Playing to win: Parties score with retro games, songs

In Gujarat, candidates like Dhaval Patel are using creative social media strategies, integrating nostalgia and key issues to engage voters effectively. Parties are leveraging platforms like Instagram and developing targeted campaigns to reach diverse demographics.
Playing to win: Parties score with retro games, songs
As the countdown to the 2024 Lok Sabha polls continues, candidates in Gujarat are in the race to stand out amidst the digital cacophony by exploring unconventional strategies to connect with constituents and leave a lasting impression.
Leading this wave of creative campaigning is Dhaval Patel, the BJP candidate from the Valsad Lok Sabha seat, who has become a social media sensation.He blended nostalgia and modern technology to capture the imagination of his voters. His videos are a clever take on popular games like ‘Super Mario’ and ‘Contra’ that kids played for hours in the 1990s. In these videos, he is inte grated into the game, smoothly incorporating key issues, such as the Ram Temple and the abolition of Article 370, alongside promises to address local constituency concerns. In one video, ‘Super Dhaval’ proudly proclaims victory, hoisting a flag emblazoned with the rallying cry ‘Ab ki baar, 400 paar’, accompanied by an image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
“My supporters crafted these videos to evoke nostalgia and spread our party’s message in a fun and memorable way. I am pleased to see the innovative approach gaining widespread trac tion,” Patel told TOI.
As the election day draws near, candidates explore various avenues to engage with voters. Some have commissioned special songs, while others leverage viral social media trends to connect with young voters.
Manan Dani, social media convener of BJP Gujarat, says, “We have run four campaigns so far on social media using many creative videos, reels and memes that have helped us reach many voters.
We are going to run six more campaigns in the com ing days. We use WhatsApp, Facebook, and Instagram to connect with voters. We monitor the analytics of the reach and views every day to gauge the campaign’s impact across different demographics.”

Despite the enduring significance of doorto-door campaigns and rallies, there’s a growing emphasis on grabbing eyeballs in the digital space. Manish Doshi, spokesperson for the Gujarat Congress, says, “We have 23 candidates this election. They use local dialects to create campaign songs to connect with people easily.”
He adds, “We have also developed audiovisual campaigns which show what the party has done in the past 60 years for the country. We are leveraging social media to target our campaigns at specific voter categories like students, women, and youth. We have also set a target to reach out to at least 10 lakh voters in each Lok Sabha seat through social media,” he added.
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