    Bill Gates

    Bill Gates

    Co-founder, Microsoft
    Birth DetailsOctober 28, 1955 | Seattle, United States
    EducationHarvard University (Drop out)
    Net Worth$106.4 billion (as of May 19, 2020)
    Bill Gates' Assets:
    • Microsoft
    • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Branded Entertainment Network
    • TerraPower
    • ResearchGate
    • Gates Ventures

    Bill Gates' Journey so far ...

    • Bill Gates first got to use a computer while attending Lakeside School in Seattle and was instantly hooked to it
    • While in school, he, along with some other students, created a software solution to computerise the school’s payroll system. A collaboration with fellow student Paul Allen resulted in a traffic- counting system -- Traf-O-Data -- which earned them $20,000
    • Gates enrolled into Harvard University in 1973 but dropped out in his junior year to follow his entrepreneurial calling, along with Allen
    • In 1975, the duo developed a software for the first microcomputer -- Altair 8800 -- and ‘Micro-Soft’ was formed with its office in Albuquerque, New Mexico
    • The company was officially renamed Microsoft the following year
    • Business grew, and now, their clients included start-ups such as ‘Apple’
    • They moved the company to Seattle in 1979 and it was there that Microsoft earned high praise
    • During that time, IBM was looking for an operating system (OS) for their personal computer -- IBM PC -- and Gates presented them the solution with MS-DOS
    • The PC released in 1981 and soon the market was exploding with several manufacturers doing a copy
    • Though built for IBM, Microsoft still had the rights to sell their software to other PC manufacturers and so they did
    • Most of the manufacturers adopted MS-DOS for their systems, and, in 1981, their sales more than doubled in comparison to the previous year
    • Windows 1.0 was launched in 1985 following the release of Apple’s Macintosh PC
    • Microsoft went public in 1986, making Gates one of the richest persons in the country
    • The following year, at the age of 31, he became the world’s youngest billionaire -- a title which he held on to until Mark Zuckerberg came into the picture
    • By the mid-90s, Windows had become the standard operating system for most of the PCs running on the planet and the riches continued to follow
    • Soon, they began rolling out other utility and enterprise software, and in 1995, Bill Gates became the richest person in the world
    • Gates stepped down as the CEO of Microsoft in 2000
    • The same year, he along with his wife, Melinda, established the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    • He left his daily job at Microsoft in 2008 while still retaining his position as chairman of the board
    • In 2010, the couple launched the Giving Pledge along with Warren Buffet to encourage the wealthiest people of the world to commit most of their wealth to philanthropic causes
    • In 2014, he relinquished his designation as chairman and assumed the role of technical advisor to support the newly- appointed CEO Satya Nadella
    • He finally resigned from the public boards of both Microsoft and Berkshire Hathaway in March 2020
    • Till date, he has donated around $35 billion worth of his Microsoft stocks to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
    • Currently, he holds around 1.3% shares of Microsoft and is one of the richest persons in the world

    Before you go ...
    • Bill was fond of the games Monopoly and Risk (a game with the objective to dominate the world) as a child
    • After deliberating for almost a year, Gates and wife Melinda announced their divorce through social media on May 3, 2021

    Last Updated: 22/07/2021

    Bill Gates News

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    DisclaimerThe content of this page has been aggregated from multiple websites. Some information can change over the passage of time.
    The Economic Times