This story is from September 15, 2023

You dont need to know the language to enjoy the music: Praveen Alva

The members of Alva Kuuto pride in the fact that they are the first Tulu Indie band from Mangaluru
You dont need to know the language to enjoy the music: Praveen Alva
Bands performing in English and Hindi are a common sight, but have you ever come across a band that performs only in Tulu? Meet Alva Kuuto, an eclectic folk band that thrives on promoting Tulu culture through songs in rock, pop, hip hop and folk. The band derives its name from the combination of the band’s frontman, Praveen Alva’s surname and the word Kuuto, which means a collective or group in Tulu.Praveen, who formed the band after 6 years of being a solo artiste, explains:
‘A rich culture that remains untapped’
Tulu music remains in its nascent stage and has been largely limited to Tulu film music and devotional songs. But we have such a rich folk culture and that remains majorly untapped. That’s when I decided to take it forward by exploring this aspect of Tulu music.
Praveen Alva (4)

‘I weave stories of the land into my own compositions’
Praveen dug into his childhood memories and everyday experiences when he began singing. “The images that conjure in my mind are of me sitting on my ajji’s (grandmother) lap. There are many such stories of the land that I weave into my compositions. There’s more to life beyond love and existentialism. I’m trying to bring that with our music,” Praveen points out.
‘Many non Kannadigas are our audience’

When Rakshit Shetty made Ulidavaru Kandante, he inspired an entire generation of us who wanted the rest of the world to get a glimpse of our culture. Later, with Kantara, many non Kannadigas became curious of what our land had to offer. Honestly, most of our audience today are non Kannadigas.

My fellow band Anshuman Upadhyay, Abhilash Shet and Siddharth Pradeep don’t hail from the region but they are so connected to Tulu. It shows how music binds us all.

Praveen Alva

People no longer go by the meaning of the lyrics; they fathom the sentiment or thought behind the music and the body responds accordingly

Praveen Alva

People are even singing hit songs like Apna Time Aayega in Tulu. When we have enough inspiration from our own roots, why not make use of it?

Praveen Alva

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