How to preserve Mangoes for atleast a week

Explore advanced preservation techniques like freezing mangoes, using lemon juice to prevent browning, and making mango puree for versatile use.
How to preserve Mangoes for atleast a week
Mango season brings with it the joy of enjoying this tropical fruit at its peak flavor and sweetness. However, mangoes can ripen quickly and may spoil if not stored properly. To extend the shelf life of mangoes and enjoy them for up to a week or longer, it’s essential to follow a few simple preservation methods. Here’s a guide on how to preserve mangoes to ensure they stay fresh and delicious:
Choosing ripe mangoes
Select mangoes that are ripe but firm to the touch.
Avoid mangoes with bruises, blemishes, or soft spots as they may spoil faster.
Storing mangoes at room temperature
If you plan to consume mangoes within a few days, store them at room temperature. Place them in a fruit basket or on the kitchen counter away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Refrigerating mangoes
To prolong the freshness of mangoes for up to a week, refrigerate them. Follow these steps:
Wrap Individually: Wrap each mango in paper towels to absorb excess moisture and prevent bruising.
Store in the Crisper Drawer: Place the wrapped mangoes in the crisper drawer of your refrigerator. The controlled humidity in this drawer helps maintain their freshness.

Freezing mangoes
If you want to preserve mangoes for longer than a week, consider freezing them. Here’s how:
Prepare Mango Slices
Peel and slice the mangoes. Discard the pit.
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Flash Freeze
Arrange the mango slices in a single layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
Freeze for 1-2 hours until firm.
Store in Freezer Bags
Transfer the frozen mango slices into freezer-safe bags or airtight containers. Label with the date and store in the freezer for up to 6 months.
Using Lemon Juice
Coating mango slices or chunks with lemon juice before refrigerating or freezing helps prevent browning and preserves their vibrant color and flavor.
Making Mango Puree
For versatile use in smoothies, desserts, or sauces, consider making mango puree:
Peel and Puree
Peel and dice ripe mangoes. Blend until smooth in a food processor or blender.

Store mango puree in airtight containers or ice cube trays. Freeze for up to 6 months.
Preserving Mango Chutney
If you enjoy savory applications, mango chutney can be preserved for weeks:
Prepare Chutney
Cook mangoes with vinegar, sugar, spices, and onions until thickened.
Cool and Store
Allow the chutney to cool completely before storing it in sterilized jars. Seal tightly and refrigerate for up to 3 weeks or freeze for longer storage.
Checking for Ripeness
To check if a mango is ripe, gently press near the stem. A ripe mango will give slightly under pressure and have a sweet fragrance near the stem end.
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