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Übersicht   fund (EU)

A tasty blue accident

Like many alien invasive species, Blue Crab came to the European waters by accident. It was transported from its distant home in the American north Atlantic, most likely though ship ballast water, already at the beginning of the XX century, and spread rapidly since then.

Dealing with a wicked guest, with some EU help

Have you ever heard about Lessepsian Migration? If not, you are in good company: a lot of people didn’t, either. Yet this is how the silver-cheeked toadfish (Lagocephalus sceleratus), also known as the invasive pufferfish, came to the Mediterranean.

COP-26: EU supports technological innovation for cleaner shipping

Maritime transport is today responsible for about 2.5% of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. According a study from the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), shipping emissions could increase between 50% and 250% by 2050, under a business-as-usual scenario.

WaveFarm creates industrial package

Wave energy is a highly valuable and predictable source of renewable power. Up to 10% of the EU’s energy can be harvested from waves by 2050, so the technology will be indispensable in reaching net-zero emissions.

Don't bin the skin

This is a snakeskin jacket. It’s a symbol of my individuality and my belief in personal freedom. Without any doubt one of the best movie quotes ever. But if “Wild At Heart” had been released in the 2020s, instead of the early 1990s, chances are Nicolas Cage’s idiosyncratic piece of garment might have been made from an entirely different sort of skin altogether: that of Atlantic salmon.