

    Is it possible to make an artificial brain with AI? Breakthrough achieved, know in detail

    An artificial brain is a complete set of software and hardware with cognitive abilities similar to those of the animal or human brain. Neuroscientists across the world are trying to understand how the human brain works, known as cognitive neuroscience.

    Immune response triggered by COVID-19 infection can damage brain

    In a study published in Brain, researchers from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) examined brain changes in nine people who died suddenly after contracting the virus.

    Having sleepless nights? It can adversely impact the brain

    There are basically two types of sleep, each tied to specific brain waves and neuronal activity.

    Meet Sergio Canavero, the neurosurgeon who will carry out first human head transplant next year

    There were several attempts at head transplants since 1954 but all were unsuccessful.

    How nostalgia, while possibly involving sad regret for the past, can still work in therapeutic way

    Nostalgia is also an easily accessible therapy. It is a pleasant irony that this backward looking emotion has been so hugely enabled by the forward thrust of technology.

    The Economic Times