This story is from July 5, 2022

Karnataka: Covid did not aggravate school dropout rate, says report

Despite concerns about the pandemic aggravating school dropout rate due to the closure of schools, irregular online classes, and loss of livelihood of low-income families, it has been found that the numbers are similar to academic year 2019-20According to a report by District Information
Karnataka: Covid did not aggravate school dropout rate, says report
MYSURU: Despite concerns about the pandemic aggravating school dropout rate due to the closure of schools, irregular online classes, and loss of livelihood of low-income families, it has been found that the numbers are similar to academic year 2019-20
According to a report by District Information System for Education (DISE+), the overall dropout rate of Karnataka for Classes 1 to 10 was 16.7% in the year 2020-21.It was 16.8% the previous academic year.
In the year 2020-21, 18.4% boys dropped out in secondary school (Classes 9 and 10) level. This number was 19.4% in the previous year. However, during this period, the dropout rate of girls studying in these two classes increased from 14.1% to 14.9%. Interestingly, in all levels — primary, upper primary, and secondary — more boys dropped out compared to girls.
The report also pointed out that only 6% of government schools had internet facilities in the first year of Covid-19 which affected digital education intervention for the students. However, in this period, 37.4% of government-aided private schools and 67.18% of private unaided schools had internet facilities.
The report also found that 87.2% of government schools in neighbouring Kerala had internet facilities this year.
Meanwhile, activists say with full-fledged classes resuming only this year, a clear picture may emerge only in this year’s report. “There was a lot of confusion during the pandemic. At ground level, we are coming across many kinds of challenges with regard to the drop outs this year,” said Nagasimha G Rao, director, Child Rights Trust.
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