018 213 131 27 20.6% 64 4 6.3% 195 31 15.9%
    2020 213 132 34 25.8% 46 1 2.2% 180 35 19.4%
    2022 213 139 42 30.2% 52 4 7.7% 191 46 24.1%

    See also:

    North Carolina

    There were 170 seats up for election in North Carolina. A total of 144 incumbents filed for re-election: 56 Democrats and 88 Republicans. Of that total, 33 incumbents—nine Democrats and 24 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 22.9% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in North Carolina, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 120 40 5 12.5% 62 16 25.8% 102 21 20.6%
    Senate 50 16 4 25.0% 26 8 30.8% 42 12 28.6%
    Total 170 56 9 16.1% 88 24 27.3% 144 33 22.9%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in North Carolina, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 170 88 24 27.3% 64 15 23.4% 152 39 25.7%
    2012 170 50 15 30.0% 77 22 28.6% 127 37 29.1%
    2014 170 54 9 16.7% 102 20 19.6% 156 29 18.6%
    2016 170 57 13 22.8% 93 18 19.4% 150 31 20.7%
    2018 170 57 11 19.3% 96 28 29.2% 153 39 25.5%
    2020 170 69 12 17.4% 75 12 16.0% 144 24 16.7%
    2022 170 56 9 16.1% 88 24 27.3% 144 33 22.9%


    See also:

    North Dakota

    There were 98 seats up for election in North Dakota. A total of 75 incumbents filed for re-election: 17 Democrats and 58 Republicans. Of that total, 27 incumbents—two Democrats and 25 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 36.0% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in North Dakota, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 66 11 1 9.1% 38 20 52.6% 49 21 42.9%
    Senate 32 6 1 16.7% 20 5 25.0% 26 6 23.1%
    Total 98 17 2 11.8% 58 25 43.1% 75 27 36.0%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in North Dakota, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 72 24 2 8.3% 33 0 0.0% 57 2 3.5%
    2012 75 18 0 0.0% 43 10 23.3% 61 10 16.4%
    2014 72 10 0 0.0% 49 4 8.2% 59 4 6.8%
    2016 69 21 0 0.0% 33 7 21.2% 54 7 13.0%
    2018 72 11 0 0.0% 49 6 12.2% 60 6 10.0%
    2020 69 7 0 0.0% 56 5 8.9% 63 5 7.9%
    2022 98 17 2 11.8% 58 25 43.1% 75 27 36.0%

    See also:


    There were 116 seats up for election in Ohio. A total of 86 incumbents filed for re-election: 24 Democrats and 62 Republicans. Of that total, 20 incumbents—six Democrats and 14 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 23.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Ohio, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 99 21 6 28.6% 54 13 24.1% 75 19 25.3%
    Senate 17 3 0 0.0% 8 1 12.5% 11 1 9.1%
    Total 116 24 6 25.0% 62 14 22.6% 86 20 23.3%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Ohio, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 116 47 6 12.8% 40 8 20.0% 87 14 16.1%
    2012 117 36 6 16.7% 62 8 12.9% 98 14 14.3%
    2014 116 31 4 12.9% 59 19 32.2% 90 23 25.6%
    2016 115 28 4 14.3% 58 10 17.2% 86 14 16.3%
    2018 116 25 6 24.0% 49 14 28.6% 74 20 27.0%
    2020 115 35 7 20.0% 57 7 12.3% 92 14 15.2%
    2022 116 24 6 25.0% 62 14 22.6% 86 20 23.3%

    See also:


    There were 125 seats up for election in Oklahoma. A total of 105 incumbents filed for re-election: 21 Democrats and 84 Republicans. Of that total, 26 incumbents—two Democrats and 24 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 24.8% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Oklahoma, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 101 14 1 7.1% 73 19 26.0% 87 20 23.0%
    Senate 24 7 1 14.3% 11 5 45.5% 18 6 33.3%
    Total 125 21 2 9.5% 84 24 28.6% 105 26 24.8%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Oklahoma, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 125 41 5 12.2% 62 7 11.3% 103 12 11.7%
    2012 125 30 2 6.7% 72 17 23.6% 102 19 18.6%
    2014 125 25 1 4.0% 70 12 17.1% 95 13 13.7%
    2016 125 20 4 20.0% 64 24 37.5% 84 28 33.3%
    2018 125 22 2 9.1% 60 35 58.3% 82 37 45.1%
    2020 125 23 3 13.0% 91 30 33.0% 114 33 28.9%
    2022 125 21 2 9.5% 84 24 28.6% 105 26 24.8%

    See also:


    There were 75 seats up for election in Oregon. A total of 51 incumbents filed for re-election: 34 Democrats and 17 Republicans. Of that total, nine incumbents—four Democrats and five Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 17.6% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Oregon, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 60 25 4 16.0% 15 3 20.0% 40 7 17.5%
    Senate 15 9 0 0.0% 2 2 100.0% 11 2 18.2%
    Total 75 34 4 11.8% 17 5 29.4% 51 9 17.6%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Oregon, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 76 44 2 4.5% 25 7 28.0% 69 9 13.0%
    2012 76 31 1 3.2% 35 3 8.6% 66 4 6.1%
    2014 75 38 3 7.9% 22 3 13.6% 60 6 10.0%
    2016 75 30 2 6.7% 28 2 7.1% 58 4 6.9%
    2018 73 42 4 9.5% 23 5 21.7% 65 9 13.8%
    2020 75 34 4 11.8% 26 1 3.8% 60 5 8.3%
    2022 75 34 4 11.8% 17 5 29.4% 51 9 17.6%

    See also:


    There were 228 seats up for election in Pennsylvania. A total of 190 incumbents filed for re-election: 92 Democrats and 98 Republicans. Of that total, 42 incumbents—20 Democrats and 22 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 22.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Pennsylvania, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 203 81 19 23.5% 89 20 22.5% 170 39 22.9%
    Senate 25 11 1 9.1% 9 2 22.2% 20 3 15.0%
    Total 228 92 20 21.7% 98 22 22.4% 190 42 22.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Pennsylvania, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 228 100 20 20.0% 107 9 8.4% 207 29 14.0%
    2012 228 88 17 19.3% 115 15 13.0% 203 32 15.8%
    2014 228 95 30 31.6% 108 12 11.1% 203 42 20.7%
    2016 228 89 19 21.3% 120 9 7.5% 209 28 13.4%
    2018 228 82 14 17.1% 114 8 7.0% 196 22 11.2%
    2020 228 96 18 18.8% 113 10 8.8% 209 28 13.4%
    2022 228 92 20 21.7% 98 22 22.4% 190 42 22.1%

    See also:

    Rhode Island

    There were 113 seats up for election in Rhode Island. A total of 99 incumbents filed for re-election: 86 Democrats and 13 Republicans. Of that total, 32 incumbents—30 Democrats and two Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 32.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Rhode Island, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 75 59 20 33.9% 9 2 22.2% 68 22 32.4%
    Senate 38 27 10 37.0% 4 0 0.0% 31 10 32.3%
    Total 113 86 30 34.9% 13 2 15.4% 99 32 32.3%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Rhode Island, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 113 88 32 36.4% 9 2 22.2% 98 34 34.7%
    2012 113 84 24 28.6% 15 2 13.3% 100 26 26.0%
    2014 113 95 18 18.9% 9 0 0.0% 105 18 17.1%
    2016 113 91 18 19.8% 13 0 0.0% 105 18 17.1%
    2018 113 86 20 23.3% 12 0 0.0% 98 20 20.4%
    2020 113 90 26 28.9% 13 0 0.0% 104 26 25.0%
    2022 113 86 29 33.7% 13 1 7.7% 99 30 30.3%

    See also:

    South Carolina

    There were 124 seats up for election in South Carolina. A total of 111 incumbents filed for re-election: 41 Democrats and 70 Republicans. Of that total, 34 incumbents—11 Democrats and 23 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 30.6% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in South Carolina, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 124 41 11 26.8% 70 23 32.9% 111 34 30.6%
    Senate Did not hold elections
    Total 124 41 11 26.8% 70 23 32.9% 111 34 30.6%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in South Carolina, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 124 48 11 22.9% 64 15 23.4% 112 26 23.2%
    2012 170 57 7 12.3% 91 16 17.6% 148 23 15.5%
    2014 124 42 5 11.9% 73 15 20.5% 115 20 17.4%
    2016 170 57 14 24.6% 96 28 29.2% 153 42 27.5%
    2018 124 42 11 26.2% 74 25 33.8% 116 36 31.0%
    2020 170 59 14 23.7% 97 22 22.7% 156 36 23.1%
    2022 124 41 11 26.8% 70 23 32.9% 111 34 30.6%

    See also:

    South Dakota

    There were 105 seats up for election in South Dakota. A total of 71 incumbents filed for re-election: eight Democrats and 63 Republicans. Of that total, 35 incumbents—all Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 49.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in South Dakota, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 70 6 0 0.0% 39 26 66.7% 45 26 57.8%
    Senate 35 2 0 0.0% 24 9 37.5% 26 9 34.6%
    Total 105 8 0 0.0% 63 35 55.6% 71 35 49.3%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in South Dakota, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 105 26 3 11.5% 45 4 8.9% 71 7 9.9%
    2012 105 15 3 20.0% 59 22 37.3% 74 25 33.8%
    2014 105 16 2 12.5% 58 15 25.9% 74 17 23.0%
    2016 105 10 0 0.0% 53 18 34.0% 63 18 28.6%
    2018 105 9 3 33.3% 70 17 24.3% 79 20 25.3%
    2020 105 14 2 14.3% 62 23 37.1% 76 25 32.9%
    2022 105 8 0 0.0% 63 35 55.6% 71 35 49.3%

    See also:


    There were 116 seats up for election in Tennessee. A total of 99 incumbents filed for re-election: 24 Democrats, 74 Republicans, and one minor party or independent officeholder. Of that total, 15 incumbents—five Democrats and 10 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 15.2% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Tennessee, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 99 21 4 19.0% 63 7 11.1% 85 11 12.9%
    Senate 17 3 1 33.3% 11 3 27.3% 14 4 28.6%
    Total 116 24 5 20.8% 74 10 13.5% 99 15 15.2%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Tennessee, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 116 54 6 11.1% 51 6 11.8% 106 12 11.3%
    2012 115 30 11 36.7% 67 24 35.8% 98 35 35.7%
    2014 116 29 5 17.2% 75 20 26.7% 104 25 24.0%
    2016 115 26 8 30.8% 83 26 31.3% 109 34 31.2%
    2018 116 20 7 35.0% 69 17 24.6% 89 24 27.0%
    2020 115 26 10 38.5% 82 17 20.7% 109 27 24.8%
    2022 116 24 5 20.8% 74 10 13.5% 99 15 15.2%

    See also:


    There were 181 seats up for election in Texas. A total of 152 incumbents filed for re-election: 68 Democrats and 84 Republicans. Of that total, 45 incumbents—13 Democrats and 32 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 29.6% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Texas, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 150 56 12 21.4% 70 30 42.9% 126 42 33.3%
    Senate 31 12 1 8.3% 14 2 14.3% 26 3 11.5%
    Total 181 68 13 19.1% 84 32 38.1% 152 45 29.6%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Texas, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 166 75 8 10.7% 82 20 24.4% 157 28 17.8%
    2012 181 53 8 15.1% 94 43 45.7% 147 51 34.7%
    2014 165 57 11 19.3% 93 28 30.1% 150 39 26.0%
    2016 166 54 13 24.1% 95 33 34.7% 150 46 30.7%
    2018 165 57 17 29.8% 94 33 35.1% 151 50 33.1%
    2020 166 70 21 30.0% 85 11 12.9% 155 32 20.6%
    2022 181 68 13 19.1% 84 32 38.1% 152 45 29.6%

    See also:


    There were 90 seats up for election in Utah. A total of 82 incumbents filed for re-election: 18 Democrats and 64 Republicans.[7] Of that total, 15 incumbents—two Democrats and 13 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 18.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Utah, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 75 15 0 0.0% 53 9 17.0% 68 9 13.2%
    Senate 15 3 2 66.7% 11 4 36.4% 14 6 42.9%
    Total 90 18 2 11.1% 64 13 20.3% 82 15 18.3%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Utah, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 90 27 1 3.7% 54 8 14.8% 81 9 11.1%
    2012 91 17 2 11.8% 61 12 19.7% 78 14 17.9%
    2014 89 13 0 0.0% 64 4 6.3% 77 4 5.2%
    2016 90 13 0 0.0% 63 6 9.5% 76 6 7.9%
    2018 89 14 0 0.0% 51 3 5.9% 65 3 4.6%
    2020 90 15 0 0.0% 62 12 19.4% 77 12 15.6%
    2022 90 18 2 11.1% 64 13 20.3% 82 15 18.3%

    See also:


    There were 180 seats up for election in Vermont. A total of 125 incumbents filed for re-election: 87 Democrats, 36 Republicans, and two minor party or independent officeholders. Of that total, 18 incumbents—14 Democrats and four Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 14.4% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Vermont, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 150 72 7 9.7% 32 4 12.5% 106 11 10.4%
    Senate 30 15 7 46.7% 4 0 0.0% 19 7 36.8%
    Total 180 87 14 16.1% 36 4 11.1% 125 18 14.4%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Vermont, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 180 107 8 7.5% 47 5 10.6% 159 13 8.2%
    2012 180 105 11 10.5% 45 1 2.2% 155 12 7.7%
    2014 180 105 5 4.8% 45 3 6.7% 153 8 5.2%
    2016 180 88 23 26.1% 58 4 6.9% 152 27 17.8%
    2018 180 88 15 17.0% 44 4 9.1% 148 19 12.8%
    2020 180 106 22 20.8% 44 4 9.1% 158 26 16.5%
    2022 180 87 14 16.1% 36 4 11.1% 125 18 14.4%

    See also:


    There were 122 seats up for election in Washington. A total of 96 incumbents filed for re-election: 59 Democrats and 37 Republicans. Of that total, 31 incumbents—22 Democrats and nine Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 32.3% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Washington, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 98 46 17 37.0% 32 7 21.9% 78 24 30.8%
    Senate 24 13 5 38.5% 5 2 40.0% 18 7 38.9%
    Total 122 59 22 37.3% 37 9 24.3% 96 31 32.3%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Washington, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 123 65 21 32.3% 38 3 7.9% 103 24 23.3%
    2012 124 53 10 18.9% 45 5 11.1% 98 15 15.3%
    2014 123 63 15 23.8% 48 8 16.7% 111 23 20.7%
    2016 124 52 16 30.8% 51 16 31.4% 103 32 31.1%
    2018 123 59 16 27.1% 47 18 38.3% 106 34 32.1%
    2020 123 62 25 40.3% 45 13 28.9% 107 38 35.5%
    2022 122 59 22 37.3% 37 9 24.3% 96 31 32.3%

    See also:

    West Virginia

    There were 117 seats up for election in West Virginia. A total of 98 incumbents filed for re-election: 22 Democrats and 76 Republicans. Of that total, 36 incumbents—five Democrats and 31 Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 36.7% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in West Virginia, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 100 17 4 23.5% 68 27 39.7% 85 31 36.5%
    Senate 17 5 1 20.0% 8 4 50.0% 13 5 38.5%
    Total 117 22 5 22.7% 76 31 40.8% 98 36 36.7%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in West Virginia, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 117 76 46 60.5% 27 6 22.2% 103 52 50.5%
    2012 117 66 37 56.1% 32 8 25.0% 98 45 45.9%
    2014 117 60 19 31.7% 46 15 32.6% 106 34 32.1%
    2016 117 35 20 57.1% 58 18 31.0% 93 38 40.9%
    2018 117 38 15 39.5% 60 25 41.7% 99 40 40.4%
    2020 117 33 14 42.4% 60 31 51.7% 93 45 48.4%
    2022 117 22 5 22.7% 76 31 40.8% 98 36 36.7%

    See also:


    There were 116 seats up for election in Wisconsin. A total of 86 incumbents filed for re-election: 31 Democrats and 55 Republicans. Of that total, nine incumbents—all Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 10.5% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Wisconsin, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 99 28 0 0.0% 48 7 14.6% 76 7 9.2%
    Senate 17 3 0 0.0% 7 2 28.6% 10 2 20.0%
    Total 116 31 0 0.0% 55 9 16.4% 86 9 10.5%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Wisconsin, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 116 52 6 11.5% 40 7 17.5% 93 13 14.0%
    2012 115 36 9 25.0% 58 6 10.3% 94 15 16.0%
    2014 116 36 2 5.6% 51 1 2.0% 87 3 3.4%
    2016 115 39 8 20.5% 63 0 0.0% 102 8 7.8%
    2018 116 37 3 8.1% 63 1 1.6% 100 4 4.0%
    2020 115 33 5 15.2% 62 4 6.5% 95 9 9.5%
    2022 116 31 0 0.0% 55 9 16.4% 86 9 10.5%

    See also:


    There were 78 seats up for election in Wyoming. A total of 57 incumbents filed for re-election: seven Democrats, 49 Republicans, and one minor party or independent officeholder. Of that total, 28 incumbents—all Republicans—faced contested primaries, representing 49.1% of incumbents who filed for re-election.

    In 2022

    Statistics from 2022 are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Wyoming, 2022
    Chamber Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    House 62 5 0 0.0% 37 20 54.1% 43 20 46.5%
    Senate 16 2 0 0.0% 12 8 66.7% 14 8 57.1%
    Total 78 7 0 0.0% 49 28 57.1% 57 28 49.1%


    Historical statistics are shown below. Hover over column headings to learn more about their contents.

    State legislative incumbents in contested primaries in Wyoming, 2010-2022
    Year Seats
    Democratic Republican Total[1]
    Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. % Filed Cont. %
    2010 75 18 0 0.0% 42 15 35.7% 60 15 25.0%
    2012 75 9 0 0.0% 51 21 41.2% 60 21 35.0%
    2014 75 9 0 0.0% 55 26 47.3% 64 26 40.6%
    2016 75 9 0 0.0% 46 20 43.5% 55 20 36.4%
    2018 75 9 0 0.0% 56 19 33.9% 65 19 29.2%
    2020 75 7 1 14.3% 52 30 57.7% 60 31 51.7%
    2022 78 7 0 0.0% 49 28 57.1% 57 28 49.1%

    See also:

    Incumbents defeated in state legislative primaries

    See also: Incumbents defeated in state legislative elections, 2022

    The chart below shows a partisan breakdown of incumbent primary defeats from 2010 to 2022.

    Terms and definitions


    See also: Incumbent

    Ballotpedia defines incumbency by chamber. Under this definition, if an incumbent in House District 1 filed for re-election in House District 2, they would still be counted as an incumbent due to their remaining in the same chamber even though they ran for a different seat. If an incumbent in House District 1 filed to run in Senate District 2, they would not be counted as an incumbent in the Senate race since they are coming from a different chamber.

    Ballotpedia uses the term re-elect to refer to any incumbent who is running in an election to retain their office, including incumbents who were originally appointed to their position.

    Contested primary

    See also: Primary election

    A contested primary is one where there are more candidates running than nominations available, meaning at least one candidate on the primary ballot must lose.

    The number of candidates needed to create a contested primary depends on the primary system in place and the number of seats up for election in a state legislative district.

    In states with partisan primaries, a primary is typically contested when two or more candidates from the same political party file to run since only one candidate can receive their party's nomination. In states with multi-member state legislative districts, the number of candidates a party can nominate to the general election ballot depends on the number of seats in the district. In these cases, a primary is contested when at least one more candidate files to run than there are seats in the district. In states with top-two/four primaries, a primary is contested when more than two (in states with a top-two system) or more than four (in states with a top-four system) candidates file to run.


    Counting incumbents in contested primaries

    An incumbent is counted as facing a contested primary when there is a chance that incumbent could lose to a primary challenger. Each incumbent is counted individually.

    Typically, in a single-member district, this means the incumbent filed for re-election and faced one or more primary challengers.

    But in states with multi-member districts, several incumbents might be seeking re-election. If such a primary becomes contested, every incumbent running for re-election is counted as facing a contested primary even if it is not possible for every incumbent to lose.

    For example, in a district with two seats where two Democratic incumbents file for re-election, if a third Democrat joins the primary, both of the Democratic incumbents are counted as facing a contested primary even though the third primary challenger can only potentially defeat one.

    In the event of an incumbent v. incumbent primary, where there are more incumbents running in the primary than nominations available, every incumbent present is counted as facing a contested primary.

    Candidacy withdrawals

    See also: Signature requirements and deadlines for 2022 state government elections

    In order to have their names printed on election ballots, candidates must submit information prior to a filing deadline. Filing deadlines are the dates by which candidates must submit required paperwork to state election administrators.

    For major party candidates, filing deadlines always precede primaries. However, candidates may choose to withdraw before the primary takes place. Withdrawals include decisions to leave the race, disqualifications, and deaths. These withdrawals are either official or unofficial.

    An official withdrawal means the candidate withdrew before a specific date set in state law and their name was removed from the primary ballot. If an incumbent officially withdrew before the primary, they are not included in any of the totals of this analysis, unless they later re-entered the race as a minor party or independent candidate.

    An unofficial withdrawal means the candidate withdrew after a specific date set in state law, typically after ballots have been printed, meaning their name remains on the ballot even though they are not actively campaigning. If an incumbent unofficially withdrew, they are included in the totals of this analysis.

    Minor party and independent incumbents

    Minor party and independent incumbents typically do not participate in primaries in the same way major party incumbents might.

    For minor party incumbents, nominations are normally carried out via conventions, which are limited to a smaller number of voting delegates. Ballotpedia does not count conventions as primaries.

    Independent incumbents normally do not participate in primaries, qualifying instead for the general election ballot directly.

    If a minor party or independent incumbent participates in a contested primary (partisan or top-two/four), they are included in the total number of incumbents in contested primaries.

    All minor party or independent incumbents who have filed for re-election are included in the total number of incumbents running at the time of the primary even if the filing deadline was later than the primary date.

    Convention defeats

    In 2022, two states—Connecticut and Utah—used a convention-primary system, where candidates could be nominated via a convention but, in both states, those contests still could have advanced to a primary.

    If an incumbent is defeated in a convention and did not advance to the primary, that incumbent is still included in the total number of incumbents who filed for re-election even though they were not running at the time of the primary.

    See also


    1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 1.39 1.40 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44 1.45 1.46 1.47 1.48 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.52 1.53 1.54 1.55 1.56 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.60 1.61 1.62 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.70 1.71 1.72 1.73 1.74 1.75 1.76 1.77 1.78 1.79 1.80 1.81 1.82 1.83 1.84 1.85 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89 1.90 1.91 1.92 1.93 Totals may include minor party or independent officeholders.
    2. One minor party or independent incumbent also faced a contested primary.
    3. Nebraska does not have a lower chamber.
    4. One minor party or independent officeholder also faced a contested primary.
    5. One minor party or independent officeholder also faced a contested primary.
    6. One minor party or independent officeholder also faced a contested primary.
    7. These totals include any incumbents who filed for re-election and lost in conventions before the primaries.