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Training Officers

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Departmental Training Contact List

​This is a list of training contact information for each department within the State. If the information below is not accurate, please contact CalHR Sta​tewide Training​ with the updated information.​​

Department NameDepartment Training MailboxTraining Officer
Administrative Law, Office of (OAL)
[email protected]
Belinda Lindstrom​
African American Museum[email protected]Kinisha Crawford
Aging[email protected]Suzanne Cihler
Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB)[email protected]Michelle Seifried
Air Resources Board (ARB)[email protected]Lisa Morrical
Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC)[email protected]
Richard Seghieri
Alcoholic Beverage Control Appeals Board (ABC)[email protected]Julie Elizarraras
Alternative Energy & Advance Transp Fin Auth (CAEATFA)[email protected]David Harris
Arts Council, California (ARTS)  
Asian and Pacific Islander American Affairs, Commission on[email protected]Nkaujiab Yang
Audits, Bureau Of State (AUDITOR)[email protected]Lilah Zahra
Baldwin Hills Conservancy Board (BHC)[email protected]David McNeill
Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC)[email protected]Elizabeth Stevenson-White
Business, Consumer Services and Housing Agency (BCSH)[email protected]
Gladys Lopez; Anela Freeman
CA School for the Blind[email protected]Marcos Perez
California ABLE Act Board[email protected]David Harris
California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA)[email protected] Amanda Reed
California Department of Technology (CDT)[email protected]Karla Piacentini-Souza​
California Highway Patrol (CHP)[email protected]Ashley Williamson
California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM)  
California Judicial Center Library (CJCL)  
California State Assembly (ASSEMBLY)[email protected]Jacquelyn Delight
California State Senate (SENATE)  
California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA)  
California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB)[email protected]Rachel Olson
California Water Commission[email protected]Morgan Giles
CalSavers Retirement Board (CRSB)[email protected]
David Harris
Cannabis Control Appeals Panel (CCAP)[email protected]Anne Hawley
Cannabis Control, Department of[email protected]Melody McLean
CCHCS - Correctional Health Care Services, Division of[email protected]Ronna Cason
CDCR - Corrections and Rehabilitation
​​[email protected]
Jennifer Smith​
Central Valley Flood Protection Board (CVFlood)[email protected]Morgan Giles
Child Support Services[email protected]Monique Giorlando
Children & Families Commission[email protected]Corey Hudson
Citizens Redistricting Commission  
Civil Rights Council[email protected]
Ashley Heebner
Civil Rights Department[email protected]
Ashley Heebner
Coachella Valley Mountain Conservancy[email protected]Jim Karpiak
Coastal Commission, California[email protected]Melanie Wong
Coastal Conservancy[email protected]; [email protected]Johanna Collins; Gail Ignacio
Colorado River Board of California[email protected]Jessica Neuwerth
Commission on Aging[email protected]Suzanne Cihler
Community Care Facilities, Adv. Comm. On[email protected]Amiyr Kaashif
Community Colleges, California[email protected]Hanan Boyd
Community Services & Development[email protected]Ann Marie Sanchez
Conservation[email protected]Christina Cascio
Conservation Corps, California[email protected]Rachel Siska
Consumer Advisory CouncilN/AN/A
Controller, State[email protected]Ryan Burnett
DCA -  SOLID Training Manager[email protected]Lisa Bacon
DCA - Accountancy, California Board of[email protected]Alegra Keith
DCA - Acupuncture Board[email protected]Ben Bodea
DCA - Arbitration Certification Program[email protected]Jose Escobar
DCA - Architects Board, California[email protected]Drew Liston
DCA - Athletic Commission, State[email protected] Patrisha Blackstock 
DCA - Automotive Repair, Bureau of[email protected]Michelle Wolken
DCA - Barbering And Cosmetology, Board of[email protected]Shelby Edmiston
DCA - Behavioral Sciences, Board Of[email protected]Christina Kitamura
DCA - Bureau for Private Postsecondary Voc Ed[email protected]Danette Ebert
DCA - Business Operations[email protected]Laura Loyola
DCA - Cemetery & Funeral Bureau[email protected]Stephanie Garcia
DCA - Chiropractic Examiners, Board Of[email protected]Brianna Lauziere
DCA - Consumer Affairs[email protected]Lisa Bacon
DCA - Contractors' State License Board[email protected]Kristin Wood
DCA - Court Reporters Board Of CA[email protected]Paula Bruning
DCA - Customer Information Center[email protected]Avanti Blakney
DCA - Dental Board Of California[email protected]Paula Fernandez
DCA - Division of Investigation[email protected]Arletra Hutchinson
DCA - Equal Employment Office[email protected]Levi Hull
DCA - Executive Office[email protected]Shari Wilkie
DCA - Fiscal Office[email protected]Jagdeep Momi
DCA - Household Goods and Services, Bureau Of[email protected]Victoria Hernandez
DCA - Internal Audits[email protected]Dadang Prihadi
DCA - Landscape Architects Technical Committee[email protected]Nicholas Barnhart
DCA - Legal Affairs[email protected]Elizabeth Madden
DCA - Legislative Affairs[email protected]John Perry
DCA - Medical Board Of California[email protected]Jacoby Jorgensen
DCA - Naturopathic Medicine Committee[email protected]Rebecca Mitchell
DCA - Occupational Therapy, Board of[email protected]Jody Quesada
DCA - Office of Human Resources[email protected]Brittney Price
DCA - Office of Information Services[email protected]Ryan Booth
DCA - Office of Professional Examination Services[email protected]Jason Glasspiegel
DCA - Optometry, State Bd Of[email protected]Erica Bautista
DCA - Osteopathic Medical Board (OMBC)[email protected]Machiko Chong
DCA - Pharmacy, CA State Bd Of[email protected]Ann Altamirano
DCA - Physical Therapy Board[email protected]Kimberlie Rozakis
DCA - Physician Assistant Board[email protected]
Kristy Voong
DCA - Podiatric Medicine, CA Bd Of[email protected]Michelle Warrington
DCA - Professional Engineers & Land Surveyors, Bd Of[email protected]Angelina Vega
DCA - Professional Fiduciaries Bureau[email protected]Angela Cuadra
DCA - Psychology, Board Of[email protected]Sarah Proteau
DCA - Real Estate Appraisers, Office Of[email protected]Loretta Dillon
DCA - Registered Nurses, Bd Of[email protected]Laura Brann
DCA - Respiratory Care Board of CA[email protected]Paula Velasquez
DCA - Security & Investigative Services, Bureau Of[email protected]Daniel Saenz
DCA - SOLID, Training Liaison[email protected]David Bouilly
DCA - Speech-Language Pathology & Audiology Board[email protected]Cathy Cummings
DCA - Structural Pest Control Bd[email protected]Kristina Jackson-Duran
DCA - Veterinary Medical Board[email protected]Timothy Rodda
DCA - Vocational Nursing & Psychiatric Techs , Bd Of[email protected]Lisa Bacon
Debt & Investment Advisory Commission, California[email protected]David Harris
Debt Limit Allocation Committee, California[email protected]David Harris
Delta Conservancy, Sacramento-San Joaquin   
Delta Protection Commission[email protected]Morgan Matz
Delta Stewardship Council[email protected]Sara Hostetter; Sarah Keck
Developmental Disabilities, State Council On[email protected]Andrea Lynch
Developmental Services[email protected]Christopher Owens
DGS - General Services[email protected]Olivia Alcala
DIR - Industrial Relations[email protected]Elizabeth Rodriguez
District Agricultural Associations[email protected]Bianca Kulback
DSS - Social Security Administration (SSA)[email protected] 
DSS - Social Services[email protected]Sarah Medlicott
Earthquake Authority[email protected]Scott Atchison
Education Audit Appeals Panel  
Education Facilities Authority, California[email protected]
David Harris
Education, Department Of[email protected]Bo Tyler
CA School for the Deaf - Riverside[email protected]Eric Lopez
CA School for the Deaf - Fremont
[email protected]Toshia Charles-Ellington
​CDE Diagnostic Centers
​​[email protected]​​​Lynette Porter
Emergency Medical Services Authority (EMSA)[email protected]
Melinda Cargile
Emergency Services, Office of (OES)[email protected]N/A
Employment Development Department[email protected]Lana Fletcher
Employment Training Panel  
Energy Commission[email protected]
Reyna Reyes; Azeron Gonzalez; Jessica Wilbourn; Camille McAnarney​
Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, Office of (OEHHA)[email protected]Michelle Delisle
Environmental Protection Agency - Ofc of Secty Envirmtl Protect[email protected]Roxanne Williams-Bush
Equalization, Board Of[email protected]Amanda Reed​
Exposition And State Fair, California[email protected]Teresa Tillman
Exposition Park[email protected]Shelby Mitchell
Fair Political Practices Commission  
Finance (DOF)[email protected]Josh Stewart
Financial Information System, California (FISCAL)[email protected]N/A
Financial Protection and Innovation, Department of (DFPI)[email protected]Jeff Marshall
First Five California[email protected]Corey Hudson
Fish and Game Commission  
Fish And Wildlife[email protected]Marco M Valencia
Food And Agriculture[email protected]Teresa Swafford
Forestry and Fire Protection[email protected]Shannon Browne
Franchise Tax Board[email protected]
Paul Ogden
Gambling Control Commission, California (CGCC)[email protected]
Ala​na Carter
Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-Biz)[email protected]Michelle Dumpit
Governor's Office[email protected]Joanna Sledge
GovOps[email protected]Michael Miyao
Health & Human Services Agency  
Health & Human Services Agency (CDII)[email protected]Nicole Shields
Health Benefit Exchange, California[email protected]Pamela Curtis
Health Benefit Exchange, California[email protected]Richard Roberts
Health Care Access and Information, Department of (HCAI) Nathan Jackson
Health Care Services (DHCS)[email protected]Lindsay Lewellyn
Health Facilities Financing Authority (CHFFA)[email protected]David Harris
High Speed Rail Authority[email protected]Aeriel Hunter
Horse Racing Board[email protected]Sarah Hostetter
Housing & Community Development (HCD)[email protected]Tim Schmidt
Housing Finance Agency, California[email protected]Christina Vinson
Human Resources (CalHR)[email protected]John Sanborn
Independent Living Council, State  
Inspector General, Office of the[email protected]Valerie Knowles-Pratt
Insurance[email protected]David Williams
Judicial Council  
Justice (DOJ)[email protected]Sheri Loux
Justice (DOJ)[email protected]Ezac Reyes
Labor & Workforce Development Agency[email protected]Isaac Garcia-Long
Lands Commission, State[email protected]Anne Kerri
Law Revision Commission, California  
Legislative Analyst's Office[email protected]Sarah Barkman
Legislative Counsel Bureau[email protected]Andrew Bruch
Library, California State[email protected]Elena Alvarez
Lieutenant Governor's Office  
Little Hoover Commission (Org & Economy Comm.)  
Lottery, California State[email protected]Andrew Black
Managed Health Care, Department of (DMHC)[email protected]Candace Northern
Mental Health Services Oversight And Accountability Commission (MHSOAC) [email protected]
 Kelsey Wood
Military Department[email protected]Amber Jansen
Motor Vehicles (DMV)[email protected]Carolyn Horikawa
Native American Heritage Commission  
Natural Resources Agency[email protected]Joanna Stone
Office of Data and Innovation[email protected]
Tara Stevens
Office of Energy Infrastructure Safety[email protected]Pukar Deoja
Office of Systems Integration (OSI)[email protected]Kristina Desormier
Parks and Recreation  
Peace Officers Standards & Training, Comm. On[email protected]Salina Littleton
Pesticide Regulation (CDPR)[email protected]Matthew Kinghorn
Pilot Commissioners, S.F., S.P., & Sui. Bays[email protected]Allen Garfinkle
Planning And Research, Office of[email protected]Joanna Sledge
Pollution Control Financing Authority[email protected]David Harris
Prison Industry Authority[email protected]Shannon Pancho
Privacy Protection Agency, California (CPPA)[email protected]Rhonda Riley
Public Defender, State (OSPD)[email protected]Twanna Moore
Public Employees Retirement System (PERS)[email protected]Sally Klauss
Public Employment Relations Board[email protected]Geycel Colcol
Public Health (CDPH)[email protected]Shelley Weissensee
Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)[email protected]Wanda Smith​
Real Estate (DRE)[email protected]Devin Maple
Rehabilitation (DOR)[email protected]Maliheh Lotfalian-Rizk
Resources Recycling and Recovery, Department of (CalRecycle)[email protected]Jessica Byrd-Salas​​
San Diego River Conservancy[email protected]Julia Richards
San Francisco Bay Conservation & Development Commission[email protected]
Reylina Ruiz
San Gabriel & Lower LA Rivers & Mtns Conservancy[email protected]Salian Garcia
San Joaquin River Conservancy  
Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy[email protected]Rorie Skei
Scholarshare Investment Board (SIB)[email protected]David Harris
School Finance Authority, California[email protected]
David Harris
Science Center, California[email protected]Alfred Konuwa
Secretary of State, Office of[email protected]Brenna Phillips​
Sierra Nevada Conservancy[email protected]
Chelsea Froome​
State Compensation Insurance Fund (SCIF)[email protected]Josh Hinkle
State Hospitals, Department of (DSH)[email protected]Nell y Núñez-Springer; Renee Middleton
State Mandates, Commission On[email protected]Heidi Palchik
State Personnel Board (SPB)
[email protected]
John Sanborn
Status of Women and Girls, Commission On[email protected]Tifani Bartow
Strawberry Commission, California[email protected]

Student Aid Commission[email protected]Teresa Stroschein; Terry Anderson
Summer School For The Arts[email protected]Matthew Gallagher
Superior Court[email protected]Amy Cobleigh
Surgeon General, Office of (OSG)  
Tahoe Conservancy, California  
Tax Appeals, Office of[email protected]Sherilyn Bethoney​
Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC)[email protected]David Harris
Teacher Credentialing, Commission On (CTC)[email protected]Andrea Williams
Teachers Retirement System, State (STRS)[email protected][email protected]
Avonte Jackson; Jaquelline Villanueva
Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)[email protected]Alex Williams​
Traffic Safety, Office Of[email protected]Loi Nguyen
Transportation (DOT) [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]​​
[email protected]
Tracie Thompson
Transportation Commission[email protected]Brandy Fleming
Treasurer's Office, State[email protected]David Harris
Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (CUIAB)[email protected]Mirella Aguirre
Veterans Affairs[email protected]Vacant
Veterans' Home Of California[email protected]Jennifer Alvarez
Water Resources[email protected]
Jessica Tercero​
Water Resources Control Board
[email protected]
Jami Ferguson; Lara Kirkend​​all
Wildlife Conservation Board[email protected]Stephen Bouthillier
Workforce Investment Board[email protected]
Tina Casey ​​​

Last Updated: 6/20/2024

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