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IT Cybersecurity Non-Traditional Apprenticeship Program

​The IT Cybersecurity non-traditional apprenticeship program provides state employees at participating departments with the instruction, training and experience necessary to qualify for the Information Technology Specialist I classification exams. The program is up to two years in duration and is comprised of on-the-job training (OJT) along with college instruction. Apprentice’s OJT tasks can include configuring tools and technologies to detect, mitigate and prevent potential threats, maintaining and managing technology resources, and reviewing network data to identify suspicious activity.​
Participating Departments

These departments have already experienced the value of participating in this program:

  • California Health and Human Services Agency  
  • Department of General Services  
  • Department of Managed Health Care  
  • Department of Motor Vehicles  
  • Department of Rehabilitation  
  • Depar​tment of Technology  
  • Franchise Tax Board  
  • State Fund​
​Cohort Dates


Cohort 2 - ​​​March 202​3 - February​ 2025


Cohort 1 - ​September 2021​ - August 2023​

​​Contact Us

​For questions or more information email [email protected].​

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