

Preparing food is easy when every second is under control.

AnyTimer - Hacknicity


AnyTimer is an easy-to-use kitchen timer for iPad, iPhone and iPod touch. The app was created for the any.pasta restaurants in Saint Petersburg, Russia, but is suitable for anyone who needs timers.

Features include:

  • Simple user interface.
  • 12 independent timers on iPad; 6 or 8 for iPhone depending on screen size.
  • Choose from up to 14 favourite items (11 - 14 on iPhone depending on screen size).
  • Alarm when a timer reaches 0:00.
  • Continuous alarm if a timer reaches -0:15.
Cooking Timers

If you are in Saint Petersburg, visit any.pasta for a great meal in pleaseant surroundings.

I hope you find AnyTimer useful. If you have any questions or comments please use the support mail address in the Contact section of this web page, or send me mail directly from the Settings->Send me Feedback section in the app.

User Guide

The User Guide provides a reference for AnyTimer.

Version History

The Version History page provides a version history for AnyTimer.