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Philippine State College of Aeronautics

Institute of Engineering and Technology

Piccio Garden, Villamor, Pasay City

AMT 1205– Aircraft System


Delgado, Brendan Lewis A.

AAMT 1-7
Instruction: Answer every question with all your knowledge and own words
regarding this module topic

1. ) Illustrate (put a picture) of a Hydraulic System Circuit and explain how it


In the open center hydraulic systems, they have a fluid flow without pressure
when the actuating mechanisms are set to idle. From the reservoir, the pump circulates
the fluid through the selector valves back to the reservoir. The open center hydraulic
system has a number of subsystems with a selector valve each. The selector valves are
connected in a series with each other. The system pressure line goes through each
selector valve as fluid is granted a passage through each selector valve and back to the
reservoir. One of the selector valves operates the system as it is positioned.

The fluid directed from the pump passes through the working lines to the actuator
when one of the selector valves positioned to operate an actuating device. The selector
valve is set at a position where the flow of fluid is blocked through the valve to the
reservoir. The resistance is controlled and moves the piston down of the actuating
cylinder as the pressure is formed in the system. This is where the fluid at the opposite
end of the actuator returns to the selector valve and flowing back to the reservoir. The
system operation as it actuates depends on the use of selector valve type. There are
many types of selector valves used as conjunction with the open center system. One is
both manually opens and closes. The valve is positioned at operating position first then
the actuating mechanism reaches the operating cycle end and the system relief valve
reduces the pressure as the pump output continues to operate.
The relief valve is open and allows the fluid flow to the reservoir. The selector valve
is manually returned to the neutral position before the system pressure remains at the
relief valve set pressure. The system pressure drops the line resistance pressure as the
action reopens the open center flow. The manually engaged and pressure disengaged
type of selector valve works as same as the previous valve when the actuating
mechanism reaches the cycle end, this makes the pressure rise to a fixed pressure. The
valve returns to the neutral position and to open center flow automatically.

In the closed-center hydraulic system, when the power pump is operating, the
fluid is under pressure. The three actuators are arranged in a parallel manner and the
second and third actuating units operate at the same time while the first actuating unit is
not operating. This system is arranged in parallel not in series as the means of controlling
the controlling the pump pressure. The system pressure is balanced by a pressure
regulator if the constant delivery pump is used. The relief valve is a backup just in case
the regulator fails.

The system pressure is controlled by the integral pressure mechanism

compensator if the variable displacement pump is used. The volume output is differed by
the compensator automatically. The compensator reduces the pump’s flow output when
the pressure reaches the normal system pressure. The normal system pressure is
reached, the pump is compensated at full. The internal bypass mechanism gives fluid
circulation for cooling and lubrication from the pump when the pump is at full
compensation position. The relief valve is installed as a safety backup in the system.
There is a little shock from the pressure surges when the selector valve is set to operating
position which gives a smoother operation. This operation is the most widely used in
aviation industry.

2. ) Name 3 components of Hydraulic System and explain their functions

The reservoir is the tank where the fluid supply is stored. The fluid starts the flow
from the reservoir to the pump. The fluid is forced in the system and eventually return to
the reservoir. It also replenishes lost fluid through leakage. With thermal expansion,
accumulators, piston, and rod displacement, the reservoirs are used as a basin for excess
fluid that is forced out of the system. It also supplies a surface for the fluid to produce air
bubbles that enters in the system. The foreign matter can be separated in the reservoir
through the line filters. They are either pressurized or non-pressurized. The fins or baffles
are installed in the reservoirs to keep the liquid within the reservoir from any movement.
It can cause the fluid to foam and air to enter the pump. It has an internal trap during
negative-g conditions.

The aircraft have emergency hydraulic systems just in case the main systems fail.
The emergency pump makes sure that the hydraulic fluid is drawn from the bottom of the
reservoir. The main system gets the fluid from the standpipe that is at the higher level.
The fluid supply becomes depleted and the excess sufficient fluid is used for the
emergency system.

The filter is a screening or straining device used to clean the hydraulic fluid and
prevents foreign particles and contaminating substances from the system remainder. The
system can malfunction or breakdown on one part of the system if the material is not
removed from the filter. The hydraulic fluid holds particles from the metal wear of selector
valves, pumps, and other components of the system. The metal particles can damage the
units and parts whenever they flow in the system if not separated by the filter. The
reliability and efficiency of the system depends on the sufficient

They are located at the reservoir, pressure line, return line, or any location that the
manufacturer decides in case of protection from the impurities. The filter module is used
on modern designs which contain other filters and other components. The position of the
filter depends on the shape and size. They are mostly used in inline type of engines. The
inline filter consists of a head assembly, bowl, and element. The head assembly is
connected in the aircraft structure and connecting lines which has a bypass valve that
connects the inlet port to the outlet port for the hydraulic fluid to flow if the element is
clogged with foreign matter. The bowl holds the element as a housing to the filter head
and removed when needed.

The heat exchangers in the hydraulic system cools down the hydraulic fluid from
the pumps. It gives an extended service life to the fluid and hydraulic pumps. They are
located in the aircraft fluid tanks. They are made of aluminum finned tubes for transferring
heat from fluid to fuel. The heat exchanger must be maintained at a specific level in order
to assure the cooling is sufficient on the fluid.
3. ) Summarize the explanation of Hydraulic System flow from the video links given

Most airplanes have a hydraulic system even small airplanes have small and
simple hydraulic system. Jets however, have complex hydraulic systems installed. The
hydraulic system in a small aircraft, powers the brakes to stop the motion of an airplane,
extend or retract the landing gears, and changing the blade angle. In the larger aircraft,
the hydraulic system is used to power most parts of the airplane including the flight
controls and the flaps.

The components of the hydraulic system consist of a reservoir, the storage of the
hydraulic fluid; pump, this is where the flow of the fluid moves; filters, used to prevent
contaminants from entering the system; relief valve; serves as a backup just in case the
system fails; and actuators, where the system operates.

The operation of the Hydraulic system starts by pumping the incompressible fluid
from the actuator to the other through hydraulic lines. This makes the actuator piston
extend or retract. The applied hydraulic pressure is important throughout the actuators
where it makes it very powerful. In the brake system of the aircraft, the brakes are applied
where the piston guides the fluid starting from the actuator located on the pedal to the
actuator installed on the wheels through the hydraulic lines. This is where the piston is
pushed then squeezes the brake pads against the disc, making the airplane to slow down.


My signature below constitutes my pledge that all of the writing is my own work, with the
exception of those portions which are properly documented.

Delgado,Brendan Lewis A. ____________________

Student’s name and signature Parent / guardian signature

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