Caught: 65-year-old woman selling drugs to Dombivli convent school students

Tilak Nagar police arrest 65-year-old Salma Noor Mohammad Sheikh in Dombivli for selling drugs. Sunil Kurade, Assistant Commissioner of Police, led the operation recovering 104g of brown sugar worth Rs 6 lakh.
Caught: 65-year-old woman selling drugs to Dombivli convent school students
KALYAN: The Tilak Nagar police in Dombivli have arrested a 65-year-old woman for selling drugs to youngsters and school students. To catch the woman, the police kept a watch from the roof of a school for about a month and when the suspicion on the woman proved correct, they arrested her.
The accused woman identified as Salma Noor Mohammad Sheikh. The accused Salma in past in 2015 was also arrested for selling drugs and after getting released from jail again got involved into selling drugs.
Police said recently they had received information that a woman selling drugs to students studying into a convent school in Dombivli.
After getting information Tilak Nagar police station's senior inspector Vijay Kadam formed a team who kept watch on all suspects around school for a month passing from school area from roof of school and finally zeroed on Salma.
Sunil Kurade, Assistant Commisioner of Police, Dombivli Division said, "The team after confirmation role of Salma caught her from her residence and have recovered 104 gram brown sugar powder worth Rs 6 lakh".
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