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  • Was your medical claim rejected?

Was your medical claim rejected?

Was your medical claim rejected?
One of every two complaints received by the Insurance Ombudsmen in 2022-23 was related to health insurance. And most of the complaints (93.5%) were about claim rejections by insurers. A dipstick survey conducted by ET Wealth last month showed that nearly 88% policyholders have faced problems in claim settlement. And 69% of the respondents claimed their grievances were not suitably resolved by the insurers.
On the other hand, health insurers tom-tom high claim settlement ratios of over 90%.While health insurers can sometimes be blamed for apathy and putting customers through unending hardship in clearing claims, many a times it’s the policyholder who is at fault. A lot of these issues can be avoided if the buyer asks the right questions and conducts some basic research at the time of buying health insurance. Find out why policyholders face problems in health insurance claim settlement and what you can do to address these.
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