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Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP)

The LEAP Process

The Limited Examination and Appointment Program (LEAP) is an optional pathway to state civil service for people with disabilities. LEAP is an alternative to the traditional testing process,​ which allows applicants with disabilities to demonstrate competency through on-the-job testing known as the Job Examination Period (JEP). People with Disabilities may pursue state employment through the standard, non-LEAP process , or the LEAP process.

LEAP Steps

  1. Create a CalCareers Account.​​​
  2. Get LEAP certified through the California Department of Rehabilitation.
  3. Take LEAP Examinations (also known as Minimum Qualifications Assessments/Readiness Evaluation) to obtain list eligibility.
  4. Apply for vacant positions.
  5. Participate in an interview process and demonstrate that you are the most qualified person for the job.
  6. If selected, complete the JEP.
  7. Upon successful completion of the JEP, you're hired!​

​​Contact Information

[email protected]

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