Frequently Asked Questions

Events in the park

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All picnic tables are available on a first-come first-served basis unless they are located under a covered pavilion available for rental.

Through the Reservations Section you can reserve fields two days a week in two-week increments.

Pavilions are available on a first-come first-served basis, however, reservations are recommended. If a pavilion is reserved, then the renter will have priority during the reserved time frame on their permit.

Yes, but if the event is larger than 75 people, with live music or if alcohol will be served, it will be considered a special event. They will need to contact the reservations representative to make these arrangements and will be required to have security.
Park Police,  311 or visit the City Web site
Consumption of alcohol in City parks is governed by an ordinance passed by City Council, which designated which parks would permit it. The listing in the park directory contains information on each park and whether alcohol is permitted. Reservations can also help with this question.
Curfew is 5 a.m. to 11 p.m. set per City Ordinance. Times can be altered in association with Special Events, i.e. Easter, 4th of July.
This is only approved through the Parks and Recreation Director's Office and must be sent in a request letter. It will be at the Director's discretion.
Yes you may. No permit is needed. Visit the City of San Antonio Parks and Recreation for rules governing paddling.
Metal detecting is allowed in selected parks. A permit is required. For more information and an application, go to our Metal Detecting Page.
Geocaching is not currently permitted. We ask that our park patrons not dig, bury or hide items in City parks.
If you are doing this for commercial purposes, yes. A permit is available by contacting the Convention and Visitors Bureau Film Commission at  210.207.6730 or visit our Film Permit page.


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Bikes can be ridden on trails marked for multi-purpose per the City Code. This includes all of the greenway trails on Leon and Salado Creeks and Medina River.
Current City Code prohibits riding scooters on the trails. Parks and Recreation does not have a park designated for riding horses. In addition, it is a health issue due to the droppings.
The only camping available in a City park is group camping by permit at Medina River Natural Area. Call Reservations at  210.207.3000 for questions about group camping reservations.


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Parks are mowed on a 21-day cycle.

The City Forester at 210.207.3108

For Service Request Call  311 (or Outside the City Limits 210.207.6000)
Or complete an Online 311 Service Request.

For Service Request Call  311 (or Outside the City Limits 210.207.6000)
Or complete an Online 311 Service Request.

For Service Request Call  311 (or Outside the City Limits 210.207.6000)
Or complete an Online 311 Service Request.


For Service Request Call  311 (or Outside the City Limits 210.207.6000)
Or complete an Online 311 Service Request.

Park Police/Law Enforcement

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Call the SAPD non-emergency number at  210.207.7484 and request a Park Police Officer to assist at the location.

The ordinance that covers hours of operation specifically states that cars left after hours are subject to towing. If you have an emergency or car problems, please contact Park Police to let them know and discuss your options. This is the ordinance that applies:

Sec. 22-28. - Public parks hours of operation and curfew.

(a)All public parks owned or operated by the city, except for the River Walk between Josephine Street and Eagleland Drive, Alamo Plaza, La Villita, Market Square, Woodlawn Lake Park and HemisFair Park shall be closed for all purposes at 11:00 p.m. each day and re-opened for public use at 5:00 a.m. each day. Woodlawn Lake Park shall be closed for all purposes at 12:00 midnight each day and re-opened for public use at 5:00 a.m. each day. Public parks may be utilized for special events and/or holiday use between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. on any day with the prior written approval of the director of the department of parks and recreation ("director") through the issuance of a special events permit or holiday declaration. A holiday declaration by the director shall have the effect of lifting the curfew for those parks specified by the director during those time periods specified by the director. The department of parks and recreation shall develop written guidelines for the issuance of special events permits. At a minimum, the department of parks and recreation shall have authority to reject any and all applications on the basis of protecting the health and safety of the public and the foregoing guidelines shall include such authority. Said written guidelines may include limitations on the types of special uses, noise limitations, maintenance requirements, limitations on the frequency with which any individual, group, association or entity shall be granted such special use permits and any other restrictions deemed appropriate by the department of parks and recreation. The curfew set forth in this section will not apply to organized programs and activities in public parks and parks facilities staffed, sponsored or co-sponsored by the department of parks and recreation. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution that during those hours prohibited by this section there occurred an official use or event by an organization which has entered into a lease or license agreement with the city specifically authorizing such use of such specific area in the public park. The department of parks and recreation shall have authority to set more restrictive hours of operation for individual parks and facilities on a case by case basis but not to change the hours of the curfew violations as defined by this section. (b)It shall be unlawful for a person to be in or on a public park in violation of this section. (c)If an events permit has been issued to a person in accordance with subsection (a) hereof, it shall be unlawful for such person to be in or on a public park in violation of any condition or limitation set forth in such events permit. (d)Notwithstanding subsection (a), Comanche Lookout Park shall be closed for all purposes each day thirty (30) minutes after sunset, or after events scheduled by the department of parks and recreation are completed, and will re-open each day at sunrise. (e)Notwithstanding subsection (a), parks designated as natural areas by the director of parks and recreation and parks developed as part of the Linear Creekway Parks development program (Leon Creek, Salado Creek, Medina River) shall be closed for all purposes each day at sunset, or after events scheduled by the department of parks and recreation are completed, and will re-open each day at sunrise. (f)Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a class C misdemeanor. (g)Any vehicle left parked after the curfew hours established above shall be subject to towing.

Call the SAPD non-emergency number at  210.207.7484 and request a Park Police Officer to assist at the location.
To report vandalism, call  210.207.7484.






Friday, September 13, 2024