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Übersicht   Control

Fisheries in the North Sea and North Western Waters: Landing obligation not respected

The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has published three compliance evaluation reports on the implementation of the landing obligation. These reports confirm that non-compliance with the landing obligation has been widespread in the North Sea and North Western Waters for specific fisheries during the evaluation period (2015 to 2017). The failure to enforce the landing obligation is a matter of serious concern to the European Commission and jeopardises the objectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) which includes ensuring the long-term environmental sustainability of fishing activities and the gradual elimination of discards.

Good news for tuna and blue sharks

The International Commission for the conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) met for its 26th Regular Meeting of the Commission, in Palma de Mallorca, Spain between the 18th and 25th November 2019. The parties to ICCAT adopted 17 Recommendations and Resolutions this year: two in relation with the new ICCAT Convention; six in relation with control, monitoring and surveillance activities; one in relation with marine pollution; as well as eight in relation to the conservation and management measures of marine species.

Commission recruits fisheries experts

DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is organising a selection procedure with a view to recruiting temporary agents at AD8 level to work in the field of a) fisheries science and management and b) fisheries control and inspection.

Questions and answers – revision of the EU fisheries control system

The European Commission is proposing improvements to modernise and simplify the way in which fishing rules are monitored and complied with in the EU. An effective control system is key to ensuring that the EU's fisheries are sustainably managed, which in turn guarantees the long-term viability of the EU fishing sector and protects the livelihoods of our fishermen.

EU deploys vessel in the Adriatic Sea to reinforce fisheries control

Since 1 December, the inspection vessel 'AEGIS I' has been patrolling in the Adriatic Sea as part of a joint deployment plan for the Mediterranean. The European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) is collaborating with Greece, Italy and Croatia who will have inspectors on board the vessel.