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Übersicht   Blue growth

New EUMOFA report: a deep-dive into the blue bioeconomy

From multi-trophic aquaculture over fish rest raw material to cell-plant technology and the breeding of cells through mariculture, the blue bioeconomy is a spawning ground for cutting-edge innovation in Europe. The latest EUMOFA report dives into three sub-sectors and discovers how they are quickly claiming their place in the sustainable economy, and what potential they still hold for the future.

Seaweed gastronomy: EU and Alga4Food brings algae to Portuguese dinner tables

In a world where food resources are becoming scarce, conventional agriculture faces challenges in feeding 7 billion people and fish resources are under pressure, algae are one promising route to an affordable global food supply at low environmental costs. But whereas seaweed and other algae are a popular ingredient in Asian cuisine, European consumption and production of this green gold of the sea could use a major boost.

World Bank and European Commission promote blue economy through new tool

The World Bank and the European Commission have launched the Blue Economy Development Framework (BEDF). The Framework is a novelty in the area of international ocean governance. It helps (developing) coastal states transition to diverse and sustainable blue economies while building resilience to climate change.

BlueInvest turns to Mediterranean to kick-start growth in ocean economy

BlueInvest, the high-profile event from the European Commission to promote investment in the ocean economy, has set foot in Malta on January 24, 2019. The concept is tried and tested: 20 innovative companies pitched for the hand – and wallet – of a jury of investors. And as their projects are all about greening and cleaning the economy, the winners are not just the companies landing a contract, but also society at large.

Western Mediterranean countries adopt roadmap to develop sustainable blue economy in the region

Ministers of the Western Mediterranean countries, at the presence of the European Commission and the Union for the Mediterranean, have adopted a declaration to strengthen maritime regional cooperation under the WestMED initiative. This initiative promotes the sustainable blue economy in the Western Mediterranean, and involves 10 countries from in and outside of the EU (Algeria, France, Italy, Libya, Malta, Mauritania, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia).

#BlueInvest goes local to Vigo, 23 October

#BlueInvest, the match-making event that brings together innovators and investors to boost the economic potential of the ocean while protecting its marine resources, goes local to Vigo on 23 October.

€566 billion and growing: the EU blue economy is thriving

The EU's Blue Economy – all economic activities related to oceans, seas and coastal areas – is growing steadily, according to the EU’s first annual report on the blue economy. With a turnover of € 566 billion, the sector generates € 174 billion of value added and creates jobs for nearly 3.5 million people.

Unlocking the blue growth potential in the EU’s outermost regions

On 26 June, experts from the EU’s outermost regions join in Brussels to discuss how the blue economy can help give a new, sustainable impetus to their economies. The meeting is the first in its kind and a direct follow-up action of the EU’s new strategy towards the outermost regions.

Clean Ocean Energy: New EU funded projects

While the first tidal farms are being deployed in European waters and an increasing number of devices are being tested, the idea of generating clean energy from the oceans' waves is also gaining ground. However, as with all new technologies, we need to collect data, develop models and thoroughly understand the possible impacts on the marine environment.

Blue Invest: EU plays business matchmaker for start-ups in the blue economy

Hundreds of innovative entrepreneurs and leading investors from across Europe are coming to Brussels today, looking for partners to create sustainable economic growth from our seas and oceans. Why? Because the European Commission is organising Blue Invest, the first-ever, EU-wide matchmaking event between start-ups and investors in the blue economy.