This story is from October 15, 2023

"When Tulsidas looked eerily similar to the man I met on the bus"

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"When Tulsidas looked eerily similar to the man I met on the bus"
Varanasi: Hindu devotees perform 'Tarpan' rituals for their ancestors at the bank of River Ganga during the 'Pitru Paksha', in Varanasi. (PTI Photo)
In the bustling streets of Varanasi, where the scent of incense blends with the symphony of bells and chants, I found myself on a local bus. Navigating through the crowd, an elderly man with an enigmatic smile caught my attention.
"You look lost, my young friend. Where are you headed?" he asked.
"I'm actually looking for the Tulsidas Temple. It's my first time in Varanasi," I replied.
"Aah, a divine choice.I visit that temple every evening. Perhaps we could meet there?" he suggested.
Eager for guidance, I agreed. "That would be wonderful, thank you."
As evening fell, I made my way to the temple, captivated by its serenity. Inside, my eyes fell upon a statue of Tulsidas. The likeness struck me like a bolt of lightning—Tulsidas looked eerily similar to the man I met on the bus.
I waited, scanning every face that entered the temple. But the mysterious man never appeared. The temple priests noticed my anxious glances.

"Who are you waiting for?" one of them asked.
"A man who said he visits this temple daily. But, you see, he looked very much like Tulsidas in the statue," I explained, bewildered.
The priest chuckled, "You wouldn't be the first to say so. Legends whisper that Tulsidas himself still guides lost souls to find their way."
I left the temple, both puzzled and awed, questioning the line between the mystical and the mundane. Could it be that I met Tulsidas himself? In Varanasi, a place where the divine and earthly coalesce, anything seemed possible.
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End of Article
Soul Curry invites you to share your real life soul-stirring experiences. If you have any such story to share, do send it to us at [email protected] and we will publish it for you!