01/6​​​How to deal with a jealous co-worker​

Managing workplace relationships can be difficult, particularly when dealing with a jealous co-worker. Workplace jealousy can create tension, lower productivity, and result in an uncomfortable atmosphere.

by TOI Lifestyle Desk

02/6​​Maintain professionalism and stay composed​

​​Maintain professionalism and stay composed​

The most important step is to stay professional. Refrain from engaging in gossip or retaliating against your jealous co-worker. Instead, concentrate on your tasks and let your work performance shine. By keeping a calm and composed demeanour, you can help defuse potential conflicts and set a positive example for others.


03/6​​Communicate clearly and honestly​

​​Communicate clearly and honestly​

Addressing the issue directly but tactfully can sometimes clear up misunderstandings and reduce tension. Consider having a private conversation with your co-worker. Share your observations without accusing or blaming them


04/6​​Show empathy and understanding​

​​Show empathy and understanding​

Jealousy often arises from insecurities or personal struggles. Try to see things from your co-worker's perspective and show empathy. Acknowledging their feelings can sometimes ease jealousy. Offer support and encouragement where appropriate, and recognize their contributions to the team. Fostering a supportive environment can help diminish feelings of rivalry.


05/6​​Establish boundaries​

​​Establish boundaries​

While empathy is important, it's also crucial to set boundaries. If your co-worker's jealousy leads to disruptive behavior, you need to address it firmly. Make it clear that while you value a positive working relationship, you won't tolerate actions that undermine your work or well-being. Establishing clear boundaries helps protect your professional space and ensures mutual respect.


06/6​​Seek management support​

​​Seek management support​

If the situation persists and starts to impact your work or mental health, seek support from your supervisor or HR department. Document specific instances of disruptive behaviour and present them factually and unemotionally. Management can offer mediation, provide guidance, or implement measures to ensure a respectful and productive work environment.
