Easy Price Compare

Easy Price Compare

Get the best value for your money with Easy Price Compare.

Easy Price Compare - Hacknicity


Easy Price Compare saves you money by comparing the prices of different package sizes to determine which is better value. Buying in bulk is not always best!

Price comparison
  • Simple user interface, optimised for quick data entry.
  • Instantly see which item is better value and how much you save.
  • Store often-used item details for future comparisons.
  • Compare items by number, mass, volume, length or area.
  • Many built-in units of measurement (metric and imperial), suitable for both US and non-US shoppers.
  • Quickly calculate the total price of 3-for-2 and 4-for-3 deals.
  • Streamline the app to your needs by re-ordering the measurement unit choices and hiding units you will never use.

I hope you find Easy Price Compare useful. If you have any questions or comments please use the support mail address in the Contact section of this web page, or send me mail directly from the Settings->Send me Feedback section in the app.


The Tutorial demonstrates the main features of Easy Price Compare.

User Guide

The User Guide provides a reference for Easy Price Compare.

Hints and Tips

The Hints and Tips page provides hints on how to get the most out of Easy Price Compare.

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy page describes the privacy policy for Easy Price Compare.

Version History

The Version History page provides a version history for Easy Price Compare.