This story is from November 29, 2023

We can finally celebrate Diwali, say exhausted workers as they exit tunnel

41 workers trapped in Uttrakashi's Silkyara tunnel were finally rescued after a 17-day ordeal. Vijay Horo from Gumad village, Lartha district, Jharkhand was the first to be brought out, expressing relief. Satya Dev from Shravasti district, Uttar Pradesh, shared the challenge of claustrophobic conditions but credited staying in touch with the outside world for keeping him going. Family members rejoiced as their loved ones emerged from the tunnel, with Chaudhary Lal expressing gratitude for his son's safe return. Rajni Tudu from Bihar eagerly awaited her husband's return, promising to cook his favorite meal.
We can finally celebrate Diwali, say exhausted workers as they exit tunnel
DEHRADUN: The 17-day long nightmare for 41 workers, who were trapped within the confines of Uttrakashi's Silkyara tunnel, ended with a wave of joy and relief on Tuesday night after the stranded men were pulled out through an escape pipe following multiple obstacles and delays over the past days. Vijay Horo from Gumad village in Lartha district of Jharkhand, who was the first to be brought out from the tunnel, smiled for the waiting cameras and said, "It's a big relief.I am very happy."
Sharing his ordeal with TOI, Satya Dev, one of the trapped men from Shravasti district in Uttar Pradesh who was on his way to Chinyalisaur community health centre for a checkup with his brother, said, "Spending days and nights in claustrophobic conditions was extremely challenging. I have never experienced something like this before, the fear and anxiety of being stuck inside a collapsed tunnel, but being in constant touch with the outside world kept me going."
Desperate family members and colleagues, who have been camping near the site despite the notable drop in the temperature, burst into tears of joy after seeing their loved ones emerge from the tunnel's entrance. "The day has finally come to celebrate Diwali," said Chaudhary Lal whose 22-year-old son Manjeet was among the first lot of people who were evacuated.
He added, "Earlier, I was very sceptical about the outcome of the rescue mission. My elder son was electrocuted while working on a high-rise building in Mumbai over a year ago and I couldn't bear the thought of losing my only child in similar circumstances. But I am glad it's all over now and I can finally reunite with him. I am thankful to the almighty for giving my son back." On being asked if he would let Manjeet come back to work at the site, Chaudhary said, "Ultimately, it's his choice but I will definitely counsel him to find a safer job in his hometown."
Rajni Tudu, 30, from Bihar, whose husband Virender Kisku, 40, was one of the trapped workers, told TOI , "Once we go back home, I will cook his favourite meal. My children are desperately waiting for their father's return."
Anshul Rawat, a local, said, "People's hope was slowly withering. Family members were waiting with bated breath to hear that their loved ones are alive. After success rescue, there was a wave of celebrations.."
About the Author
Shivani Azad

Shivani Azad is a TOI journalist who covers Environment, Wildlife, Medical and Social subjects.

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