
Si BiS

The SI BIS company has been operating in the Ukrainian market since 2003 and during this time has implemented more than 400 complex projects in cooperation with the world’s leading IT equipment manufacturers and corporate software developers.



Migration to 𝗠icrosoft 𝗔Azure, 𝗔АВС, and other cloud partners, creation of individual cloud road maps, as well as the organization of migration of infrastructures and services to the cloud


Creation and deployment of IT infrastructure in cloud providers and rapid migration of services with the Nutanix solution


Designing campus networks and remote configuration of network equipment


The organization of active monitoring, informing, and analytics of infrastructure performance and cyber threats


Deployment of hardware and software complexes to ensure enterprise cyber security


Reorganization of the enterprise network for the use of decentralized cloud-only tools for the interaction of subjects


Modernization, modernization, and creation of intelligent WiFi networks


Remote support of document management systems and automation of financial, economic, and personnel managemen


A creation of main and backup data centers, including container data centers


Remote administration services and maintenance of IT infrastructure

сompany experience

The SI BIS company has many years of experience in cooperation with commercial companies and state organizations and implementing complex integration projects for them.

The company is included in the register of manufacturers of goods, works, and services for defense purposes, has in its structure a regime-secret department of the 2nd category (completely secret), and has many years of experience in implementing integration projects for state institutions and defense structures. Adhering to high-quality approaches to project implementation and commitment to high standards of service provision, the company is certified for compliance with international ISO 9001 standards.

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