
Notifications and Communications

Keep up to date with all the company's news with the help of built-in communication tools

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  • Chat

    To ensure collegial documents processing (copies of business processes), the platform offers a real-time chat. Chat groups are formed automatically with a group chat invitation to all parties processing a specific document/process. At the same time, system users are given the opportunity to form arbitrary groups and exchange messages directly both within any process and without being bound to it

  • News

    Platform offers News Section to ensure prompt communication to the company’s employees. Thus, the employees can learn about changes in the rules of processing documents and business processes within the company.

    Following news release, an email notification is sent to all users of the selected account upon setup. News items can be edited and deleted after they are created

  • Benachrichtigungen

    The Almexoft platform offers a module for informing users about events occurring in the system and changes in the state of business processes (documents). The list of notifications sent to the user is configured by the administrator or by the user of the system separately for different communication channels


Almexoft communication channels

By default, the system implements the following channels for sending/delivering notifications

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    using integration with the mail server via SMTP protocol

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    if there is integration with the GSM gateway via the SMPP protocol

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    iOS, Android, WEB-Push


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