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Übersicht   sustainable fisheries

Euronews OCEAN Season 4, Episode 1 – From science to sustainability

Fishing quotas are a matter of much debate, but there is no arguing that marine resources must be managed wisely. The EU’s common fisheries policy (CFP) is a science-based policy, with decisions based on scientific advice to ensure the health of our seas and the future of fisheries.

Science seminar 2021: MPAs – a policy tool with only winners

Every year, the European Commission organises a seminar on fisheries science. The event attracts dozens of stakeholders from different areas to discuss and learn about topical issues in the fascinating world of oceans and fisheries. The focus of this year’s seminar was on marine protected areas (MPAs), and their beneficial role not just for the environment, but also for fishing and coastal communities.

Public consultation on sustainable fisheries agreements open until 23 June

The Commission is launching an evaluation of the sustainable fisheries partnership agreements (SFPAs). For that evaluation, the feedback from public is very important. Therefore, the Commission has launched a public consultation, so that citizens and concerned stakeholders can give their views based on their experience and knowledge of SFPAs and their implementation.