News & Events


NEW - Visit the Office of Historic Preservation site to learn about the Brackenridge Park Reconciled Project Inventory 


Project Submissions

Brackenridge Park Lambert Beach Treatment Plan - Updated September 27, 2023 

Office of Historic Preservation – Certificate of Appropriateness 

Brackenridge Park Tree-Ring Dating Report

THC Phase I Executive Committee Summary

THC Cover Letter

THC Antiquities Permit Application – Historic Buildings and Structures

Lambert Beach Construction Documents 95%

Lambert Beach Construction Documents 95% - Specifications

Lambert Beach Improvements - Tree Exhibit

Lambert Beach Historic Resources Report 

THC Antiquities Permit Application – Archaeological

Lambert Beach Archaeological SOW

Public Meeting

San Antonio Parks and Recreation and Public Works Department are hosting a series of public meetings regarding the Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project. Learn about the restoration and preservation of the park’s historic assets including the 1776 Upper Labor Diversion Dam, 1870’s Brackenridge Park Pump House and 1920’s River Walls. 

View or download meeting presentations:

4-19-23 Historic Design Review Committee Presentation

3-22-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting

3-22-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video

4-26-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting

4-26-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video

5-24-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting

5-24-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video

6-14-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting

6-14-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video

7-14-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting

7-14-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video

8-9-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting 

8-9-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video

8-31-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting 

8-31-22 Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project Meeting Video


Brackenridge Park Programmatic Agreement for Historic Properties 

Independent Arborist Report

Flood Plain Modeling

Tree Matrix


The City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department and Public Works Department are preparing to begin work on the Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project. The scope of the project is directly aligned with the Council adopted Brackenridge Park Master Plan reflective of the publicly supported strategies listed below:

• Restore natural park features and improve water quality
• Restore, preserve, and articulate park cultural and historical features
• Increase visibility and pedestrian access to and within the park

Specifically, the bond project will focus on restoring river walls from the 1900’s; stabilize the pump house from the 1870’s; and rehabilitate the historic acequia and the 1776 Upper Labor diversion dam.

View or download the FAQ documents below to learn more about the project:

Brackenridge Park 2017-2022 Bond Project (English)

Hechos sobre el Proyecto de Bonos 2017-2022 del Parque Brackenridge (Español)

View or download Concept Drawings:

Brackenridge 2017 Bond Project Concept Drawings


Public Engagement Efforts

Brackenridge Park Bond Update & Walking Tour (PDF) – 2.12.22

Town Hall Presentation (PDF) – 02.10.22

Planning Commission Brackenridge Park Bond Project Variance Request – 01.26.22


O.P. Schnabel PArk Expansion Project (Former Alamo Golf Club Property)


For information on the O.P. Schnabel Park Expansion Project (formerly known as the Alamo Golf Club property) please click on the link below to view the second public meeting presentation.

2nd Meeting Presentation

3rd Meeting Presentation

4th Meeting Presentation 


Below is the final concept plan for the Alamo Golf Club property. To submit questions please email Tony Forshage at [email protected]. Dow

Capital Projects Update

The 2017-2022 Bond Program was approved by voters in May 2017. Projects include streets and drainage, parks, fire stations, library renovations, senior centers and others. To review the projects, please visit the 2017 Bond Page.

In May of 2012, the voters approved $87.15 million for Parks, Recreation and Open Space Improvements 68 projects.  The previous bond project in 2007 included Recreation, Open Space and Athletics Improvements for a total of $79,125,293 for 69 projects. In November of 2003 San Antonio voters approved a bond issue which set aside $27.2 million, at 54 individual project sites. These projects continue the program set aside by the 1999 bond issue; however, the large focus of this bond issue was rehabilitation of existing parks and the development of facilities for youth sports activities. All of the bond propositions have been spread over a four year period so that a tax increase will not be required. 

Projects may also be funded from other sources such as Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) from the federal government, Certificates of Obligation, and grants from the U.S. Department of the Interior and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Projects may also be funded from donations by private sources such as the San Antonio Parks Foundation, Associated General Contractors and the Junior League of San Antonio. 


Friday, September 13, 2024