
Customer reviews and cases

Successful cases of our clients are the best proof of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Almexoft platform

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Case “Detal Wagon Group” Corporation

How to implement a business process management system in a month and...

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ArcelorMittal company review

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Activitis company review

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SayGames company review

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Global Asia Management company review

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Accordbank company review

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Kazakhmys Corporation company review

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Sense Bank company review

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Case Techenergoservis 2014

How to optimize business processes and implement electronic document...

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MTI Group company review

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“FEC-KAZAKHSTAN” LLP company review

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Kazakhmys Insurance Company company review

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Techenergoservice 2014 company review

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Case Moneyveo

Automation of cross-functional business processes and own workflow and its...

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Radabank company review

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Moneyveo company review

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